
Study Analysis of the interference potential between LEO and GEO in Ka- and Q/V-band (Mockingjay)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The subject of the study is the analysis and evaluation of possible solutions in geostationary orbit (GEO) and low earth orbit (LEO) for the operation of satellite systems in Ka-band and Q/V-band. Among other things, this study examines the possible interference potential of satellite systems in LEO with GEO satellite systems in the military Ka-band and Q/V-band. A possible coexistence of satellite systems in both orbits outside the ITU regulations is estimated and evaluated.
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
November 2024
December 2026

BMW iX Non-Terrestrial-Networks HiSky

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Support of the Over-the-Air Testing campaign with the HiSky satellite terminal on a BMW.
Funding sponsor: BMW AG
Start of the project:
End of the project:
April 2024
June 2024

European Protected Waveform (EPW)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The European Protected Waveform (EPW) project has the objective to design an integrated multi-layered security and resiliency system for next-generation defence satellite networks with a fully European Protected Waveform (EPW) and accompanying technologies for satellite communications resilient against ill-intentioned acts. This EPW project must give an answer to five key challenges: being innovative, support European autonomy and cooperation between Member States, offering affordable and efficient satellite services, being flexible and scalable and featuring a multi-layered security and resilience.
Funding sponsor: European Defence Fund (EDF)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
June 2023
March 2026


H2Sat Payload IOT

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Support in defining measurement methods for In-Orbit-Tests (IOT) of satellite payloads; preparation of appropriate test specifications, test procedures and reports; support services for the implementation of In-Orbit-Tests of the military payload of the Heinrich Hertz satellite and the evaluation of the measurement results.
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
September 2023
November 2023


HARMONY - Innovating New Space Frontiers:
Harmonised Federated And Fractionated Systems Unlocking Fresh Perspectives For Satellite Services

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Thomas Delamotte
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: New concepts for distributed satellite systems will be investigated.
Funding sponsor: European Commission, HEU-Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
September 2022
August 2026


Physical Layer Security for Satellite Communications (PlaySat)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: This project investigates novel physical layer security approaches that are possible with modern multi-feed / multi-reflector satellite systems.
Project partners: NEOSAT GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA4S Activity)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
December 2021
June 2023


5G - Space Infrastructure Study (5G-IS)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The study focuses on a comprehensive technical and programmatic vision of how a 5G and beyond 5G space-based infrastructure can provide services for consumers and various industries.
Project partners: Airbus Defence and Space (Germany), EURESCOM (Germany), Frauhofer IIS (Germany), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany)
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA)
Related links: 5G-IS project page
Start of the project:
End of the project:
July 2021
December 2023


Over-the-Air Test of Starlink for 5G Backhaul  (ESA 5G Meteors)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Florian Völk
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: This 5G Meteors activity covers an over-the-air test of Starlink non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) constellation for 5G backhauling.
Project partners: NEOSAT GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA 5G Meteors Activity)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
July 2021
June 2022


Secure Satellite Communications with Multiple Antennas (SeSAM)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: SeSAM investigates the potentials and demonstrates the feasibility of new approaches of physical layer security based on multi-antenna solutions in satellite communication links.
Project partners: NEOSAT GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
June 2021


5G - Enabled Ground Segment Technologies Over-the-Air Demonstrator (5G-GOA)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: 5G-GOA develops and implements the necessary modifications in the 5G New Radio standard to enable the direct radio access of terrestrial communication networks via satellite, a 5G RAN via satellite closely following the 3GPP Work Item on Non-Terrestrial-Networks.
Project partners: EURESCOM (Germany), Frauhofer IIS (Germany), University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg), Eurecom (France)
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA)
Related links: 5G-GOA project page
Start of the project:
End of the project:
March 2021
December 2023


Ka-Band LEO Satellite Channel Characterization

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: KA-band channel measurements will be conducted to model the LEO satellite-to-ground channel.
Funding sponsor: Rohde & Schwarz GmbH
Start of the project:
End of the project:
March 2021
June 2021


Independent Trend Analysis on Megaconstellations (HEUMEGA)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: This study examines the technical and economic aspects of the new megaconstellations Starlink, OneWeb, Kuiper, Telesat Lightspeed, AST & Science SpaceMobile and KLEO Connect operating in Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and the O3B mPOWER system operating in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO).
Start of the project:
End of the project:
January 2021
May 2021


Over-the-Air Test of 5G NR over GEO Satellite (ESA 5G Meteors)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Florian Völk
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The focus of this experiment is on the 5G NR downlink channel processing for physical signals and channels, transport channels, and control information.
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA 5G Meteors Activity)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
December 2020
February 2021


Data-Driven Network Controller and Orchestrator for Real-Time Network Management (DAWN)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The DAWN project develops and implements techniques and algorithms that allow automated network control and management based on network-generated information – data-driven networking –, users' data – context-awareness –, and measured and predicted performance of the network.
Project partners: EURESCOM (Germany), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany), Frauhofer IIS (Germany), ND SatCom GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA)
Related links: DAWN project page
Start of the project:
End of the project:
December 2020
February 2023


LoRa Connectivity Using GEO Satellites (GeoLoRa)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Experimental IoT radio transmission via geosynchronous satellites using the LoRa waveform standard.
Funding sponsor: Neosat GmbH (Neubiberg, Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
January 2020
February 2020


Demonstration of Satellite-Terrestrial Integration in 5G (ESA 5G Meteors)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz, Florian Völk
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Studies are being conducted on the integration of 5G mobile networks and satellite links. In particular a demonstration of portable satellite-5G integration during the IEEE 5G World Forum 2019.
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA 5G Meteors Activity)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
September 2019
October 2019


Robust Data Transmission with Mini Transmitters via Satellite (NeverGetLost II)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Research for methods of data transmission via satellite using low-power transmitters of small size.
Project partners: Rohde & Schwarz INRADIOS GmbH (Dresden, Germany)
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
April 2019
March 2020


MIMO in the Context of High-Throughput Satellites (MIMO-HTS)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Kai-Uwe Storek, Dr. Thomas Delamotte
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The MIMO technology will be investigated and demonstrated for high-throughput satellites.
Project partners: NEOSAT GmbH (Neubiberg, Germany), DIRACON GmbH (Saalfeld, Germany)
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
March 2019
August 2022


Technology-Scouting SATCOMBw

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Research results will be incorporated into the procurement process for the next generation of communication satellites of the Bundeswehr.
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
April 2018


SATCOM-on-the-Move (SOTM) Field Trials and System Tests

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing / Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: This is an ongoing activity to conduct SOTM related system tests, modem compatibility tests and general SOTM field trials.
Funding sponsors and project partners: Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (Germany), ND SatCom GmbH (Germany), Leonardo Deutschland GmbH (Germany), INSTER (Spain)
Start of the activity: Since March 2018


European Data Relay System (EDRS) - System Level Simulation Support

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: System level end-to-end simulations support and analysis of linear distortions of the EDRS downlink.
Funding sponsor: Airbus Defence and Space GmbH (Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
April 2018
December 2019


Multisensorsystem zur Sicheren Integration von UAS in den Luftverkehr (MasterUAS)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Peter Stütz
Institute: Chair of Flight Systems
Co-Investigator: Dr. Robert Schwarz, Florian Völk
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing (Prof. Andreas Knopp)
Description: Novel communication methods to aid the UAS with the mission of safe and passenger-friendly aviation.
Project partners: f.u.n.k.e AVIONICS GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
January 2018
December 2021


Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Feasibility Study

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Project partners: INTELSAT Corp. (Washington, USA)
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
December 2017
December 2018


Telemetry Data Transmission via Satellite

Principal Investigator: Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Methods for telemetry data transmission via satellite are investigated.
Project partners: Fraunhofer IIS (Erlangen, Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
November 2017
September 2018


Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks for Tactical Communications (MANBw+)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Andreas Knopp
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Study of new solutions of ad-hoc networks for military tactical communications.
Project partners: blackned GmbH (Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
November 2017
December 2018


Real-Time Capability and Remote Position Determination in Animal Observation

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Methods for determining the position of small transmitters using communication satellites are being investigated.
Project partners: Rohde & Schwarz INRADIOS GmbH (Dresden, Germany), Dresden University of Technology (TUD), iGOS GmbH (Immenstaad, Germany)
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
November 2017
October 2018


Demonstrator for Satellite Terrestrial Integration in the 5G Context (SATis5)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz, Florian Völk
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: SATis5 aims to build a large-scale real-time live end-to-end 5G integrated satellite terrestrial network proof-of-concept testbed.
Project partners: EURESCOM (Germany), Frauhofer IIS (Germany), Fraunhofer FOKUS (Germany), Newtec Communications GmbH (Germany), SES TechCom (Luxembourg), Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
Funding sponsor: European Space Agency (ESA)
Related links: SATis5 ESA project page
SATis5 EURESCOM project page
Start of the project:
End of the project:
October 2017
September 2020


Verification and Test Facility SATCOM (VeriTaS)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: The "Bundeswehr SATCOM Center for Experimentation, Research and Test" (SatCERTBw) is going to be extended by a further test and verification facility that focus on the mobile satellite  components in the "Mobile Tactical Communication" program of the Bundeswehr.
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
April 2017


Phase 0 Study of the SatCom 2025 Mission

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Feasibility study for a national satellite communications mission.
Project partners: OHB System AG
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
March 2017
March 2018


Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung Systemverbund SATCOMBw

Principal Investigator: Prof. Andreas Knopp
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Investigation of the technical innovation potential for the ground segment of the military satellite communication system of the Bundeswehr.
Project partners: AUDENS Telecommunications GmbH
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
February 2017
November 2018


Integrated Satellite Terminal for Stationary Networking (ISISTAR)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Field experiments and measurements of a novel satellite antenna.
Funding sponsor: IMST GmbH
Start of the project:
End of the project:
February 2017
December 2017


Ultra Rapid Deployable Antenna (URDA)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Measurements and modeling of a new rapid deployable and portable reflector antenna.
Funding sponsor: HPS GmbH (Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
December 2016
November 2019


MIMO SATCOM System Demonstrator

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Kai-Uwe Storek
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: A transmission system is created as a demonstrator. In the course of this, algorithms are developed, optimized and implemented in the system. This should confirm decisive assumptions for satellite-based multi-antenna systems with high spatial diversity gains.
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
June 2016
May 2019


UHF Radio Field Measurements

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann, Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Radio field measurements are performed to assess the propagation conditions of electromagnetic waves in UHF satellite links. The optimal location of a ground station antenna is determined.
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
June 2016
December 2016


International Cooperation for Animal Research Using Space (ICARUS) Phase C Study

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Technical system analysis and antenna measurements are executed for the IoT data transmission system ICARUS. In particular, an antenna intended for assembly on the International Space Station ISS will be measured in cooperation with Fraunhofer IIS in order to create and optimize a simulation model for the data link.
Funding sponsor: Max Planck Society, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Start of the project:
End of the project:
May 2016
December 2016


Data Rate Exchange Requirements for SATCOMBw

Principal Investigator: Prof. Andreas Knopp
Institute: Institut für Technik Intelligenter Systeme (ITIS GmbH)
Description: Evaluation and assessment of data rate exchange requirements for the next generation of the military satellite communications system of the Bundeswehr.
Project partners: IABG mbH (Germany), Reder Engineering GmbH (Germany), DIRACON GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
April 2016
November 2016


Digital Linearization Techniques for Satellite Communications Payloads

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Thomas Delamotte
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Methods and procedures for digital predistortion of satellite signals are investigated with the aim of compensating for nonlinear effects caused by TWT in particular.
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
February 2016
December 2019


Protected Satellite Communications (Protected SATCOM)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: This project investigates and analyzes new technologies and explores counter measures that harden the communication links of the military satellite communications system of the Bundeswehr (SATCOMBw).
Project partners: Reder Engineering GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
February 2016
December 2018


Comparative Air-to-Ground Channel Measurements in the UHF- and S-Bands

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Prof. Christian Hofmann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Measurement of the dispersion conditions of electromagnetic waves from a moving object (drone, helicopter) to a ground station. The diffraction parameters of the terrain are to be determined and evaluated at two frequencies in the UHF- and S-bands.
Funding sponsor: MBDA Deutschland GmbH, Unterschleißheim (Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
November 2015
March 2016


Inflight Satellite Communication Technologies

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Analysis and system design aspects w.r.t. the efficiency of the achievable bandwidth of SATCOM in flying platforms with geostationary communication satellites.
Funding sponsor: IABG mbH, Ottobrunn (Germany)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
May 2015
August 2015


Technology Consultancy Support for the Heinrich Hertz Satellite Mission (H2Sat)

Principal Investigator: Prof. Andreas Knopp
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Selection, evaluation and further development of suitable technologies for secure and reliable information transmission with the military hosted payload of the national research satellite "Heinrich Hertz".
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
March 2015
December 2023


LTE over Satellite

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Concept and Hardware Demonstrator for the Seamless LTE-over-Satellite Data Transmission.
Project partners: Fraunhofer IIS (Ilmenau), Blackned GmbH
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
November 2014
October 2016


Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Satellite Communications (MIMO SATCOM)

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dirk Ogermann
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Feasibilty study on the Line-of-Sight MIMO technology for geostationary satellite communications.
Project partners: INRADIOS integrated radio solutions GmbH (Germany), DIRACON GmbH (Germany)
Funding sponsor: German Space Agency, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
October 2013
February 2016


Technical Evaluation of STANAGs with Reference to MILSATCOM

Principal Investigator:
Prof. Andreas Knopp
Dr. Robert Schwarz
Institute: Chair of Signal Processing
Description: Participation in technical standardisation committees of the NATO Capability Team for Satellite Communications; development and evaluation of standardisation proposals; development of technical standpoints and recommendations for action for the Bundeswehr.
Funding sponsor: Federal Ministry of Defence (Bundesministerium der Verteidigung - BMVg)
Start of the project:
End of the project:
January 2012