Degree Programs and Modules/Courses
The vast majority of courses are taught exclusively in German language. German language skills of at least B1 level are essential.
UniBw M is made up of the University and the University of Applied Sciences and its ten departments offer a diverse range of degree programs. The courses are adapted regularly to reflect current developments in the economy, society and research. The master's degree is earned in a study period of four years. Potential candidates can choose between 16 bachelor and 15 master degree programs. Studying in small groups allows individual support: on average the professor-student ratio is only 1 to 18. The Central Institute of studium plus provides students with additional key qualifications such as teamwork skills, intercultural competence and conflict management expertise. Because of this range of academic and personal training based on critical thinking and scientific research as in civilian universities, graduates can persue careers not only in the military, but also in the private sector or in public service. All of the university's degrees are state-approved and are considered to be on equal standing with those awarded by other German universities.
Every degree program at UniBw M comes with a specific module handbook that contains an overview of the overall composition and module structure of a specific study program, including detailed descriptions of every module to be completed during the study program as well as information on the contents of lectures, seminars and trainings, assessment, and the amount of ECTS points awarded for each module. You can also download the module handbook ("Modulhandbuch" in German) of the respective degree program directly from the website of the degree program.
For all questions regarding study programs, modules and/or courses please contact the International Affairs Delegate in concern.
Each department has a responsible International Affairs Delegate.
The University
BAU - Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Umweltwissenschaften | Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- B.Sc. Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- M.Sc. Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences
- B.Sc. Mathematical Engineering
- M.Sc. Mathematical Engineering
EIT - Fakultät für Elektrische Energiesysteme und Informationstechnik | Department of Electrical Power System and Information Technology
- B.Sc. Electrical Power System and Information Technology
- M.Sc. Electrical Power System and Information Technology
- B.Sc. Mathematical Engineering
- M.Sc. Mathematical Engineering
HUM - Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften | Department of Human Sciences
- B.A. Educational Sciences
- M.A. Educational Sciences, in particular Intercultural, Media & Adult Education
- B.Sc. Psychology
- M.Sc. Psychology with an emphasis on clinical psychology and psychotherapy
- B.Sc. Sport Sciences
- M.Sc. Sport Sciences
INF - Fakultät für Informatik - Department for Computer Sciences
- B.Sc. Computer Sciences
- M.Sc. Computer Sciences
- M.Sc. Cyber Security
- B.Sc. Mathematical Engineering
- M.Sc. Mathematical Engineering
LRT - Fakultät für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik | Department of Aerospace Engineering
- B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering
- M.Sc. Aerospace Engineering
SOWI - Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften | Department of Social Sciences and Public Affairs
- B.A. Social Sciences and Public Affairs
- M.A. Social Sciences and Public Affairs
KUWI - Institut für Kulturwissenschaften | Institut of Cultural Studies
- B.A. Cultural Studies
- M.A. Cultural Studies
WOW - Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften | Department of Economics and Management
- B.Sc. Econominc and Mangement Studies
- M.Sc. Econominc and Mangement Studies
Courses offered in English - only in fall term
University of Applied Sciences
BW - Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft | Department of Business Administration
- B.A. Management and Media
- M.A. Management and Media
- B.A. and M.A. Human Resources Management
ETTI - Elektrotechnik und Technische Informatik | Department for Electrical and Computer Engineering
- B.Eng. Applied Computer and Communication Technology
- M.Eng. Computer Aided Engineering
MB - Fakultät für Maschienenbau | Department for Mechanical Engineering
- B.Eng. Mechanical Engineering
The vast majority of courses are taught exclusively in German language. German language skills of at least B1 level are essential.