Core areas of the Degree Program (M.A.)

The transdisciplinary Master's degree program is a continuation of the B. A. Cultural Studies degree program. It focuses on analyzing cultural phenomena from historical and social science perspectives, particularly in Africa, the Mediterranean, and Europe. The program aims to expand students' knowledge of cultural theory, practical understanding of religion, society, culture, and legal norms in these regions, and proficiency in empirical methods of cultural studies. The degree program includes topics such as materiality and culture, colonialism, post-colonialism, and offers students the choice between Arabic and French language studies. Additionally, students will explore relevant topics and issues on cultural economy and digitalisation of cultures and receive training in intercultural competence with a focus on international mission counselling. Students in addition have to take part in a research seminar with an overseas excursion designed to enhance their theoretical and empirical skills.

The program consists of compulsory modules in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th trimesters, which cover key topics that introduce students to important cultural studies research debates, and provide hands-on research experience, including an excursion. In the 2nd trimester are compulsory elective courses that allow students to specialize in religious studies, cultural history, comparative studies of political culture, protection of cultural properties and environmental law, refugee, migration and mobility studies, as well as cultural theory. The 4th trimester mainly dwells on methodological training and empirical consolidation leading up to the Master's thesis in the 4th and 5th trimesters.

Like all students in UniBw M, students of the Master’s degree program in Cultural Studies are expected to attend additional courses as part of the Studium Plus (Study Plus) training.


(Translator: Lindah Achieng Ouma)

At the end of the M.A. Cultural Studies, students will …

- Have acquired deep knowledge of cultural theory and the specific scientific methods of cultural studies for practical application in future career;

- Be able to adopt different cultural perspectives and engage in intercultural dialogues by using Arabic and or French languages;

- Have expanded their understanding of the interdependencies of North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, and Europe regions in a globalized world;

- Have acquired intercultural skills necessary for frequently international everyday work life;

- Have a wide range of career opportunities in national and international organizations, the diplomatic field, industry and trade, development cooperation, disaster relief, tourism, the public sector, or the media industry, sparking excitement and optimism about future career prospects.

General Study Regulations / Admission requirements

General Study Regulations:

- Five trimester Master's degree program;

- Beginning of studies in the winter trimester, i.e. January;

- Six to eight weeks internship, possibly abroad;

- Research seminar with excursion, possibly abroad;

- Degree: Master of Arts (M. A.).


Admission requirements:

The prerequisite for admission to the Master's degree program Cultural Studies is completion of the Bachelor's degree program in Cultural Studies at UniBw M or a university degree that is equivalent in content, scope and orientation. The examination board of the respective Master's degree program decides on the equivalence of the degree.



Contact Persons




Research Assistant

Lisa Kammermeier, M.A.


Telephone: +49 (0)89 6004-2409

Building 33, Room 2251



Prof. Dr. Daniel-Erasmus Khan Lisa Kammermeier Prof. Dr. Daniel-Erasmus Khan Lisa Kammermeier


  • 1: Prof. Dr. Daniel-Erasmus Khan
  • 2: Lisa Kammermeier