With our facilities for microscopy of various materials like ion, depth and positron microscopy or STED microscopy for biological matter we can extend your ressources. But not only imaging is our expertise. Targeted irradiations of organic and inorganic samples are possible, too. With SNAKE, our irradiation facility at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratory (MLL) in Garching near Munich, we irradiate cellular structures and technical components with a targeting accuracy of below 1 µm. Image-guided targeting systems allow us to fulfill the requirements of your projects.
Do you see potential and possible applications of OUR research in YOUR projects? Contact us and let us benefit together from a collaboration. The LRT2 institute has several years of experience in cooperations in science and economy. We work together with institutes of the Technical University and the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich as well as several other facilities with all the benefits from different expertises and points of view.
At the research reactor FRM-II, an intense source of low-energy positrons was developed and built. From the capture of thermal neutrons in the isotope 113Cd, photons in the energy range of a few MeV result. Electron-positron pairs are generated in a platinum foil via pair formation. The average kinetic energy of the positrons is 800 keV. After deceleration to thermal energy and diffusion to the surface, a part of the positrons is emitted with an energy approximately equal to the work function of this material. Thus, a positron beam can be formed by a suitable arrangement and focusing and guided out of the reactor region by a magnetic guide field. The achievable positron intensity scales with the thermal neutron flux at the location of the cadmium. At a thermal neutron flux of 10^12n/cm^2s, a positron intensity of 10^8 positrons per second was achieved. This enables novel investigation possibilities of solid surfaces with Auger electron spectroscopy induced by positron annihilation.