Allchorn William, Dafnos Andreas & Gentile Francesca, 2022. The role of violent conspiratorial narratives in violent and non‑violent extreme right manifestos online, 2015‑2020. The Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET)
Müller Arthur & Dafnos Andreas, 2022. SPARTA at CASE 2021 Task 1: Evaluating different techniques to improve event extraction
Allchorn William & Dafnos Andreas, 2020. Far-right mobilisation in Great Britain: 2009-2019. CARR FRGB Dataset Research Report 2020.1. London, UK: Centre for Analysis of the Radical Right
Dafnos Andreas, 2020. The battle of Cable Street: They shall not pass. Mainstreaming the Global Radical Right: CARR Yearbook 2019/2020. Ed. Leidig, Eviane, ibidem Press
Fielitz Maik, Tsagkroni Vasiliki & Dafnos Andreas, 2020. The banning of Golden Dawn, in CARR Organisation Research Unit Year in Review Report 2020, Ed. Michael C. Zeller, CARR
Dafnos Andreas, 2019. Concept structures and the far right. Tracking the rise of the radical right globally: CARR Yearbook 2018/2019. Ed. Allchorn, William, ibidem Press
Dafnos Andreas, 2019. Automated event extraction tools for the study of the far right. Tracking the rise of the radical right globally: CARR Yearbook 2018/2019. Ed. Allchorn, William, ibidem Press
Dafnos Andreas, 2018. [Review of] Far-right politics in Europe, by Jean-Yves Camus and Nicolas Lebourg. H-Nationalism
Dafnos Andreas, 2014. Narratives as a means of countering the radical right; Looking into the Trojan T-shirt project. Journal EXIT-Deutschland
Dafnos Andreas, 2013. Lone wolf terrorism as category: Learning from the Breivik case. Journal EXIT-Deutschland