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  • 1: Office - Bldg. 41/100 fourth floor
  • 2: Chemical Laboratory - Bldg. 33/200 third floor
  • 3: Pilot Plant Station - Bldg. 151


The staff of the Chair of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management at the University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich in their daily research work in the field of health, water and resource protection.

Research Assistants

Eva Gega M.Sc.

Eva Gega M.Sc.

Research assistant
Gebäude 41/100, Zimmer 041/4122
+49 89 6004 2616
Christian Hubert M.Sc.

Christian Hubert M.Sc.

Research assistant
Gebäude 41/100, Zimmer 041/4117
+49 89 6004-2231
Elena Joel M.Sc.

Elena Joel M.Sc.

Research assistant
Gebäude 41/100, Zimmer 041/4124
+49 89 6004-4299
Nora Kathleen Pankow M.Sc.

Nora Kathleen Pankow M.Sc.

Research assistant
Gebäude 41/100, Zimmer 041/4116
+49 89 6004-3495
Anastasia Ruf M.Sc.

Anastasia Ruf M.Sc.

Research assistant
Gebäude 41/100, Zimmer 041/4125
+49 89 6004-3377

Main research topics

Teaching and research activities of the chair of sanitary engineering and waste management are focused on protection of health, water, and other resources. The chair’s mission is knowledge development in the field of sanitary engineering with a wide range of research interests from drinking water supply to wastewater and sludge treatment. The overarching characteristic of the chair is its multidisciplinary expertise and research program.

Main research topics:

  • Drinking water distribution and wastewater discharge,
    Networks and modeling
  • Advanced wastewater treatment,
    Elimination of micropollutants,
    Retention of microplastics and their the behaviour in the aquatic environment
  • Sustainable sewage sludge treatment,
    Co-digestion, energy service, phosphorus recovery
  • Climate and resource protection,
    Use of resources contained in water and wastewater: Water, energy, phosphorus, metals etc.
  • Protection of critical infrastructures,

         Member of the Research Center for Risk, Infrastructure, Security and Conflict of the Bundeswehr University Munich


The new English-language research brochure provides an insight into the diversity of research at the Universität der Bundeswehr Munich. It deals with the three main topics "digitization", "space research" and "tomorrow's environment". These topics illustrate the topicality and high social relevance of the research activities on our campus. The new research brochure is available for download here.


Research Projects

Organic acids as a control parameter for the optimized operation of anaerobic digestion and biogas plants (AciDi)

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                       Anastasia Ruf, M.Sc.
                                                           Christian Hubert, M.Sc.

runtime:                                         01.01.2024 – 31.12.2026

funding:                                         Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)

project partners:                         - Fraunhofer-Institut für Bauphysik (IBP)
                                                          - Hach Lange GmbH
                                                          - ALLNET GmbH
                                                          - Finsterwalder Umwelttechnik GmbH & Co KG

associated partners:                  - Gemeindliche Einrichtungen und Abwasser Holzkirchen Kommunalunternehmen
                                                          - Abwasserzweckverband Kempten
                                                          - Stadtentwässerung Rosenheim
                                                          - Entsorgungsbetriebe der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden
                                                          - Kläranlage Bad Wörishofen - Glass GmbH & Co. Umwelttechnik KG
                                                          - Stadtentwässerung Freising
                                                          - Central Marin Sanitation Agency

Studies on the contribution of Bavarian wastewater treatment plants to greenhouse gas emissions

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                         Sebastian Chalupczok, M.Sc.
                                                           Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                           Marcel Hagen, Dipl.-Ing.

runtime:                                         01.07.2022 – 31.08.2023

funding:                                         Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)

project partners:                         - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für Abwassertechnik mbH
                                                          - Binder Group GmbH

Emergency water supply (NOWA III) - requirements for emergency drinking water and measures for use for sensitive consumers and sensitive technical systems in health care facilities (hospitals)

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                         Nora Pankow, M.Sc.
                                                           Natalie Wick, M.Sc.
                                                           Johannes Blattenberger, M.Sc.

runtime:                                         02.08.2021 – 01.04.2022

funding:                                         Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)

project partners:                         - Forschungs- und Beratungsinstitut Gefahrstoffe GmbH (FoBiG)

Guideline for the dewatering, drying and disposal of sewage sludge of small and medium sized wastewater treatment plants

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                         Christian Hubert, M.Sc.
                                                           Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                           Sebastian Chalupzcok, M.Eng.
                                                          Marcel Hagen, Dipl.-Ing.

runtime:                                         01.10.2021 – 31.07.2022

funding:                                         Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)

project partners:                         - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für Abwassertechnik mbH

Intelligent Critical Infrastructure: From Reality to the (Hybrid) Digital Twin

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                         Omar Shehata, M.Sc.

runtime:                                         01.01.2021 – 31.12.2024

funding:                                         Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (BMVg)

project homepage:                     https://dtecbw.de/home

project partners:                         - Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Mathematik und Operation Research (UniBw M)

                                                          - Professur für Baukonstruktion und Bauphysik (UniBw M)

                                                          - Professur für Computergestützte Simulation (UniBw M)

                                                          - Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme (UniBw H)

                                                          - Professur Lernen und Lehren mit Medien (UniBw M)

                                                          - Professur für Massivbau (UniBw M)

                                                          - Professur für Politikwissenschaft insb. Innenpolotik und Vergleichende Regierungslehre (UniBw M)

                                                          - Professur für Stahlbau (UniBw M)

Flexible and Complete Energetic Use of Biogenic Residual and Waste Products: Anaerobic Digesters of Water Resource Recovery Facilities and Biogas Plants as Energy Consumers, Storage, and Producers (FLXsnyErgy)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                     Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                         Christian Hubert, M.Sc.
                                                         Larissa Schwinghammer, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.10.2020 – 31.09.2023

funding:                                       Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)

project partner:                        - Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ)

                                                       - Hochschule für Philosophie München                                                                       

                                                       - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für Abwassertechnik mb    

                                                       - Wolter Hoppenberg Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB

associated partners:               - Gea Holzkirchen KU

                                                       - Zweckverband zur Abwasserbeseitigung im Raum Ochsenfurt

                                                       - Abwasserzweckverband Kempten

                                                       - Stadtentwässerung Rosenheim

                                                       - Münchner Stadtentwässerung

                                                       - Entsorgungsbetriebe der Landeshauptstadt Wiesbaden

                                                       - Next Kraftwerke GmbH

                                                       - Stadtentwässerung und Umweltanalytik Nürnberg


Emergency preparedness planning for water supply and sanitation in health care facilities – organisational and technical solution strategies to increase resilience (NOWATER)

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineers:                       Larissa Schwinghammer, M.Sc.
                                                           Elena Joel, M.Sc.
                                                           Natalie Wick, M.Sc.
                                                           Lisa Hoffmann, M.Sc.
                                                           Mona Möller, M.Sc.

runtime:                                         01.05.2020 – 30.04.2023

funding:                                         Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

project homepage:                     http://go.unibw.de/nowater

project partners:                         - AGAPLESION HYGIENE Institut für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin,
                                                             AGAPLESION Frankfurter Diakonie Kliniken gGmbH

                                                          - Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe

                                                          - Strecker Wassertechnik GmbH

                                                          - teckons GmbH & Co. KG

                                                          - Technische Hochschule Köln, Institut für Rettungsingenieurwesen und Gefahrenabwehr

                                                          - United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security

Characterization and Contamination Testing of Source Separated Organic Feedstocks and Slurries for Co-Digestion at Resource Recovery Facilities

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                      Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                          Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Hagen

runtime:                                        01.09.2019 – 30.06.2021

funding:                                         Carollo Engineers, Inc.
                                                          (Water Research Foundation (WRF))

project partners:                        - Carollo Engineers, Inc.
                                                         - University of Michigan

Phosphorus recovery during waste water treatment

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                     Christian Hubert, M.Sc.
                                                         Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                         Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Hagen

runtime:                                        01.05.2019 – 31.12.2020

funding:                                        Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt                                                     

project partners:                        - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für
                                                            Abwassertechnik mbH

Optimized grease separator in order to recover resources and reduce negative environmental impacts (FAFODI)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                     Christian Hubert, M.Sc.
                                                         Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                         Anastasia Ruf, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.11.2018 – 30.04.2022

funding:                                        Interreg Österreich-Bayern (Europäische Union,       
                                                         Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung)

project partners:                        - Universität Innsbruck (UIBK, Fachgebiet
                                                            Abfallbehandlung und Ressourcenmanagement)

                                                         - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für
                                                            Abwassertechnik mbH

                                                         - Abwasserverband Achental – Inntal-Zillertal

                                                         - Abfallwirtschaft Tirol Mitte

associated partners:                 - Abwasserverband Grossache-Nord 

                                                         - SüdWasser GmbH

                                                         - Abwasserverband Kufstein und Umgebung

                                                         - AWV Reither Ache Kläranlage Going

                                                         - Abwasserverband Hall in Tirol - Fritzens

                                                         - ARAB GmbH

                                                         - Stadtentwässerung Schwaz GmbH

                                                         - Abwasserverband Zirl und Umgebung

                                                         - Gemeindliche Einrichtung und Abwasser Holzkirchen

                                                         - Markt Haag i. OB

                                                         - Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG

Development of an innovative biogas-batch-system for quantification of methane and biohydrogen (QUAMEWA)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                         apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineers:                     Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                         Christian Hubert, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.11.2018 – 31.10.2020

funding:                                        Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM)
                                                         durch das Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und

project partner:                         - Dr.-Ing. RITTER Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG

Synergy of integrated Sensors and Technologies for urban secured environment (SYSTEM)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                         apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                        Christoph Wöllgens, M.Sc.
                                                          Elena Joel, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        03.09.2018 – 28.02.2022

funding:                                        EU – Horizon 2020 research and innovation
                                                         programme No. 787128

project partners:                        - FORMIT – Fondazione per la Ricerca sulla Migrazione
                                                           e Integrazione delle Tecnologie (IT)

                                                         - RESI Informatica S.p.A. (IT)

                                                         - T4i Engineering Ltd (UK)

                                                         - Sensichips s.r.l. (IT)

                                                         - CapSenze Biosystems HB (SE)

                                                         - Blue Technologies Sp. z.o.o. (PL)

                                                         - Politechnika Warszawska (PL)

                                                         - Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
                                                           angewandten Forschung e.V. (DE)

                                                         - Ústav hydrológie Slovenskej akadémie vied (SK)

                                                         - Hochschule Fresenius gemeinnützige GmbH (DE)

                                                         - ISEM – Inštitút pre medzinárodnú bezpečnosť a
                                                           krízové riadenie, n. o. (SK)

                                                         - OSDIFE – Osservatorio sulla Sicurezza e Difesa
                                                          CBRNe (IT)

                                                         - Bratislavská vodárenská spoločnosť, a. s. (SK)

                                                         - Acqualatina S.p.A. (IT)

                                                         - Acea Ato 2 S.p.A. (IT)

                                                         - Roma Capitale (IT)

                                                         - Prezídia Policajného zboru SR (SK)

                                                         - Centralne Laboratorium Kryminalistycznw Polocji (PL)

                                                         - Bundeskriminalamt (DE)

                                                         - Ministero della Difesa (IT)

                                                         - Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE)

Water resource management of alpine huts - derivation of recommended actions (HaWalpS)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                         apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                       Lisa Broß, M.Sc. M.Sc.

runtime:                                       17.07.2018 – 16.07.2020

funding:                                        Deutsche Bundestiftung Umwelt (DBU)

project partner:                          - BOKU Wien

project support group:            - Deutscher Alpenverein

                                                        - Österreichischer Alpenverein

                                                        - Alpenverein Südtirol

                                                        - Land Oberösterreich

                                                        - Land Tirol

                                                        - Land Salzburg

                                                        - Landratsamt Garmisch-Patenkirchen

                                                        - Landratsamt Oberallgäu

Risk assessment of a sewage sludge mono-incineration in the context of phosphorus recovery

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                     Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Hagen
                                                         Christian Hubert, M.Sc.
                                                         Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.06.2018 – 31.10.2018

funding:                                        Municipal waste disposal company

Scientific support during the implementation of a 4th purification stage at the wastewater treatment plant of the Abwasserverband Bickenbach, Seeheim-Jugenheim

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcel Hagen

project engineers:                       Dipl.-Ing. Marcel Hagen
                                                           Annett Mundani, M.Sc.
                                                          Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.
                                                          Lisa Hoffmann, M.Sc.

runtime:                                         01.03.2018 – 31.05.2024

funding:                                         Abwasserverband Bickenbach, Seeheim-Jugenheim

The sewage treatment plant in interaction with the waste and energy industry: A German-Austrian dialogue (CoMiTo)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineers:                     Christian Hubert, M.Sc.
                                                         Bettina Steiniger, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.01.2018 – 31.12.2019

funding:                                        Interreg Österreich-Bayern (Europäische Union,       
                                                         Europäischer Fonds für Regionale Entwicklung)

project partners:                        - Universität Innsbruck (UIBK, Fachgebiet
                                                            Abfallbehandlung und Ressourcenmanagement)

                                                         - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für
                                                            Abwassertechnik mbH

                                                         - BioTreaT GmbH

strategies for the reducting urban plastic emmissions into limnic systems (PLASTRAT)

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum
                                                          apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineers:                       Sophia Badenberg, M.Sc.
                                                           Annett Mundani, M.Sc.
                                                           Lisa Broß, M.Sc. M.Sc.
                                                           Natalie Wick, M.Sc.

runtime:                                         01.09.2017 – 31.08.2020

funding:                                         Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

project homepage:                     www.plastrat.de

project partners:                         - Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

                                                          - ISOE - Institut für sozial-ökologische Forschung

                                                          - IWW Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für
                                                             Wasserforschung gemeinnützige GmbH

                                                          - Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde

                                                          - aquadrat ingenieure GmbH

                                                          - Technische Universität Darmstadt

                                                          - inge GmbH

                                                          - Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.

                                                          - Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung

Balancing of sewage sludge treatment at the Winterhausen sewage treatment plant

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christan Schaum

project engineer:                       Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

runtime:                                       01.08.2017 – 31.01.2018

funding:                                       Zweckverband zur Abwasserbeseitigung im Raum

Emergency Water Supply (NoWa II) - Emergency Prevention Concepts

project management:              apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                       Lisa Broß, M.Sc. M.Sc.

runtime:                                       15.03.2017 – 31.12.2018

funding:                                       Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und
                                                         Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)

Co-digestion Experience in Central Europe and Case Study Analysis

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Christian Schaum

project engineer:                        Verena Demmelbauer, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.02.2017 – 31.12.2017

funding:                                        Carollo Engineers, Inc.
                                                          (Water Environment and Reuse Foundation (WE&RF)

Integration of new methods in adaptation planning for municipal water supply networks (AkWa)

project management:              apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                       Salomé Parra, M. Sc.

runtime:                                       01.10.2016 – 30.11.2019

funding:                                       BFS – Bayrische Forschungsstiftung

project partners:                        - tandler.com

                                                         - COPLAN AG

                                                         - AWA-Ammersee Wasser- und Abwasserbetriebe gKU

Analysis of the situation of the small-scale water supply in Southern Germany using Bavaria as an example and the derivation of research needs

project management:               apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause
                                                          Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Wolfgang Günthert

project engineer:                        Lisa Broß, M.Sc. M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.02.2016 – 31.01.2017

funding:                                        Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches e.V. (DVGW)
                                                         Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt (LfU)

Optimizing Energy efficiency in Water supply and wastewater disposal in Brazil (OpEn Water Brazil)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Wolfgang Günthert

project engineers:                     Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Krönlein, M.Sc.
                                                         Sophia Badenberg, M.Sc.

runtime:                                       01.01.2016 – 31.12.2017

funding:                                       KSB AG

project partners:                       - Dr. Krätzig Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

                                                        - KSB

                                                        - Brazilian water supply companies and universities

Sewage monitoring system for tracking synthetic drug laboratories (microMole)

project management:              apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                        Tim Metzner, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.09.2015 – 28.02.2019

funding:                                        EU – Horizon 2020 research and innovation
                                                         programme No. 653626

project homepage:                    www.micromole.eu

project partners:                        - Warsaw University of Technology (Poland)

                                                         - Central Forensic Laboratory of the Police (Poland)

                                                         - Federal Criminal Police Office (Germany)

                                                        - Blue Technolgies (Poland)

                                                        - CapSenze (Sweden)

                                                        - JGK Tech-Pipeferret (Iceland)

                                                        - Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (Germany)

                                                        - Tilburg University (the Netherlands)

                                                       - Ghent University (Belgium)

                                                       - Université Claude Bernard (France)

Investigations on the reduction and avoidance of odour and corrosion in drainage systems including H2S / sulfide balances (SuBi)

project management:              apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                       Simon Faltermaier, M.Sc.

runtime:                                       01.07.2015 – 31.12.2017

funding:                                       Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

project partner:                         - unitechnics KG

Emergency Water Supply (NoWa I) – capacities and resources

project management:              apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Steffen Krause

project engineer:                       Lisa Broß, M.Sc. M.Sc.
                                                         Salomé Parra, M.Sc.

runtime:                                       01.01.2015 – 31.12.2016

funding:                                       Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und
                                                         Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)

Sewage sludge recycling in the Nuremberg region - metallurgical phosphorus recycling - iron, fertiliser and energy in one process step (KRN Mephrec)

project management:               Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Wolfgang Günthert

project engineers:                      Christina Tocha, M.Sc.
                                                          Verena Demmelbauer, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.11.2014 – 31.10.2017

funding:                                        Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

project partners:                        - Klärschlammverwertung Nürnberg GmbH

                                                         - Baumgarte Boiler Systems GmbH

                                                         - INNOVATHERM GmbH

                                                         - Fraunhofer UMSICHT

                                                         - ifeu (Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung
                                                           Heidelberg GmbH)

                                                        - RWTH Aachen, Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft

Pilot project “Advanced Wastewater Treatment” at the WWTP in Weißenburg

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Wolfgang Günthert

project engineer:                       Dipl.-Ing. Sascha Rödel                                                        

runtime:                                       01.05.2014 – 31.01.2019

funding:                                        Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt im Auftrag des 
                                                         Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Umwelt und

project partners:                        - Dr.-Ing. Steinle Ingenieurgesellschaft für
                                                            Abwassertechnik mbH
                                                         - Ingenieurbüro Dr. Resch +  Partner
                                                         - Stadt Weißenburg i. Bay.




Energy recovery in the water distribution system by intelligent pressure management (EWID)

project management:              Prof. Dr.-Ing. F. Wolfgang Günthert

project engineers:                     Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Frank Krönlein, M.Sc.
                                                         Salomé Parra, M.Sc.
                                                         Sophia Badenberg, M.Sc.

runtime:                                        01.04.2014 – 31.03.2017

funding:                                        Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)

project partners:                        - AWA-Ammersee Wasser- und Abwasserbetriebe gKU

                                                         - Dr. Krätzig Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH

                                                        - KSB AG

                                                        - SCHRAML GmbH

                                                        - Wasserversorgungszweckverband Perlenbach