Current Research Projects
1. Peace Education in Israel and Palestine
Project Executing Organization or Project Sponsor: Project is managed by thePalestinian Center for Policy & Survey Research (PSR) und dem Macro Center for Political Economics Tel Aviv (Macro) funded by the European Union (EU Peacbuilding Initiative)
Description: Mapping Sources of Mutual Distrust in Palestinian and Israeli Societies and Politics: the role of education and daily life experiences and exposure to violence
2. media for peace (M4P)
Name: media for peace (M4P)
Project Executing Organization or Project Sponsor: dtec (Center for Digital and Technological advancements in the Bundeswehr)
Description: The research project deals with theoretical and empirical questions in the field of peace journalism. M4P is concerned with the research-based development and evaluation of a journalistic platform for conflict-sensitive, de-escalating and peace-promoting journalism (peace journalism) in the (post-) conflict countries of Lebanon and Afghanistan.
Project Manager: Prof. Sonja Kretzschmar, Institute of Journalism, Universität der Bundeswehr München
3. HUBOI: Human-Bot Interaction, Media (Dis)Information and (International) Politics
Name: HUBOI: Human-Bot Interaction, Media (Dis)Information and (International) Politics
Project Executing Organization or Project Sponsor: Center for Informations Work, Bundeswehr (
Content:The HUBOI Project is dedicated to human-bot interaction with a focus on questions of disinformation in social and political contexts (including international politics and international conflicts). In addition to fundamental research-related questions, application-oriented references are central. The project is based on three thematic pillars: (1) technical dimension of human-bot-interaction and automated systems (especially also artificial intelligence, AI and communication, respectively AI-based bots); (2) relevance of automated systems and disinformation in the field of the media system and media coverage (print, TV, social media, etc.); (3) relevance of automated systems and disinformation in the field of (inter-) national politics and conflicts, incl. repercussions on society.
4. KOKO: Conflict and Communication
Name: KOKO: Konflikt und Kommunikation
Description: The KOKO project deals with the dynamics of everyday conflict behaviour in selected European countries/EU from an interdisciplinary perspective (psychology, journalism research as well as international politics and conflict sociology).
Project management: Prof. Jürgen Maes and Dr. Mathias Jaudas (Institute of Psychologie, Universität der Bundeswehr München)