Journal articles

Untangling Complexity in ASEAN Air Traffic Management through Time-Varying Queuing Models
E Itoh, K Tominaga, M Schultz, VN Duong. Aerospace 204, 11, 11

A combined optimization–simulation approach for modified outside-in boarding under COVID-19 regulations including limited baggage compartment capacities
M Schultz, M Soolaki, M Salari, E Bakhshian. Journal of Air Transport Management 106(2023) 102258


Conference contributions

Introduction of moving sectors for flow-centric airspace management
 M Schultz, K Tominaga, E Itoh, VN Duong. SESAR Innovation Days 2023

Designing a Framework of Integrated AircraftDeparture and Surface Traffic Operation via Queuing Network Models
E Itoh, M Schultz. Fifteenth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar 2023

Flow-Centric Air Traffic Control: Human in the Loop Simulation Experiment
AS Bin Jumad, K Tominaga, XY Chua, E Itoh, M Schultz, VN Duong. Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) 2023

Efficient and risk-minimised boarding and disembarking into the narrow aircraft cabin
M Schultz, M Soolaki, O Michler, E Itoh. ATRS World Conference 2023

Operational Feasibility Assessment of the Free Route Airspace Concept in the ASEAN Region
K Tominaga, ACK Wen, J Sultana, M Schultz, E Itoh, VN Duong. ATRS World Conference 2023

Two-phase joint optimization of GSE routing and airport stand assignment under the consideration of ground handling time sequence
Y Gao, TQ Tang, F Cao, H Fricke, M Schultz. ATRS World Conference 2023


Invited talks, presentations

The Future of Air Transportation
International Workshop on Pedestrian Crowd, Advanced Logistics, and Aerospace MobilityWorkshop
M Schultz. Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo

Development of moving sectors to enable efficient air/ space operations
Air & Space Traffic Integration Workshop
M Schultz. Air Traffic Management Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore