Workshop on Eye-Gaze for Security Applications


Eye tracking has developed in the past years from being a technology that can be used only in labs and controlled settings, to a pervasive technology that is gradually weaving into our everyday lives. Advances in visual computing as well as in sensors and processing power of ubiquitous devices allow accurate gaze estimation and a myriad of applications for desktop settings, mobile devices, public displays, head-mounted displays, wearables and other ubicomp technologies. These advancements pave the way for eye tracking to deliver its promises on off-the-shelf devices. At the same time, eye movements are subtle and have been deemed attractive for security and privacy protection applications. 

The aim of EyeSec 2020 is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, discuss the most important challenges and opportunities of using eye gaze for security, and to identify directions for future research. The hands-on workshop will consist of both paper presentations and interactive sessions with work on specific practical materials that will support the participants in identifying challenges and opportunities of eye tracking in the context of security applications.
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