Zwei neue Publikation aus dem Projekt mext zur Reliabilität transkranieller magnetischer Stimulation des menschlichen Gehirns
4 Oktober 2023
Retest reliability of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the healthy human motor cortex: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Kanig, C., Osnabruegge, M., Schwitzgebel, F., Litschel, K., Seiberl, W., Mack, W., Schoisswohl, S., Schecklmann, M. (2023). Retest reliability of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the healthy human motor cortex: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers Human Neuroscience, 17,
On the reliability of motor evoked potentials in hand muscles of healthy adults: a systematic review
Osnabruegge, M., Kanig, C., Schwitzgebel, F., Litschel, K., Seiberl, W., Mack, W., Schecklmann, M., Schoisswohl, S. (2023). On the reliability of motor evoked potentials in hand muscles of healthy adults: a systematic review. Frontiers in Psychologie, 17, 981108.
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