+49 (0)89 6004 7501 | |
harald.hoege@unibw.de |
Honorarprofessor Dr. phil. nat. Harald Höge
Scientific activities: In 1974 Harald Höge received his Ph.D. in physics from the university of Frankfurt/Main Germany. Since 1985 he gives lectures at the ‘Universität der Bundeswehr München’ on speech and image processing, where he was honored in 2001 with the title ‘Honorar Professor’. Currently his research is focused on modeling human speech perception and production in communication. He is author and co-author of 113 papers and holds 25 patents.
Industrial activities: 1970 he joints the Siemens AG working on echo compensation and speech coding. Since 1978 till 2009 he leads a research group focusing on speech recognition, speech synthesis and speaker characterization. From 2009 till 2010 he worked for the company SVOX leading a team responsible to adapt recognizers to other languages. He initiated and was involved in many national, European and international project as SPICOS, C-STAR, Verbmobil, SpeechDat, SALA, SPEECON, LC-STAR, ECESS and TC-STAR.