The team of the LRT2 institute is very proud to share expertise and skills with other research facilities and to address novel endpoints in many areas of scientific research by mutual transfer of knowledge.

We are open to new ideas and approaches in the analysis of materials by non-destructive analysis methods, in the basic research of radiobiology, in the establishment of novel radiotherapy methods for tumors or many other application of particle beams.


Contact us

Do you see potential and possible applications of OUR research in YOUR projects?
Contact us and let us benefit together from a collaboration.
The LRT2 institute has several years of experience in cooperations in science and economy. We work together with institutes of the Technical University and the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich as well as several other facilities with all the benefits from different expertises and points of view.

Knowledge transfer in the first place

With our facilities for microscopy of various materials like ion, depth and positron microscopy or STED microscopy for biological matter we can extend your ressources. But not only imaging is our expertise. Targeted irradiations of organic and inorganic samples are possible, too. With SNAKE, our irradiation facility at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratory (MLL) in Garching near Munich, we irradiate cellular structures and technical components with a targeting accuracy of below 1 µm. Image-guided targeting systems allow us to fulfill the requirements of your projects.