If you are an exchange student from a partner institution who wants to come to UniBw M for an Erasmus+ Traineeship, a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis or Research for your doctoral thesis, please send your application documents by email (no hard copy needed) as a pdf file to the International Office, Inbound Mobility Coordinator:  mobility.incoming@unibw.de.

Deadline: at least 3 months before planned arrival date.

Important: Please make sure to find a supervisor. On the following link you can find an overview of all departments https://www.unibw.de/home-en/departments/overview

The application should include the following documents:

  • completed application form
  • Letter of Motivation in English or German (approx. 1 page outlining your motivation for coming to UniBw M)
  • curriculum vitae (in German or English)
  • transcript of records
  • copy of your passport
  • university enrolment certificate
  • German or English language certificate depending on working language (except native speakers)
  • abstract (outlining the topic of your internship and naming the department and supervisor at UniBw M)
  • confirmation of supervisor at UniBw M
  • Insurance declaration