
Prof. Dr. Claudius Steinhardt


150 hours; Contact hours: 36h; Self-study: 114 hours



Module no. (Course no.):

3759 (37591 + 37592)


  • Introduction to Business Analytics
  • Data Preprocessing & Exploratory Analytics
  • Methods of Classification
  • Clustering & Association Rules

Learning outcomes

  • Students will have a broad overview of the different aspects of the field and be theoretically competent in dealing with the challenges of business analytics 
  • Students will have basic theoretical knowledge of different particular methods of data mining for business analytics, being able to analyze their potential and their individual strengths/weaknesses depending on the given task 
  • Based on the theory, students will be enabled to systematically and adequately apply state-of-the-art software to solve business analytics tasks 

Proof of performance:

Written examination 


  • Larose, D., Larose, C.: "Discovering Knowledge in Data: An Introduction to Data Mining", Wiley (current edition).
  • Larose, D., Larose, C.: "Data Mining And Predictive Analytics", Wiley (current edition).
  • Shmueli, G., Bruce, P., Patel, N.: "Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in XLMiner", Wiley (current edition).