Scheuerer, Julia/Mueller, Elisabeth/Thaler, Julia (2024): The dark side of digital external networking: A job demands–resources perspective, European Management Journal,
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2024): Personality traits and public service motivation as psychological antecedents of managerial networking, Public Management Review, Vol. 26, No. 10, S. 2701-2727,
Scheuer, Luca Joachim/Thaler, Julia (2024): Strategic communication in organizational change: Exploring the impact of two-sided messages on legitimacy judgments and commitment to change, in: European Management Journal,
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2024): Managerial networking: a systematic literature review and research agenda, in: International Public Management Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, S. 422-452,
Parola, Giulia/ Thaler, Julia/Solivo, Matteo (2023): Methaphors in career development: Using ZMET to explore how an employment initiative changes NEETs' mental models, in: Journal of Career Assessment, Vol.32, No. 1, S. 154-181,
Scheuer, Luca Joachim/Thaler, Julia (2023): HOW do dynamic capabilities affect performance? A systematic review of mediators, in: European Management Journal, Vol. 41, No. 6, S. 914–931,
Parola, Giulia/Spiess-Knafl, Wolfgang/Thaler, Julia (2022): The butterfly effect: How academics and practitioners’ micro-practices shape turning points in response to paradox, in: Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 21, No. 3, S. 369–393,
Pinz, Alexander/Friedrich-Schieback, Marina/Thaler, Julia (2020): Does ownership influence the relationship between staff turnover and performance? An empirical investigation in non-profit and for-profit microfinance organisations, in: Accounting, Finance and Governance Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, S. 19–36,
Englert, Benedikt/Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2020): Fit themes in volunteering: How do volunteers perceive person-environment fit? in: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 49, No. 2, S. 336–356,
Winter, Vera/Thaler, Julia/Gross, Hellen (2019): Absentismus und Präsentismus im öffentlichen Sektor: Zusammenhang und Beweggründe der Beschäftigten, in: Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen, Vol. 42, No. 1-2, S. 138–154.
Spraul, Katharina/Thaler, Julia (2019): Partnering for good? An analysis of how to achieve sustainability-related outcomes in public–private partnerships, in: Business Research,
Gross, Hellen/Thaler, Julia/Winter, Vera (2018): Integrating public service motivation in the job-demands-resources model: An empirical analysis to explain employees’ performance, absenteeism and presenteeism, in: International Public Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, S.176–206.
Wallmeier, Franziska/Thaler, Julia (2018): Mayors’ leadership roles in direct participation processes – the case of community-owned wind farms, International Journal of Public Sector Management, Vol. 31, No. 5, 617-637.
Pinz, Alexander/Roudyani, Nahid/Thaler, Julia (2018): Public-private partnerships as instruments to achieve sustainability-related objectives: The state of the art and a research agenda, Public Management Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1-22.
Thaler, Julia/Spraul, Katharina/Helmig, Bernd/Franzke, Hannah (2017): Satisfaction with and success of employee training from a public service motivation perspective, in: International Journal of Public Administration, Vol. 40, No. 1, 1-11.
Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2016): Do codes of conduct and ethical leadership influence public employees’ attitudes and behaviours? An experimental analysis, in: Public Management Review, Vol. 18, No. 9, S. 1365–1399.
Winter, Vera/Thaler, Julia (2016): Does motivation matter for employer choices? A discrete-choice analysis of medical students' decisions among public, nonprofit and for-profit hospitals, in: Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Vol. 45, No. 4, 762-786.
Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2013): Promoting good behaviour: Does social and temporal framing make a difference?, in: Voluntas – International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol. 24, No. 4, S. 1006–1036.
Thaler, Julia/Spraul, Katharina/Helmig, Bernd (2013): Aufgabenkritik freiwilliger kommunaler Aufgaben: Zur Entstehung von Akzeptanz für öffentlich-private Partnerschaften, in: Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (ZögU), Beiheft 42 „Akzeptanz öffentlichen Ausgabeverhaltens“, S. 112–124.
Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2013): Theoretical framework of social marketing effectiveness – Drawing the big picture on its functioning, in: Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 3, S. 211–236.
Helmig, Bernd/Thaler, Julia (2010): On the effectiveness of social marketing – What do we really know?, in: Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing, Vol. 22, No. 4, S. 264–287.
Thaler, Julia (2012): Verhaltensbeeinflussung durch Sozialmarketing. Eine Analyse der Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, Dissertation, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
Müller, Elisabeth/Thaler, Julia/Beimborn, Daniel (2024). Digitale Mindsets in der digitalen Arbeitswelt am Beispiel von Führungskräften in öffentlichen Verwaltungen, in Busch, Dominik (Hrsg.): Individuen in digitalen Arbeitswelten. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 13-35.
Englert, Benedikt/Thaler, Julia (2023). Führung von Freiwilligen: Empfehlungen für eine als passend wahrgenommene Führung, in: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, No. 6, S. 324–329.
Kaiser, Stephan/Müller, Elisabeth/Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2023). Digitale Mindsets und Netzwerke, in: Kaiser, Stephan/Ertl, Bernhard (Hrsg.): Digitale Mindsets. Chancen und Herausforderungen für Individuum und Organisation. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 99–117.
Englert, Benedikt/Thaler, Julia/ Helmig, Bernd (2020). Bindung von Freiwilligen: Zur Rolle der Person-Umwelt-Passung, in: Personal Quarterly, Vol. 72, No. 1, S. 11–15.
Hinz, Vera/Thaler, Julia (2014): Öffentliche Krankenhäuser als Arbeitgeber – Wahrnehmung, Attraktivität und Bedeutung der Public Service Motivation, in: Knoke, Martin/Merk, Joachim/Schneider-Pföhler, Mirjam/ Spraul, Katharina (Hrsg.): Das Publicness-Puzzle: Öffentliche Aufgabenerfüllung zwischen Staat und Markt, Jacobs Verlag, Lage, S. 77–94.
Helmig, Bernd/Thaler, Julia (2010): Nonprofit marketing, in: Taylor, Rupert (Hrsg.): Third sector research, Springer, New York, S. 151–170.
Helmig, Bernd/Michalski, Silke/Thaler, Julia (2009): Besonderheiten und Managementimplikationen der Kundenintegration in Nonprofit-Organisationen, in: Bruhn, Manfred/Stauss, Bernd (Hrsg.): Forum Dienstleistungsmanagement, Gabler, Wiesbaden, S. 471–492.
Wolber, Lena/Englert, Benedikt/Thaler, Julia (2024): Misfit in volunteering: How do volunteers perceive and deal with misfit?, 16th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Antwerpen, Belgien.
Mueller, Elisabeth/Thaler, Julia (2024): Individual well-being in the “digitalized” public sector – a job demands-resources perspective, 4oth European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Mailand, Italien.
Thaler, Julia/Mueller, Elisabeth/Beimborn, Daniel (2024): Investigating public sector employees’ digital mindsets for digital and agile transformation, 28th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Tampere, Finnland.
Thaler, Julia/Sievert, Martin/Pinz, Alexander (2023): Experimental evidence about individual judgments of organizational legitimacy, 83rd Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
Scheuerer, Julia/Mueller, Elisabeth/Thaler, Julia (2023): The dark side of digital external networking: A job demands-resources perspective, 83rd Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, USA.
Mueller, Elisabeth/Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2022): The dark side of digital external networking: A job demands-resources perspective, 42nd Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, London (UK).
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2022): Individual outcomes of managerial networking: A job demands-resources perspective, 82nd Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Virtuelle Veranstaltung.
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2022): Individual-level consequences of external managerial networking: A job demands-resources perspective, 26th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Virtuelle Veranstaltung.
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2021): Psychological antecedents of managerial networking: On the role of personality traits and public service motivation, 81st Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Virtuelle Veranstaltung.
Thaler, Julia/Pinz, Alexander/Sievert, Martin (2021): Legitimacy judgment formation – Experimental evidence from citizen participation settings, 37th EGOS Colloquium, Virtuelle Veranstaltung.
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2021): Managerial networking: A systematic literature review and research agenda, 25th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Virtuelle Veranstaltung.
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2020): On the relationship between PSM and external networking: Exploring the moderating role of strategy and structure, Annual Conference of the European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), Virtuelle Veranstaltung.
Schönherr, Lorenz/Thaler, Julia (2020): Personality traits as determinants of managerial networking, 24th International Research Society for Public Management Conference (IRSPM), Tampere, Finnland (Konferenz aufgrund von COVID-19 abgesagt).
Laschewski, Christian/Thaler, Julia (2018): Firm-level and ownership-related incentives for earnings management in German municipality-owned enterprises, 22nd International Research Society for Public Management Conference (IRSPM), Edinburgh, Scotland.
Englert, Benedikt/Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2017): Fit narratives in volunteering - How do volunteers perceive person-environment fit, 77th Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Atlanta, USA.
Pinz, Alexander/Friedrich, Marina/Thaler, Julia (2017): The relationship between staff turnover and the performance of microfinance organizations, 11th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, Belfast, Nordirland.
Gross, Hellen/Thaler, Julia/Winter, Vera (2017): Public Service Motivation im Job Demands-Resources Modell: Eine empirische Analyse zur Erklärung der individuellen Arbeitsleistung, Absentismus und Präsentismus, 79. Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., St. Gallen, Schweiz.
Winter, Vera/Thaler, Julia/Gross, Hellen (2016): Public service motivation and its relationship with job resources, employees’ attitudes and performance in the public sector, Public Management Research Association Conference (PMRC), Aarhus, Dänemark.
Englert, Benedikt/Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2016): Fit narratives in volunteering – How do volunteers perceive person-environment fit, 12th International Conference of the Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Stockholm, Schweden.
Pinz, Alexander/Thaler, Julia/Friedrich, Marina/Helmig, Bernd (2016): The effects of staff turnover on the performance of microfinance organizations, 12th International Conference of the Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Stockholm, Sweden.
Hopf, Franziska/Thaler, Julia (2015): What roles for public management in cross-sector participatory settings?, 75th Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Vancouver, Kanada.
Spraul, Katharina/Thaler, Julia (2015): Public-private partnerships as a governance mode for sustainability, 19th International Research Society for Public Management Conference (IRSPM), Birmingham, UK.
Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2014): Do codes of conduct and ethical leadership influence public employees’ attitudes and behaviors? – An experimental analysis, 36th European Group for Public Administration Annual Conference (EGPA), Speyer.
Hopf, Franziska/Thaler, Julia (2014): Conceptualizing the interaction of government and civil society at the in-tersection of individuals and institutions – A reflection on public governance of citizen participation, 36th European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) Annual Conference, Speyer.
Thaler, Julia/ Helmig, Bernd (2014): The impact of codes of conduct and ethical leadership on public employees' attitudes and behaviors, 74th Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania/USA.
Thaler, Julia/ Hopf, Franziska (2014): Managing the tension between regulation and citizen participation – A qualitative analysis of sustainable energy creation, 18th International Research Society for Public Management Conference (IRSPM), Ottawa, Kanada.
Hinz, Vera/Thaler, Julia (2013): Public service motivation and choice of employer in the hospital industry, Research Conference „One Step Beyond – Refining Public Service Motivation Theory and Research Methods”, Utrecht, Niederlande.
Thaler, Julia/Spraul, Katharina/Helmig, Bernd/Franzke, Hannah (2013): Satisfaction with and success of employee trainings from a public service motivation perspective, 73rd Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida/USA.
Hinz, Vera/Thaler, Julia (2013): How motivations affect choices of employer – A discrete-choice model in the hospital industry, 9th Workshop on the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector, Lund, Schweden.
Spraul, Katharina/Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2013): Co-creating sustainable value in public-private partnerships, 75. Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Würzburg.
Spraul, Katharina/Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2012): Co-creating sustainable value in public-private partnerships: An empirical assessment, 72nd Academy of Management Meeting (AoM), Boston, Massachusetts/USA.
Thaler, Julia/Spraul, Katharina/Helmig, Bernd (2012): Public service motivation and its moderating and mediating role on personal development and corporate volunteering in German public administrations, 16th Annual Conference of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Rom, Italien.
Helmig, Bernd/Thaler, Julia (2011): Social marketing effectiveness – Development of a midrange theory, 71st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AoM), San Antonio, Texas/USA.
Thaler, Julia/Spraul, Katharina/Helmig, Bernd (2011): Co-creating social value – A qualitative approach to gain insights on the relevance of corporate social responsibility in public-private partnerships, 15th Annual Confer-ence of the International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), Dublin, Irland.
Thaler, Julia (2010): Promoting good individual and prosocial behavior – On the impact of social and temporal framing on social marketing effectiveness, 39th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Alexandria, Virginia/USA.
Helmig, Bernd/Thaler, Julia (2010): Towards a midrange theory of social marketing effectiveness, 9th International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR), Istanbul, Türkei.
Thaler, Julia/Helmig, Bernd (2010): On the impact of framing determinants on social marketing effectiveness – What do we really know?, 39th EMAC Annual Conference, Kopenhagen, Dänemark.
Helmig, Bernd/Thaler, Julia (2009): On the effectiveness of social marketing – What do we really know?, 38th Annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), Cleveland, Ohio/USA.