
The teamwork project is funded for a period of three years with 2,1 million euros by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry for education and research) as a part of the program „Sicherheitsforschung - Forschung für zivile Sicherheit“ (Research for civil security).

The project is coordinated by Prof. Rainer Koch from Computeranwendung und Integration in Konstruktion und Planung (Chair of Computer Application and Integration in Design and Planning; C.I.K.), Paderborn University.

The network is further enhanced by Prof. Dr. Manuela Pietraß, Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Medienbildung, Universität der Bundeswehr München (chair of educational sciences and media education from the University of the Bundeswehr Munich), the Institut für Rettungstechnologie, Feuerwehr Dortmund (Institute for Rescue Technology of the city of Dortmund), the Ordnungsamt, Kreis Paderborn (public order office of the Paderborn district) and the civil companies PRO DV and Promotion Software.

The Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross), the Technisches Hilfswerk (Federal Agency for Technical Relief), the Institut der Feuerwehr NRW (Institute of Fire Department NRW), the Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe (Federal Office for Citizen Protection and Disaster Support; BBK) as well as the Belgian Disaster Resilience Lab, a research center by the Tilburg University (NL) and the University of Agder (NOR) act as associated partners and provide advisory support. 

The TEAMWORK research project is aimed at developing a crisis simulation for emergency personnel and civilian population. 

This crisis simulation is supplemented by a learning and information portal (the TEAMWORK Community Center- TCC) as well as by a collaborative online editor. TEAMWORK_Game-Session.jpeg

The TEAMWORK project comprises three phases: formalization, simulation and evaluation. During the process of formalization, the detailing of the previously defined crisis scenarios is carried out by the TCC Tools in conjunction with the online editor.

In the simulation phase, the previously formalized crisis scenarios are run through within the simulation environment.

This is followed by the stage of evaluating, in which the procedure and the results of the previously played simulation will be analyzed.

An integral part of the approach throughout every phase is engaging the civilian population by means of an online community.

Pictures: University of Paderborn, C.I.K.