International Workshop & Nordic mini-seminar: Structural lightweight aggregate concrete

20. 02. 2019 | 09.00 Uhr - 17.00 Uhr

The participants of ongoing Norwegian research projects, Durable Advanced Concrete Structures (DaCS), have the pleasure of inviting you to a Nordic mini-seminar with the topic Structural lightweight aggregate concrete in Trondheim, Norway, which is to be hosted by NTNU. One of the ongoing activities related to the aforementioned research project is the PhD project entitled “Ductility of lightweight aggregate concrete structures” carried out by Jelena Zivkovic.
The seminar will consist of international invited speakers to present keynote lectures within their respective topics. In addition, the seminar contributes to a state of the art on the topic and provide exchange of information and further development among the participants



Jelena Zivkovic
+47 735 94 681

Infos & Anmeldung

NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Engineering Department of Structural Engineering
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Department of structural engineering, Richard Birkelands veg 1A, Trondheim. Meeting room 308-1-132 (Undervisningslab).
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