Within the framework of the module "International Law and Politics in Practice", the Professorships of International and European Law (Prof. Dr. Khan, Dr. Riznik) and International Politics and Conflict Studies (Prof. Dr. Stetter, Dr. Busse) enable students to engage directly and intensively with current focal points of political and legal practice each year within the framework of teaching and research trips. In accordance with the multi- and interdisciplinary character of this module, the historical, social, cultural and economic framework conditions of the concrete conflict or post-conflict situation also play an important role in the program design.

Participants deal with concrete conflict dynamics on site, interview decision-makers or enter into dialogue with those affected. In addition to discussions with representatives of national governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations and local media representatives, visits to key sites of conflict and collective memory play an important role in imparting practical knowledge. The program also regularly includes talks with the European Union delegations on site as well as with the German embassies and, in particular, their defense attachés.

Funding by: UniBw M

For more information, please visit the research project's website.