Claudio Selcan M.Sc.
- Betreuung des Stoßwellenkanals HELM
- Betreuung des Doppelmembrankammer-Stoßrohres
- Betreuung des Apparativen Praktikums Thermodynamik (Stoßrohr-Versuche WT-2018)
- Betreuung der Vorlesung Aerothermodynamik (WT-2018)
Studentische Arbeiten
- Betreuung von Studien-, Bachelor-, Projekt-, Masterarbeiten
- Siehe auch aktuelle Ankündigungen
Am Stoßwellenkanal HELM sind fortwährend Studentische Arbeiten, überwiegend experimenteller und konstruktiver Natur zu vergeben. Auch ohne explizite Ausschreibung sind Interessenten jederzeit dazu eingeladen, selbst die Initiative zu ergreifen und uns auf mögliche Themenstellungen anzusprechen sowie sich ein Bild der Anlagen zu machen.
Aktuelle Themenfelder beinhalten:
- Hochgeschwindigkeits- / Hochenthalpie-Strömungen
- Aerothermodynamik / Hochtemperatur-Gasdynamik
- Mechanische, konstruktive Arbeiten an Impulsanlagen
- Laser-Messtechnik für Kurzzeit-Versuche
- Numerische Simulation von Stoßrohr- und Düsenströmungen (NSMB)
Externe Studenten
Nach Absprache können Arbeiten auch an Studenten anderer Universitäten und Hochschulen als der UniBW vergeben werden (z.B. TU München) - Sie sind jederzeit dazu eingeladen, uns daraufhin anzusprechen und Ihr Interesse zu bekunden.
Gleiches gilt für Interessenten an einer Stelle als studentische Hilfskraft (Hiwi) im Anlagenbetrieb bzw. für experimentelle Untersuchungen.
International Students
Within the scope of our research environment - with a focus on experimental test facilities and optical measurement techniques -, international students are always welcome to conduct their project- or graduation thesis in our laboratory. Active participation in a variety of guided research projects is provided.
Active topics include:
- Hypervelocity / High-enthalpy flow
- Aerothermodynamics / Atmospheric entry
- Optical measurement techniques for High-temperature chemistry
- Mechanical design work
- Shock-tube and nozzle-flow simulation (NSMB)
To find a suitable subject, prospective students interested in research towards shock tube facilities and hypersonic propulsion studies are further encouraged to contact:
Prof. Christian Mundt (General information)
Dr. Tobias Sander (Optical measurement techniques)
Dr. Jürgen Müller (Conservative measurement techniques)
- Selcan, C.; Sander, T.; Mundt, Ch. Nozzle Reservoir Thermometry by LIGS in the HELM Free Piston Reflected Shock Tunnel, 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW), July 14-19, 2019, NUS Singapore, Singapore
- Mundt, Ch.; Selcan, C.; Sander, T. Investigations in the Piston-Driven Shock Tunnel HELM, 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves (ISSW), July 14-19, 2019, NUS Singapore, Singapore
- Selcan, C.; Sander, T.; Thele, M.; Mundt, Ch. Research Status and Recent Results in the HELM Shock-Tunnel, 12th International Workshop on Shock Tube Technology (IWSTT), April 12-13, 2018, JAXA Kakuda, Japan
- Selcan, C.; Sander, T.; Koroll, F.; Mundt, Ch. Stagnation Temperature Measurements in a Shock-Tunnel Facility using Laser-Induced Grating Spectroscopy, AIAA-2017-0444, 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, 2017, Grapevine, USA
- Selcan, C.; Altenhöfer, P.; Sander, T.; Mundt, Ch. Recent Progress towards High-Temperature Gasdynamics in the Free-Piston Shock Tunnel HELM, 11th International Workshop on Shock Tube Technology (IWSTT), June 29 - July 1, 2016, DLR Göttingen, Germany
- Selcan, C.; Cukurel, B.; Shashank, J. Heat Transfer Implications of Acoustic Resonances in HP Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Channels, GT2015-43142, ASME Turbo Expo, 2015, Montréal, Canada
- Cukurel, B.; Selcan, C.; Shashank, J. Development of an Experimental Facility towards Sound Excitation Effects on Forced Convection Heat Transfer, 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis (ESDA), 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Cukurel, B.; Selcan, C.; Arts, T. Film Cooling Extraction Effects on the Aero-Thermal Characteristics of Rib-Roughended Cooling Channel Flow, GT2012-68680, ASME Turbo Expo, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Cukurel, B.; Arts, T.; Selcan, C. Conjugate Heat Transfer Investigations in a Rib-Roughened Cooling Channel, International Symposium on Experimental and Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows (ISAIF), 2012, Brussels, Belgium
- Selcan, C.; Sander, T.; Altenhöfer, P.; Koroll, F.; Mundt, Ch. Stagnation Temperature Measurements in a Shock-Tunnel Facility using Laser-Induced Grating Spectroscopy, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 32, 1, 226-236, 2018
Published online: August 25, 2017 - Selcan, C.; Cukurel, B.; Shashank, J. Experimental Facility Development toward Sound Excitation Effects on Forced Convection Heat Transfer, AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 30, 2, 2016
- Selcan, C.; Cukurel, B.; Shashank, J. Heat Transfer Implications of Acoustic Resonances in Turbine Blade Internal Cooling Channels, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 138, 5, 2016
- Selcan, C.; Cukurel, B.; Shashank, J. Acoustic Resonance Excitation of Turbulent Heat Transfer and Flow Reattachment Downstream Of a Fence, Heat and Mass Transfer, 1-13, 2015
- Cukurel, B.; Selcan, C.; Stratmann, M. Convective Heat Transfer Investigation of Acoustically Excited Flow over an Isolated Rib Obstacle, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 91, 848-860, 2015
- Cukurel, B.; Selcan, C.; Arts, T. Film Cooling Extraction Effects on the Aero-Thermal Characteristics of Rib Roughened Cooling Channel Flow, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 135, 2, 2013
- Cukurel, B.; Selcan, C.; Arts, T. Color Theory Perception of Steady Wide Band Liquid Crystal Thermometry, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 39, 112-122, 2012
- Cukurel, B.; Arts, T. Selcan,C. Conjugate Heat Transfer Characterization in Cooling Channels, Journal of Thermal Science, 21, 3, 286-294, 2012