Electronic driving management systems are a suitable tool to control certain businesses’ mobility resources and to contribute to human resource management purposes. We investigate different scenarios for such driving management in the context of electrified powertrains such as electromobility and digitization, with a regional focus on Germany. Therefore, a literature review has been conducted resulting in 50 driving scenarios that can be derived. The driving scenarios are divided into four dimensions splitting into two further categories. These driving scenarios shall build the foundation for a future electronic driving management architecture which is essential to meet the new requirements of electromobility. These requirements increase the complexity of the overall socio-technical system, making it challenging to manage electronic driving.
Enterprise Archicture Mining
Blockchain, Cyber Security, Code Verification
Reference Modeling, Enterprise Architecture, Methodology
Enterprise Architecture, Model Library, Business-IT-Alignment, Reference Architecture, Enterprise Repository for reusable Models
Bots like Human Paper zu AGI
Reference Modeling Requirements Engineering Model Configuration Ontology
software bot cognitive architecture cognitive automatio
Enterprise Architecture model-based systems engineering business-it alignment