All University Library members are free to make interlibrary loan requests via OPAC, for books as well as for journal articles or for copies from books (max 10%).
Non-members may access our holdings via the German or international interlibrary loan system. Simply contact the academic library nearest to where you live. Please also visit our guidelines on our web page Access, Loan, Work Spaces.
Interlibrary Loan Requests via OPAC
We can provide scientific literature for you from partner libraries via interlibrary loan, if we do not have it among our collections.
Searching the Union Catalog of the Bavarian Library Network
Before you can make an interlibrary loan request, you must log into the OPAC of the University Library with your user number and password.
The OPAC allows you not only to search the collections of our University Library. You may also simultaneously search the union catalog of the Bavarian Library Network, the so-called Gateway Bayern. The default setting is the local holdings search.
If no matches for your search were found you can include the union catalog Gateway Bayern in your search via the hyperlink Modify selection of databases in the 'no matches found' search mask.
If you are not satisfied with your search results you can include the union catalog Gateway Bayern in your search via the hyperlink Modify to the right of the results list:
The union catalog Gateway Bayern offers you the opportunity to order items from other Bavarian Network libraries via interlibrary loan.
Interlibrary Loans from Bavarian Libraries
Before you can make an interlibrary loan request, you must log into the OPAC of the University Library with your user number and password.
In the individual record view in the union catalog Gateway Bayern, the following is displayed as the result of the availability check: ILL / The title is available in the co-operative system. / order.
Clicking order opens an online form with the details of the desired item and your user number. Only when ordering an article you will need to fill out the article details in the form. Next you just need to click on the "Send interlibrary loan request" button.
Please note that a book request will immediately show in your library account, whereas requests for copies (from journals and parts of books) do not.
Interlibrary Loans from Other German Libraries
Before you can make an interlibrary loan request, you must log into the OPAC of the University Library with your user number and password.
If you can find the item you are looking for neither in our holdings nor in the union catalog Gateway Bayern, click on 'Ask your library' in the upper right corner of the OPAC.
This opens the way to a blank interlibrary loan form, allowing you to request the item from other German library networks.
Picking up and Returning Interlibrary Loans
As soon as your interlibrary loan items have arrived at the University Library, you will be notified by email. You can then borrow them at our Service Desk on Level 0 of Building 35/200. This is also where you can return them. The automated book drop is an alternative. ILL copies are for you to keep.