Touch Zones

How long will this take: Approximately 2 minutes
Aim of this exercise: Using the avatar to reflect on how comfortable you feel

and how pleasant it is to be stroked on your back, arm and face

Download instructions as PDF


1. To find the exercise, click on “Body Awareness” in the exercise tab.


2. Click on the “Touch Zones” Exercise.
You will then be taken to the Exercise description. Please remember to have your sound on for
optimal functioning of this exercise as you will hear the sound of the metronome to guide and pace
the stroking action. To read the entire description, you can scroll up on the screen before clicking on


3. Click “Start” when you are ready. You will be given the instructions to follow in 3 steps.


4. After clicking on “Yes”, you will be given instruction for step 1. Here, follow the metronome to keep
pace for 20 seconds of stroking action on the arm. When done, click on “next” at the bottom of the


5. In Step 2, you will have to repeat the stroking action on the back for 20 seconds while keeping
pace with the metronome.


6. In Step 3, you will have to repeat the stroking action on the cheek for 20 seconds. Click on “Done”
at the bottom when finished.


7. You will then be asked to indicate how you feel after this exercise (on a scale from “worse” to
“much better”). Simply click on one of the options.
8. You may also add a note to your diary or make a suggestion about your experience with the app.
