Deconstructing the Dynamics of World-Societal Order

The Power of Governmentality in Palestine


Am 28. April 2020 ist das Buch von Jan Busse bei Routledge als Paperback-Edition erschienen. Dieses Buch präsentiert einen neuen, innovativen theoretischen Rahmen, um ein besseres Gefühl für die Machtdynamiken der Weltpolitik zu bekommen. Hierzu die Buchbeschreibung bei Routledge:

"Making an original contribution to academic debates about power and global political order, this book develops a comprehensive theoretical perspective on power relations and political dynamics. The book starts from the presupposition that any theoretical engagement of that kind requires nuanced empirical study as well. It therefore analyzes the dynamics of world-societal order in the concrete empirical example of Palestine, and raises the question of how its political and societal order comes into existence. The author argues that governmentality represents a fundamental pattern of political order in world society that also profoundly affects power dynamics in Palestine. This insight has two important implications: First, power relations do not follow dichotomous distinctions such as international/domestic or global/local, but manifest themselves within world society. Second, therefore, order that comes into existence in Palestine needs to be understood as world-societal order."

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