Michael Hoelscher is Professor of Higher Education and Science Management at the University of Speyer, Germany. He studied Sociology and Cultural Sciences at the Universities of Bremen and Leipzig, got his PhD from the Free University of Berlin (2005) and his habilitation from the University of Heidelberg (2014). He worked as a researcher at the Institute of Higher Education Research (HoF Halle-Wittenberg) and stayed at the University of Oxford as a Postdoc for two years. His main research interests are comparisons of higher education systems, (quantitative) comparative methods, cultural and economic sociology and globalization processes as well as creative cities. Recent publications include “Spielarten des akademischen Kapitalismus (Varieties of academic capitalism)” (2016, Wiesbaden: Springer), “A Methodological Framework for Measuring Social Innovation”. Historical Social Research 40 (2015), 3: 48-78 (with Eva Bund, Ulrike Gerhard & Georg Mildenberger) and “Potential and Problems of Existing Creativity and Innovation Indices”. Creativity Research Journal 27 (2015), 1: 1-15 (with Julia Schubert).
Prof. Dr. Michael Hoelscher
Lehrstuhl für Hochschul- und Wissenschaftsmanagement
Deutsche Universität für Verwaltungswissenschaften Speyer
German University of Administrative Sciences
Freiherr-vom-Stein-Straße 2
67346 Speyer
Phone: +49 (0)6232 654-369
Email: hoelscher@uni-speyer.de
Homepage: http://www.uni-speyer.de/de/lehrstuehle/hoelscher.php