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Dr. -Ing. Ivo Baselt (BAU)
- Ivo Baselt, Adis Skejic, Budo Zindovic and Jens Bender: Geologically-Driven Migration of Landmines and Explosive Remnants of War—A Feature Focusing on the Western Balkans
- Baselt, Ivo, Heinze, Thomas: Rain, Snow and Frozen Soil: Open Questions from a Porescale Perspective with Implications for Geohazards
Prof. Dr. Gertrud Buchenrieder (SOWI)
- Kimengsi, J.N., Grabek, J., Giessen, L., Balgah, R.A., and G. Buchenrieder: Forest management institutions and actor-centered conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa: Contemporary realities and future avenues for research and policy. Forest Policy and Economics (Special Issue: The Governance of Forests, Forest Products and Markets)
- Maduekwe, E., and G. Buchenrieder: Human recognition impact on land access and child nutrition for Women in Malawi. Review of Development Economics:
- Buchenrieder, G., und D. Struwe: Subjective expected utility Considerations in the individual decision for or against becoming a terrorist
- Buchenrieder, G., Brandl, J., and A.R. Balgah: The perception of flood risks—A case study of Babessi in rural Cameroon
- Benjamin, O.E., Ola, O., Lang, H., and G. Buchenrieder: The Nigerian Growth Enhancement Scheme and e-voucher based input subsidization program: impact on agricultural extension services, farm revenues and fertilizer adoption
- Dufhues, T. Möllers, J., Traikova, D., Buchenrieder, G., and D. Runschke: Why villagers stay put – A structural equation model on staying intentions
- Balgah, A.R., Nji, T.M., Buchenrieder, G., and E.Y. Vubo: Determinants for drought management strategies among Cameroonian households
- Dufhues, T., Buchenrieder, G., and Z. Sun: Exploring policy options in regulating rural-urban migration with a Bayesian network—A case study in Kazakhstan
- Maduekwe, E., Timo de Vries, W., and G. Buchenrieder: Measuring human recognition for women in Malawi using the Alkire Foster method of multidimensional poverty counting
- Buchenrieder, G., Dufhues, T., Möllers, J., Runschke, D., and G. Sagyndykova: Return to the countryside: The return intentions of highly educated young people in the Akmola province of northern Kazakhstan
- Buchenrieder, G., Gnilachi Nguefo, J., and E. Benjamin: Poverty alleviation through microcredit in Sub-Saharan Africa revisited: new evidence from a Cameroonian village bank, the Mutuelle Communautaire de Croissance
- Traikova, D. Manolava, T., Möllers, J., and G. Buchenrieder: Corruption perceptions and entrepreneurial intentions in a transition economy
- Buchenrieder, G., Mack, Ch., and R.A. Balgah: Human security and relocation of internally displaced. Environmental refugees in Cameroon
- Buchenrieder, G., Dufhues, T., Theesfeld, I., and N. Munkung: Participatory rural governance and cultural practices in Thailand
- Theesfeld, I., Dufhues, T., and G. Buchenrieder: The effects of rules on local political decision-making processes: How can rules facilitate participation?
- Hoang Dinh, Quoc, Dufhues, T., and G. Buchenrieder: Individual social capital and access to public services in Northern Vietnam
- Dufhues, T., Theesfeld, I., and G. Buchenrieder: The political economy of decentralization in Thailand: Does decentralization allow for peasant participation within the contradictory contexts of center-local relationships?
Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ingo Ehrlich (assoziiert)
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Ertl (HUM)
Carl Philipp Friedinger M. Sc. (BAU)
- Friedinger, C., Sander, P. Becker, S. Villinger, T.: Analyse und Gegenüberstellung der Vortriebsdauern von Einheitspreisvertrag und Allianzvertrag beim Druckwasserstollen des Projektes Gemeinschaftskraftwerk Inn
- Friedinger, C., Becker, S.: Early Contractor Involvement für öffentliche Auftraggeber – Chancen für eine effizientere Projektabwicklung
Matthias Haslbeck M. Sc. (BAU)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr. mont. Eva-Maria Kern MBA (WOW)
Prof. Dr. Lando Kirchmair (SOWI)
- András Jakab, Lando Kirchmair: How to Develop the EU Justice Scoreboard into a Rule of Law Index: Using an Existing Tool in the EU Rule of Law Crisis in a More Efficient Way
- Shifting the Focus from an International Towards a more Regional Cultural Heritage Protection in the Middle East and North Africa
- Kristin Y. Albrecht et al.: Die Krise des demokratischen Rechtsstaats im 21. Jahrhundert. Oder wie sich die Geschichte gegen ihr Ende wehrt
- Demokratische Legitimität, die EU-Rechtsstaatlichkeitskrise und Vorüberlegungen zu einer transnationalen Gewaltenglied
- Objections To Coercive Neurocorrectives for Criminal Offenders – Why Offenders’ Human Rights Should Fundamentally Come First
- Das „Geburtshaus Hitlers“ – eine unendliche Geschichte? – Eine verfassungsrechtliche Analyse der Legalenteignung im öffentlichen Interesse und noch bevorstehende Aufgaben’
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause (BAU)
- Steffen Krause, Elena Joel, Christian Schaum et.al: Water safety planning for healthcare facilities for extreme events
- Krause, Steffen et al.: Handlungsempfehlungen zum Umgang mit Wasserressourcen auf alpinen Schutzhütten
- Fernando Solano et al.: An Internet-of-Things Enabled Smart System for Wastewater Monitoring
Marco Öttl M. Eng. (assoziiertes Mitglied)
Friederike Richter M.A. (SOWI)
- Morel, Camille, Richter, Friederike: Defence cooperation in the 21st century
- Richter, Friederike, Foucault, Martial: French foreign policy: Make France great again?
- Droff, Josselin et al.: Le monde militaire face au Covid-19
- The last defender of multilateralism? The EU’s position in the 21st century
- Morel, Camille, Richter, Friederike: Légitime ou efficace : le dilemme de toute coopération de défense au XXIe siècle ?
- Les budgets de défense en France : une difficulté chronique du respect des lois de programmation militaire ?
Prof. Dr. Timothy Williams (SOWI)
- Remembering and silencing complexity in post-genocide memorialisation: Cambodia’s Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
- The Complexity of Evil Perpetration and Genocide
- Ulrike Krause, Timothy Wiliams: Flexible Ethikgremien. Impulse für die Institutionalisierung ethisch verantwortlicher Feldforschung in der Konflikt- und Fluchtforschung
- Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Timothy Williams: A 5* destination. The Creation of New Transnational Moral Spaces of Remembrance on TripAdvisor
- Ideological and Behavioural Radicalisation into Terrorism – an Alternative Sequencing
- Konkurrierende Erinnerungspolitiken in Gedenkstätten. ‚Mnemonische Rollenzuschreibungen’’und Ellipsen im Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
- Agency, responsibility, and culpability – the complexity of roles and self-representations of perpetrators