AIML AT ECMLPKDD 2023 in Turin, Italy
11 November 2023
Prof. Ntoutsi, Ph.D. Emmanouil Panagiotou and the external Ph.Ds. Simone Fabbrizzi and Vasilis Gkolemis attended the ECML PKDD 2023 in Turin, Italy, from September 18-22, 2023. The conference is considered Europe's leading event for machine learning and data analytics and looks back on a history of over two decades.
Our team had a great presence at the conference. Specifically, we participated with the following papers:
- A journal article"Studying Bias in Visual Features through the Lens of Optimal Transport" by Simone Fabbrizzi (presenter), Xuan Zhao, Emmanouil Krasanakis, Symeon Papadopoulos and Eirini Ntoutsi. The work is a joint effort with colleagues from the CERTH research center in Greece and the University of Tübingen in Germany.
- A workshop paper “Learning impartial policies for sequential counterfactual explanations using Deep Reinforcement Learning” by Emmanouil Panagiotou (speaker) and Eirini Ntoutsi at the DynXAI workshop.
- A workshop paper “Regionally Additive Models Explainable-by-design models minimizing feature interactions” by Vasilis Gkolemis (Vortragender), Theodore Dalamagas, Eirini Ntoutsi und Christos Diou at the XAI-uncertainty workshop. The work is a joint effort with colleagues from the ATHENA Research Center and Harokopio University in Athens, Greece.
- Finally, Prof. Ntoutsi co-organized the BIAS-Workshop together with colleagues from the University of Antwerp in Belgium, TU Eindhoven in the Netherlands, and the CERTH research center in Greece. The workshop received many submissions and was well attended, highlighting the growing importance of bias and discrimination in AI systems.