Psychometric Properties of the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (German Version)
1 Juni 2022
Mindfulness-based training programs are highly established in competitive and recreational sports. One of the best-known approaches is the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment Approach (MAC) by Gardner and Moore, which integrates mindfulness aspects of awareness, non-judgmental attitude, and focus. Based on these aspects, Thienot and colleagues developed and validated an English language sport-specific questionnaire, the so-called Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (MIS), for the assessment of mindfulness skills in athletes. The aim of this study is to psychometrically test a German language version of the MIS (MIS-D). To assess the psychometric properties, the MIS-D was examined in an online survey with an integrated test–retest design (n = 228) for reliability (internal consistency; test–retest reliability), validity (factorial; convergent), and measurement invariance (gender; competition type). The present results support the psychometric quality of the German language version of the MIS. Necessary replications should among others focus on checking the measurement invariance for further relevant subgroups.
Wieczorek, A., Renner, K.‑H., Schrank, F., Seiler, K., & Wagner, M. (2022). Psychometric Properties of the Mindfulness Inventory for Sport (German Version). Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Article 864208. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.864208