Institutsleitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Alexander Lion

Publikationen und Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2025

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften, Büchern und Tagungsbänden sowie Vorträge auf Seminaren und Fachtagungen

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2025

2025 ist die Teilnahme des Instituts für Mechanik an folgenden Konferenzen geplant:

06. Februar 2025, Zlin (Tschechien), ONLINE

GUMFERENCE - Platform for meeting and cooperation between companies, universities, institutions working in this field, as well as people interested in the rubber industry.

  • Klara Loos: "Experimental investigation and modelling of strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber under different ageing conditions"

07. bis 11. April 2025, Poznan (Polen)

GAMM 2025 - International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik)

30. Juni bis 4. Juli 2025, Neapel (Italien)

ACEX 2025 - 18th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

09. bis 11. September 2025, Stockholm (Schweden)

RubberCon 2025

21. bis 24. September 2025, (Braunschweig)

11th GACM- Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry

01. bis 03. Dezember 2025, Bangkok (Thailand)

IRC 2025 - International Rubber Conference 2025

Buchbeiträge 2025

Hüsnü Dal [2025]: "Constitutive Models for Rubbers XIII", Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers XIII, (ECCMR 2024),CRC Press, London,, ebook ISBN 9781003516880, 358 pages
  • T. Gejgus, O. Farkas, K. Loos, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Frequency-domain analysis of elastomeric vibration isolators: Experimental and numerical investigations under dynamic loading", 8 pages
  • C. Treib, M. Johlitz: "Evolution of crack depth in natural rubber due to ozone loading", 7 pages

Andreas Öchsner [2025]: "Collaborative Research Advancing Engineering Solutions for Real-World Challenges 2 - The 2024 Postgraduate Seminar in Esslingen", Proceedings in Technology Transfer, Springer, Cham, Electronic ISSN 2948-233X, Print ISSN 2948-2321

  • P. du Maire, M. Johlitz, A. Öchsner: "Fluid Mechanical Investigation of the Outgoing Free Jet of Nozzels",, pages 148-169 (22)

Holm Altenbach, Leonhard Hitzler, Michael Johlitz, Markus Merkel, Andreas Öchsner [2025]: "Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 3", Advanced Structured Materials, 494 pages, Springer Cham, ISBN 978-3-031-77402-7, ISBN 978-3-031-77403-4 (eBook),

  • A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "A Constitutive Approach to Represent the Influence of Ageing on the Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Polymers", pages 85-100 (16)
  • D. Hahne, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Material Modeling of Selective Laser Sintered Polyamid 12 for the Deviatoric Stress State", pages 117-134 (18)
  • J. Rottler, T. K. Tetzlaff, A. Lion, K. Paetzold-Byhain, M. Johlitz: "Temperature History in Laser Powder Bed Fusion: Analyzing the Effect of Heat Accumulation on the Microstructural State of Ti-6Al-4V", pages 135-147 (13)
  • J. Klingenbeck, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Interfaces in Fused Filament Fabrication Under Uniaxial Tensile Testing", pages 149-163 (15)
  • P. du Maire, F. Gärtner, Matthias H. Deckert, M. Johlitz, A. Öchsner: "Recycling Potential of Niche Products: Case Studies on Climbing Ropes and Agricultural Binding Twines", pages 209-218 (10)
  • Y. Breitmoser, T. Förster, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Eibl: "Sorption Mechanisms of Oils and Fuels in Thermoplastic Polyurethanes", pages 219-231 (13)
  • T. Gejgus, O. Farkas, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Elastomeric Engine Mounts – Numerical Studies for E-Mobility Applications", pages 233-244 (12)
  • C. Treib, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Influence of Antiozonants on the Evolution of Crack Depth in Natural Rubber", pages 245-262 (18)
  • O. Farkas, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "A Model for Thermal Ageing of Elastomers: Parameter Identification Using Continuous Relaxation and Intermittent Uniaxial Tests", pages 263-274 (12)
  • S. Kulkarni, M.-C. Reuvers, T. Brepols, S. Reese, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "A Constitutive Model of Finite Viscoelasticity for Polyamide 6 Considering Degree of Crystallinity"275-300 (26)
  • P. - M. Barnewitz, J. Holtmannspoetter, E. Arikan, D. Schmid, M. Schüssler, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Electrical Induced Debonding on Demand of Adhesive Joints for the Automotive Industry", pages 301-317 (17)
  • S. Seitz, T. Förster, S. Eibl, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Diffusion Behavior of Pyrolysis Oil from Used Tires in Nitrile Butadiene Rubber", pages 339-350 (12)


Publikationen 2025

  • J. Rottler, T.K. Tetzlaff, A. Wohninsland, A. Lion and M. Johlitz [2025]: "Thermophysical and Microstructural Characterization of Ti-6Al-4V in Powder and Laser Powder Bed Fusion-processed State within the Global Temperature Field Range", Materials & Design, 18 pages, doi:

Promotionen und Habilitationen


31. Januar 2025

Dr.-Ing. Dominik Hahne

Thema: "Kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung additiv gefertigter Strukturen aus Polyamid 12: Mechanische Charakterisierung und Anwendungspotenziale"

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

11. Oktober 2024

Dr.-Ing. Caroline Treib

Thema: "On the Effects of Ozone-Induced Ageing on the Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber"

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

11. Oktober 2023

Dr.-Ing. Vivianne Marie Bruère de Carvalho Paiva

Thema: "Experimental Investigation of the Thermomechanical Properties and Suitability of Elastomers from Additive Manufacturing"

8. August 2023

Dr.-Ing. Bruno Franke Goularte

Thema: "A contribution to methods of developing elastomeric aircraft door seals based on FEM analysis, Design of Experiments and Parametric Optimisation"

13. Dezember 2022

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Rehbein

Thema: "Experimental Characterization and Material Modeling of Photopolymers in Additive Manufacturing"

10. Oktober 2022

Dr.-Ing. Wei Liu

Thema: „Konzept zur Sensibilitätsanalyse und Optimierung des Fahrverhaltens eines City-Cars mit Hilfe von Mehrkörpersimulation und numerischen Optimierungsmethoden" 

31. März 2022

Dr.-Ing. Rebecca Jennrich

Thema: "Thermo-hygro-mechanische Charakterisierung und kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung schnell härtender Polyurethan-Klebstoffe"

10. März 2022

Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Kneißl

Thema: "Konzeptionierung und Ansteuerung verteilter Antriebsstränge  in schweren Nutzfahrzeugen"

18. März 2021

Dr.-Ing. Bingbing Zhang

Thema: "Material Characterization, Modelling and Simulation of Epoxy Moulding Compounds under HTS and TC Thermal Ageing"

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

9. Februar 2021

Dr.-Ing. Klara Loos

Thema: "Strain-induced Crystallisation in Technical Rubber: from Experiments through Sophisticated Material Models to Advanced Simulations"

7. Dezember 2020

Dr.-Ing. Mario Müller

Thema: "Prüfkonzept für einen hochbelasteten dynamisch betriebenen rußgefüllten, schwefelvernetzten EPDM-Schlauch"

1. Dezember 2020

Dr.-Ing. Stefan Jorik

Thema: "Experimentelle Charakterisierung und Modellierung des Langzeitkriechverhaltens von Polycarbonat

18. Juni 2020

Dr.-Ing. Christina Purdie

Thema: "Variantensimulation für Drehschwingungen in Nutzfahrzeugantriebssträngen"

6. März 2020

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Herzig

Thema: "Thermo-oxidative ageing of elastomers. A contribution to the experimental investigation and modelling"

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

26. Februar 2020

Dr.-Ing. Michael Siegert

Thema: "Methoden zur Modellierung von Dämpfung in flexiblen Strukturen"

31. Januar 2020

Dr. rer. nat. Artur Blivernitz

Thema: "Untersuchung der Verträglichkeit von Elastomeren mit synthetischen Flugturbinenkraftstoffen anhand ablaufender Diffusionsprozesse"

24. Januar 2020

Dr.-Ing. Bruno Musil

Thema: "Ein Beitrag zur experimentell gestützten Modellierung der chemo-thermomechanischen Alterung von Nitrilkautschuk"

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

8. Mai 2019

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Neuhaus

Thema: "Methodenentwicklung für die Lebensdaueruntersuchung thermomechanisch beanspruchter Elastomerlager"

15. Februar 2019

Dr.-Ing. Tobias Rothaug

Thema: "Numerische Simulation von Ansprengversuchen eines Ubootes im Flachwasser"

18. April 2018

Dr.-Ing. Frank Neff

Thema: "Ein Beitrag zur Modellierung des Quellverhaltens von Elastomeren in organischen Fluiden"

20. Oktober 2017

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Mittermeier

Thema: "Beitrag zur kontinuumsmechanischen Modellierung des Glasübergangs und der daraus resultierenden physikalischen Alterung"

1. September 2017

Dr.-Ing. Nabila Rabanizada

Thema: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen der thermomechanisch chemischen Alterung von rußgefüllten Elastomerwerkstoffen"

21. November 2016

Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Kolmeder

Thema: "Thermomechanisch-chemisch gekoppelte Materialmodellierung und Strömungssimulation von aushärtenden Polymeren am Beispiel von akrylischem Knochenzement"

21. Oktober 2016

Dr.-Ing. Florian Bauer

Thema: "Entwicklung einer Echtzeitumgebung für Fahrzeugregelfunktionen von schweren Nutzfahrzeugen am Beispiel des Elektronischen Bremssystems"

18. Dezember 2015

Dr.-Ing. Nico Diercks

Thema: "The dynamic behaviour of rubber under consideration of the Mullins and the Payne effect. Experiments, Modelling and Simulation"

7. Juli 2015

Dr.-Ing. Benedikt Dippel

Thema: "Experimentelle Charakterisierung, Modellierung und FE-Berechnung thermomechanischer Kopplungen am Beispiel eines rußgefüllten Naturkautschuks."

31. Oktober 2014

Dr.-Ing. Daniel Wollscheid

Thema: "Predeformation and frequency dependence of filler-reinforced rubber under vibration. Experiments - Modelling - Finite Element Implementation"

12. August 2014

Dr. Ing. Stefan Litter (Externe Promotion; MAN)

Thema: "Integration von flexiblen Strukturen in Mehrkörpersysteme Modellerstellung und automatisierte Selektion von Ansatzfunktionen"

25. April 2014

Dr.-Ing. Marco Engelhard

Thema: "Thermomechanische Beschreibung der Fluiddiffusion in Polymeren am Beispiel Polyamid 6."

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

21. Februar 2014

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Liebl

Thema: "Viskoelastisch-viskoplastische Modellierung von Strukturklebstoffen während der Aushärtung."

23. September 2013

Dr.-Ing. Bülent Yagimli

Thema: "Kontinuumsmechanische Betrachtung von Aushärtevorgängen: Experimente, thermomechanische Materialmodellierung und numerische Umsetzung."

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude"

6. November 2012

Dr.-Ing. Wojciech Kramarczuk (Externe Promotion; Volkswagen AG)

Thema: "Belastungsermittlung an Aggregatelagern mittels numerischer Simulation"

27. Januar 2012

Dr.-Ing. Johannes Retka

Thema: "Vibroakustisches Verhalten von viskoelastischen Strukturen unter finiter Vordeformation"

4. März 2011

Dr.-Ing. Martin Rendek

Thema:"Transient Effects of Filler-Reinforced Rubber with respect to the Payne Effect: Experiments, Constitutive Modelling and FEM Implementation."

10. Juli 2009

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Philipp Höfer

Thema: "Dynamische Eigenschaften technischer Gummiwerkstoffe - Experimente, thermomechanische Materialmodellierung & Implementierung in die FEM"

Abgeschlossen mit: "summa cum laude" 

16. Juli 2008

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Ranz

Thema: "Rheologisches Verhalten von Holz unter Klimaeinfluss"

29. September 2006

Dr.-Ing. Matthias Schlägel

Mai 2005

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Heimes

Thema: "Finite Thermoinelastizität; Experimente, Materialmodellierung und Implementierung in die FEM am Beispiel einer technischen Gummimischung"


16. November 2015

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Johlitz

Thema: "Zum Alterungsverhalten von Polymeren: Experimentell gestützte, thermo-chemomechanische Modellbildung und numerische Simulation"

30. September 2021

Prof.(FH) DI Dr. Wolfgang Witteveen

Thema: "Paradigmenwechsel in der Simulation sich berührender Körper: „Schnell und genau“ statt „Schnell oder genau“



German Patent DE102018000655, August 2019

Artur Blivernitz (UniBwM), Sebastian Eibl (WIWeB), Tobias Förster (WIWeB)

"Verfahren zur indirekten Bestimmung eines Quellpotential-Werts eines zu analysierenden kohlenwasserstoffbasierten Kraftstoffes im Hinblick auf eine Elastomerart"

Publikationen bis 2024

Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften, Büchern und Tagungsbänden

Publikationen 2024

  • M. Johlitz, Y. Marco, L. Laiarinandrasana [26.02.2024]: "Preface, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn." (2024), Volume 36, Issue 1,

  • P. du Maire, F. Gärtner, M. Deckert, M. Johlitz, A. Öchsner [07.07.2024]: "Investigation of the ageing behaviour of multiple reused polypropylene binding twines", Applied Research, Volume 2, Issue 3, 7 pages,
  • P. du MaireM. FriebertshäuserM. DeckertM. JohlitzA. Öchsner [29.05.2024]: "Determination of the flexural properties of additively manufactured polyamide 12 components with antimicrobial titanium dioxide additives - Bestimmung der Biegeeigenschaften von additiv gefertigten Polyamid 12 Bauteilen mit antimikrobiellen Titandioxid Zusätzen", Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 2024, Volume 55, Issue 5, pages 616-621,
  • T. Gejgus, O. Farkas, A. Lion, M. Johlitz [Juni 2024]: "Excitation characterisation of an e-drive using dynamic substructuring", Proceedings of the 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration, Volume 29, No 2, June 2024, 8 pages, No 187, ISSN 2329-3675, ISBN 978-90-90-39058-1
  • M. Reuvers, C. Dannenberg, S. Kulkarni, K. Loos, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, S. Reese, Tim Brepols [online 03.09.2024]: "Experimental investigation and micromechanical analysis of glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6", Mechanics of Materials, Volume 199, December 2024, 105144, 22 pages,

Buchbeiträge 2024

Holm Altenbach, Leonhard Hitzler, Michael Johlitz, Markus Merkel, Andreas Öchsner [2024]: "Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials 2", Advanced Structured Materials, Springer Cham,
  • Treib, C., Johlitz, M., Lion, A.: "Crack Evaluation of Ozone-Aged Elastomers", pages 103-121,
  • Hahne, D., Lion, A., Johlitz, M.: "Selective Laser Sintered Pipe Specimen Under Torsional Load: Experimental Investigations and Material Modeling", pages 123-140,
  • Rottler, J., Tetzlaff, T.K., Lion, A., Paetzold-Byhain, K., Johlitz, M.: "The Importance of Heat Conduction and Global Temperature Fields in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process", pages 141-149,
  • Klingenbeck, J., Lion, A., Johlitz, M.: "Investigation of the Anisotropic Mechanical Behaviour of Short Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polyamide 6 Fabricated via Fused Filament Fabrication", pages 151-169,
  • Breitmoser, Y., Lion, A., Johlitz, M., Eibl, S., Förster, T.: "Sorption of Fuels in Additively Manufactured Thermoplastic Polyurethanes", pages 191-203,
  • Ascher, M., Späth, R., Johlitz, M.: "Elastoplastic Characterization of a Two-Component Epoxy-Based Structural Adhesive", pages 291-306,
  • Farkas, O., Gejgus, T., Musil, B., Johlitz, M.; "On the Characterisation and Modelling of the NR-BR Blend Under Harmonic Excitation Considering Self-heating Effect", pages 349-366,
  • du Maire, P., Friebertshäuser, M., Deckert, M.H., Johlitz, M., Öchsner, A.: "Thermal Analysis of Old Climbing Ropes", pages 367-376,
Andreas Öchsner [2024]: "Proceedings in Technology Transfer, Collaborative Research Advancing Engineering Solutions for Real-World Challenges, The 2023 Postgraduate Seminar in Esslingen" , Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2024,
  • O. Farkas, T. Gejgus, A. Lion and M. Johlitz: "From Raw Data to Master Curve - Improving the Time-Temperature Superposition Process Using Geometrical Properties of Temperature-Frequency Sweeps", pages 35-56,
  • P. du Maire, M. Friebertshäuser, M. Eggers, M. Johlitz, and A. Öchsner: "Antibacterial Activity of Titanium Dioxide Composites for the Selective, Laser Sintering Process", pages 122-130,
  • P. du Maire, M. Friebertshäuser, M.  Johlitz and A.  Öchsner: "Buckling of Beams and Plates. Theoretical Foundations for the Structural Analysis According to Eurocode 3", pages 151-183,

P. E. Pfeffer [2024]: Proceedings: “14th International Munich Chassis Symposium 2023, Volume 1: plus, Springer Vieweg Berlin, Heidelberg

  • R. Schurmann, K. Schuler, B. Schick, A. Lion: „Comparison of the perception of damaged rear axle tie rods in the real vehicle and in the dynamic driving simulator based on subjective and physiological data”, pages 85–101,


28th Symposium of the International Association of Vehicle System Dynamics, IAVSD 2023, August 21–25, 2023, Ottawa, Canada - Volume 2: Road Vehicles: Huang, W., Ahmadian, M. (eds) Advances in Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks III. IAVSD. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham.

  • R. Schurmann, A. Krause, J. Frischkorn, A. Lion: “Development and Validation of a Process Chain for a Real-Time Capable Simulation of a Vehicle with a Cracked Rear Axle Tie Rod.”, pages 32-42,

Publikationen 2023

  • V.M. Bruère, A. Lion, J. Holtmannspötter, M. Johlitz [online 02.03.2023]: "The influence of printing parameters on the mechanical properties of 3D printed TPU-based elastomers.", Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2023), 9 pages,

  • P. du Maire, M. Deckert, M. Johlitz, A. Öchsner [26.04.2023]: "Characterisation of the mechanical properties of polyamide 12 powder when using titanium dioxide as antimicrobial additive. Charakterisierung der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Polyamid 12 Pulver bei Verwendung von Titandioxid als antimikrobieller Zusatzstoff.", Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, Volume 54, Issue 4, pages 385-390,
  • S. Golob, J. Holtmannspötter, M. Johlitz, E. Arikan, A. Struck, and A. Lion [01.12.2023]: "Accelerating environmental ageing effects of adhesively bonded aluminium joints by using smaller bonding areas", The Journal of Adhesion, 19 pages,
  • S. Kulkarni, M. Reuvers, T. Brepols, S. Reese, M. Johlitz, A. Lion [22.11.2023]: "Characterization of crystallization kinetics in Polyamide 6 with a focus on modeling the thermoforming process: experiments, modeling, simulations.", Continuum Mech. Thermodyn.,
  • M. Reuvers, S. Kulkarni, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, T. Brepols, S. Reese [2023]: "A thermo-coupled constitutive model for semi-crystalline polymers at finite strains.", Technische Mechanik, Volume 43,  Number 2 (2023),

  • M. Reuvers, B. Boes, S. Felder, T. Brepols, S. Kulkarni, K. Loos, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, S. Reese [31.05.2023]: "Semi-crystalline polymers at finite strains: A thermo-coupled constitutive model for varying degrees of crystallinity and temperatures.", Proc Appl Math & Mech 23 (1), Artikel e202200162,
  • R. Schurmann, A. Lion, B. Schick and P. Rupp [online Juli 2023]: "Objectification and prediction of the subjective criticality of axle damages using artificial neural networks as well as multibody- and real-time simulations", International Journal of Vehicle Performance, Vol. 9, No. 4, pages 376-403,
  • K. Sekmen, T. Rehbein, M. Johlitz, A. Lion and A. Constantinescu [03.02.2023]: "Curing-dependent thermo-viscoelastic and shrinkage behaviour of photopolymers", Mechanics of Materials, Volume 179, April 2023, 19 pages,

  • B. Yagimli, A. Lion and M.A. Abdelmoniem [online 22.04.2023]: "Analytical investigation of the finite viscoelastic model proposed by Simo: critical review and a suggested modification.", Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2023), 22 pages,

Publikationen 2022

  • V. Bruère, A. Lion, J. Holtmannspötter and M. Johlitz [29.04.2022]: "Under-extrusion challenges for elastic filaments: the influence of moisture on additive manufacturing", Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 8 pages,
  • B. Demmel, T. Förster, S. Eibl [online 31.07.2022]: "Sorption dynamics of synthetic fuels and corresponding model mixtures in aged acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber", Polymer Testing, Volume 115, 2022, 107719, ISSN 0142-9418, 13 pages,
  • P. du Maire, M. Deckert, M. Johlitz, A. Öchsner [18.11.2022]: "Thermo-mechanical recycling of climbing ropes: A case study on a closed loop process for PA6", Applied Research, 10 pages,
  • P. du Maire, E. Sert, M. Deckert, M. Johlitz, A. Öchsner [07.04.2022]: "Characterisation of the thermal ageing effects on the mechanical properties when reusing polyamide 12 in the selective laser sintering process - Charakterisierung der Auswirkungen thermischer Alterung auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften bei der Wiederverwendung von Polyamid 12 im selektiven Lasersintern", Materials Science & Engineering Technology - Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik 2022, 53, pages 503-508,

  • T. Gejguš, J. Schröder, K. Loos, A. Lion and M. Johlitz [online 21.01.2022]: "Advanced Characterisation of Soft Polymers under Cyclic Loading in Context of Engine Mounts", Polymers 2022, 14(3), 429, 17 pages,
  • T. Gejguš, O. Farkaš, A. Lion & M. Johlitz [2022]: "Experimental and numerical investigation of NVH behaviour of NR - BR blend used for engine mounts of electric vehicles", Constitutive Models for Rubber XII: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2022), pages 193-198, ISBN 9781032315539
  • B.F. Goularte, V.M. Bruère, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, [online 06.08.2022]: "Multiparametric Design Optimisation of 3D Printed Aircraft Door Seals", Proceedings of the Munich Symposium on Lightweight Design 2021,  pages 136–153,
  • J. Kneissl, A. Lion, Z. Goeschl und P.  Wagner: "Simulationsbasierte Entwicklung und Analyse eines hybriden 6x4 Traktionsfahrzeuges",  Tagungsband - 9. Grazer Nutzfahrzeug Workshop 20. Mai 2022, pages 68-79
  • J. Kneissl, A. Lion, F. Breuer, S. Pfund, P. Wagner, T. Ille, C. Intra [online 02/2022]: "DEVELOPMENT OF A VARIABLE TORQUE DISTRIBUTION FOR FULLY ELECTRIC AND HYBRID HEAVY-DUTY TRUCKS BASED ON A MODULAR SIMULATION METHODOLOGY", International Journal of Automotive Technology, Volume 23(1), 2022, pages 13-29, doi:
  • K. Sekmen, T. Rehbein, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, A. Constantinescu [18.08.2022]: "Thermal analysis and shrinkage characterization of the photopolymers for DLP additive manufacturing processes", Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2022), 18 pages,

  • M. A. Torrado, A. Constantinescu, M. Johlitz and A. Lion [online 15.06.2022]: "Viscoelastic behavior of filled silicone elastomers and influence of aging in inert and hermetic environment", Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., vol. 36, pages 333–350 (2024)

  • C. Treib, K. Loos, M. Johlitz et al. [07.09.2022]: "Ozone ageing: experimental methods on pristine and protected natural rubber", Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. (2022),  15 pages,

  • C. Treib and M.  Johlitz [2022, December]: "Ozone ageing of polydimethylsiloxane coated natural rubber.", Constitutive Models for Rubber XII: Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2022), pages 408 - 414, ISBN 9781032315539

Buchbeiträge 2022

Holm Altenbach, Michael Johlitz, Markus Merkel, Andreas Öchsner, [2022]: "Lectures Notes on Advanced Structured Materials", Advanced Structured Materials, Springer, Cham, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-031-11588-2, eBook ISBN 978-3-031-11589-9,

  • Bruno Musil, Michael Johlitz: "Aspects in the Modelling of Heterogeneous Thermo-Oxidative Ageing Using the Example of a Rubber Buffer", pages 29-43
  • Johannes Rottler, Christoph Petroll, Michael Johlitz, Kristin Paetzold, Alexander Lion: "A Strategy to Extend the Limits of Unsupported Printing in Laser Powder Bed Fusion by Optimized Process Parameters Selection", pages 119-130
  • Vivianne M. Bruère, Alexander Lion, Jens Holtmannspötter, Michael Johlitz: "An Overview on the 3D Printing of Elastomers and the Influence of Printing Parameters on Their Mechanical Properties", pages 139-153
  • Philippe du Maire, Enes Sert, Matthias Deckert, Michael Johlitz, Andreas Öchsner: "Effects of Reusing Polyamide 12 Powder on the Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Parts", Pages 155-165

  • Julian Klingenbeck, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz: "On the Influence of Perimeter, Infill-Direction and Geometry on the Tensile Properties of Test Specimen Manufactured by Fused Filament Fabrication", pages 167-182
  • Dominik Hahne, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz: "Design of a Room-in-Room Laboratory Environment for the SLS Printing Process", pages 183-192

  • Yvonne Breitmoser, Sebastian Eibl, Tobias Förster, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz: "Chemical–Mechanical Characterization of Unaged and Aged Additively Manufactured Elastomers", pages 193–202

  • Klara Loos: "Kinetics for Strain-Induced Crystallisation Analysed via Cyclic Loading Simulations", pages 217-227

  • Benedikt Demmel, Tobias Förster, Sebastian Eibl, Michael Johlitz, Alexander Lion: "Long-Term Storage of Aged NBR in Kerosene in Consideration of Long Material Service Life", pages 229-240

  • Caroline Treib, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz: "FT-IR Microscopic Analysis of the Chemical Change in the Molecular Structure After Ozone Ageing of Natural Rubber", pages 241-252

  • Sameer Kulkarni, Klara Loos, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz: "Thermoforming: Identification of Process-Relevant Ranges for Strain, Strain Rate, Cooling Rate, and Degree of Crystallinity Through Preliminary Simulations", pages 303-314

Publikationen 2021

  • A. B. Aydogdu, K. Loos, M. Johlitz and A. Lion​ [online 11.03.2021]: "A new concept for the representative directions method: Directionalisation of first and second invariant based hyperelastic models", International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41 pages,
  • B. Franke Goularte, V. Zatko, A. Lion and M. Johlitz [online 01.02.2021]: "Elastomeric door seal analysis under aircraft cabin pressure", Journal of Rubber Research (2021), 18 pages,
  • R. Jennrich, A. B. Aydogdu, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Glaser, E. Stammen and K. Dilger [online 28.02.2021]: "Experimental analysis and modelling of temperature- and humidity-controlled curing", Journal of Rubber Research (2021), 20 pages,
  • M. Johlitz and S. Hartmann [online 26.04.2021]: "Special issue on new challenges and methods in experimental investigations and modeling of elastomers", Journal of Rubber Research (2021), Foreword, 1 page,
  • K. Loos, V.M. Bruère, B. Demmel, Y. Ilmberger, A. Lion and M. Johlitz [online 15.12.2021]: "Future-Oriented Experimental Characterization of 3D Printed and Conventional Elastomers Based on Their Swelling Behavior", Polymers 2021, 13 (24), 4402, 19 pages, doi: 10.3390/polym13244402

  • B. Musil, B. Demmel, A. Lion and M. Johlitz [online 16.03.2021]: "A contribution to the chemomechanics of elastomers surrounded by liquid media: continuum mechanical approach for parameter identification using the example of sorption experiments", Journal of Rubber Research (2021),
  • T. Rehbein, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, K. Sekmen and A. Constantinescu [online 21.06.2021]: "Temperature- and degree of cure-dependent viscoelastic properties of photopolymer resins used in digital light processing", Progress in Additive Manufacturing (2021),
  • J. Schröder, A. Lion and M. Johlitz [online 08.03.2021]: "Numerical studies on the self-heating phenomenon of elastomers based on finite thermoviscoelasticity", Journal of Rubber Research (2021), 12 pages,

Publikationen 2020

  • M. Johlitz, L. Laiarinandrasana and Y. Marco [online 06.02.2020]: "Foreword", Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. Vol. 32, Issue 2, (2020).
  • J. Kneissl, A. Lion, F. Breuer, Ph. Wagner and T. Ille [online 11.11.2020]: "Study on the traction potential and manoeuvrability of wheel-individually driven commercial vehicle concepts", Vehicle System Dynamics - International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility, pages 1-21,
  • A. Lion and M. Johlitz [online 19.04.2020]: "A mechanical model to describe the vibroacoustic behaviour of elastomeric engine mounts for electric vehicles", Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (for the MSSP Special Issue in Honour of Professor Lothar Gaul), Vol. 144,
  • K. Loos, A.B. Aydogdu, A. Lion, M. Johlitz and J. Calipel [online 07.12.2020]: "Strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber: a thermodynamically consistent model of the material behaviour using a serial connection of phases", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, 36 pages,
  • K. Loos, A.B. Aydogdu, A. Lion, M. Johlitz and J. Calipel [online 18.12.2019]: "Strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber: a thermodynamically consistent model of the material behaviour using a multiphase approach", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Volume 32, March 2020, pages 501-526, doi:10.1007/s00161-019-00859-y
  • C. Mittermeier and A. Lion [Januar 2020]: "Challenges in the experimental investigation of the caloric and thermomechanical behaviour of semi-crystalline polymers: A study on the example of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)", Polymer Testing, Volume 81, January 2020, 106252, 14 pages,
  • T. Rehbein, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, A. Constantinescu: [online 23.01.2020]: "Experimental investigation and modelling of the curing behaviour of photopolymers", Polymer Testing, Volume 83, March 2020, 106356,

Publikationen 2019

  • A. Blivernitz, T. Förster, S. Eibl [12.03.2019]: Chemometric prediction of swelling potentials of aviation fuels towards elastomers using various spectroscopic data, Polymer Testing, Vol. 76, pages 261-271,
  • A. Herzig, M. Johlitz, R. J. Pazur, J. Lopez-Carreon, and C. G. Porter: "Thermal ageing of peroxide-cured NBR, Part II: Diffusion-limited oxidation and constitutive modelling", in Constitutive Models for Rubber XI: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, 2019, pages 587–592.
  • R. Jennrich, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Ernst, and E. Stammen: "Characterizing the viscoelastic behavior of an elastomer adhesive while considering the influence of the curing process", in Constitutive Models for Rubber XI: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, 2019, pages 179-182.
  • R. Jennrich, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Ernst, K. Dilger, E. Stammen [17.05.2019]: Thermomechanical characterization and modeling of fast-curing polyurethane adhesives, Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Journal no. 161, pages 1-12,
  • S. Jorik, A. Lion, M. Johlitz [31.01.2019]: Design of the novel tensile creep experimental setup, characterisation and description of the long-term creep performance of polycarbonate, Polymer Testing, Vol. 75, pages 151-158, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2019.01.023
  • J. Kneissl, A. Lion, P. Wagner (MAN Truck & Bus AG)  [2019]: "Simulation methodology for the development of new power train concepts and operation strategies", Hybrid and Electric Vehicles 16th Symposium, 1, pages 123-137, ITS mobility e.V.
  • A. Lion and M. Johlitz [19.09.2019]: "On the thermomechanics of solids surrounded by liquid media: balance equations, free energy and nonlinear diffusion", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, pages 1-25,
  • K. Loos, A. Aydogdu, A. Lion, M. Johlitz and J. Calipel: "Constitutive modelling of strain-induced crystallisation in rubber", in Constitutive Models for Rubber XI: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, 2019, pages 36-41.
  • K. Loos, A. Blivernitz, B. Musil, T. Rehbein, J. Schröder, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Challenges in Material Modelling and Testing of Elastomers", Conference Paper, International Rubber Conference (IRC 2019), 3. - 5. September 2019, London
  • K. Loos, A. Lion, M. Johlitz and J. Calipel: "A multiphase material model considering strain-induced crystallisation in polymers", Conference Paper, The Seventh International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2019), 2. - 4. September 2019, Kapstadt, Südafrika
  • K. Loos, A.B. Aydogdu, A. Lion, M. Johlitz and J. Calipel [18.12.2019]: "Strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber: a thermodynamically consistent model of the material behaviour using a multiphase approach", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, pages 1-26, doi:10.1007/s00161-019-00859-y
  • C. Mittermeier and A. Lion [07.12.2019]: "Challenges in the experimental investigation of the caloric and thermomechanical behaviour of semi-crystalline polymers: A study on the example of polyethylene terephthalate (PET)",  Polymer Testing, Volume 81, January 2020, 106252,
  • B. Musil, M. Böhning, M. Johlitz und A. Lion [28.05.2019]: On the inhomogenous chemo-mechanical ageing behaviour of nitrile rubber: experimental investigations, modelling and parameter identification, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn. 32, pages 127–146,
  • F. Neff, A. Lion, M. Johlitz [02.01.2019]: Modelling diffusion induced swelling behaviour of natural rubber in an organic liquid, ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech., pages 1-22, DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201700280
  • R. J. Pazur, J. Lopez-Carreon, C. G. Porter, A. Herzig, and M. Johlitz: Thermal ageing of peroxide-cured NBR, Part I: Effect on bulk properties, in Constitutive Models for Rubber XI: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, 2019, pages 581–586.
  • T. Rehbein, A. Lion and M. Johlitz: “Material modelling of UV curing polymers for additive manufacturing processes”, Conference Paper, International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing (Sim-AM 2019), 11. -13.09.2019, Pavia, Italien
  • T. Rehbein, A. Lion and M. Johlitz: “Modelling and simulation approaches for the numerical analysis of UV curing polymers used in additive manufacturing”, Proceedings of 8th CACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, For Young Scientists From Academia and Industry, August 28th -30th, 2019, University of Kassel, pages 175-178
  • J. Schröder, A. Lion and M. Johlitz: "Thermoviscoelastic modelling of elastomer components in industrial applications", in Constitutive Models for Rubber XI: Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019), June 25-27, 2019, Nantes, France, 2019, pages 294-299.
  • J. Schröder, A. Lion and M. Johlitz:  “On the Derivation and Application of a Finite Strain Thermo-viscoelastic Material Model for Rubber Components”, Buchbeitrag in: “State of the Art and Future Trends in Material Modeling”, Editors: Altenbach, Holm, Öchsner, Andreas (Eds.), Advanced Structured Materials, Springer, Chapter 13: pages 325-348 (24/505)

Publikationen 2018

  • B. Musil, M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2018]: On the ageing behaviour of NBR: chemomechanical experiments, modelling and simulation of tension set, Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., Pages 1-17, DOI: 10.1007/s00161-018-0728-5
  • A. Blivernitz, T. Förster and S. Eibl [2018]: Simultaneous and time resolved investigation of diffusion processes of individual model fuel components in acrylonitrile-butadiene-rubber in the
    light of swelling phenomena, Polymer Testing, Volume 70, Pages 47-56, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.06.021
  • A. Herzig, M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2018]: Ageing Phenomena in Polymers: A Short Survey, Adhesive Joints: Ageing and Durability of Epoxies and Polyurethanes (eds W. Possart and M. Brede), Pages 167-204, Online ISBN:9783527803743, DOI:10.1002/9783527803743.ch2_01
  • L. Jerpdal, M. Åkermo, D. Ståhlberg and A. Herzig [2018]: Process induced shape distortions of self-reinforced poly(ethylene terephthalate) composites, Composite Structures, Volume 193, Pages 29-34, ISSN 0263-8223, DOI: 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.03.038

Publikationen 2017

  • Agirre-Olabide, I., A. Lion and M. J. Elejabarrieta [2017]: A new three-dimensional magnetoviscoelastic model for isotropic magnetorheological elastomers, Smart Materials and Structures, Volume 26, Number 3, 9 pages,
  • Herzig, A., L. Sekerakova, M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2017]: A modelling approach for the heterogeneous oxidation of elastomers, Continuum Mech. Therm., DOI 10.1007/s00161-017-0568-8
  • Neuhaus, C., A. Lion, M. Johlitz, P. Heuler, M. Barkhoff and F. Duisen [2017]: Fatigue behaviour of an elastomer under consideration of ageing effects, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 104, 72-80, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2017.07.010

  • Blivernitz, A., T. Förster, S. Eibl, A. Lion & M. Johlitz [2017]: "Sorption experiments on elastomers assisted by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 267-271
  • Herzig, A.,  M. Johlitz & A. Lion [2017]: "Modelling of reaction-diffusion induced oxidation of elastomers in two spatial dimensions by means of ADI method", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 33-38
  • Loos, K., M. Johlitz, A. Lion, L. Palgen & J. Calipel [2017]: "New ideas to represent strain induced crystallisation in elastomers", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 199-205
  • Musil, B., M. Johlitz & A. Lion [2017] : "Modeling and simulation of couplings between chemical aging and dissipative heating in dynamic processes on the example of an NBR elastomer", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 83-90
  • Neff, F., A. Lion & M. Johlitz [2017]: "On the influence of swelling on the viscoelastic material behaviour of natural rubber", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 537-542
  • Neuhaus, C., A. Lion, M. Johlitz, P. Heuler, M. Barkhoff & F. Duisen [2017]: "Influence of discontinuous thermo-oxidative ageing on the fatigue life of a NR-compound used for engine-mount application", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 307-312
  • Vozarova, L., M. Johlitz, A. Lion & M. Koberl [2017]: "Nitrile rubber—the influence of acrylonitrile content on the thermo-oxidative aging", Constitutive Models for Rubber X: Proceedings of the European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers X, (ECCMR 2017), 91-94

Publikationen 2016

  • Bauer F., A. Lion, S. Litter and E. Topčagić [2016]: Hardware-in-the-loop system for electro-pneumatic brake systems of commercial vehicles, Proceedings of the 24th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD 2015), Volume 1, 337-344
  • Kroth, T., R. Möller, T. Melz, B. Dippel und A. Lion [2016]: Konzept zur temperaturabhängigen Lebensdauerabschätzung von Elastomerbauteilen, KGK, 916, 44-51
  • Lion, A., M. Johlitz and C. Mittermeier [2016]: Constitutive modelling of the glass transition and related phenomena: relaxation of shear stress under pressure, Advanced Methods of Continuum Mechanics for Materials and Structures, Volume 60, 103-118, DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0959-4_6
  • Lion, A. and M. Johlitz [2016]: A thermodynamic approach to model the caloric properties of semicrystalline polymers, Continuum Mech. Therm., Volume 28, Issue 3, 799-819, DOI 10.1007/s00161-015-0415-8
  • Herzig A., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2016]: Consumption and diffusion of oxygen during the thermoxidative ageing process of elastomers, Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech., Volume 47, Issue 5, 376-387, DOI 10.1002/mawe.201600513

  • Zhang, B., Michael Johlitz, Alexander Lion, Leo Ernst, K. M. B. Jansen, Duc-Khoi Vu and Laurens Weiss [2016]: Aging of epoxy moulding compound - Thermomechanical properties during high temperature storage, 2016 17th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), DOI: 10.1109/EuroSimE.2016.7463394, 1-6

Publikationen 2015

  • Agirre-Olabide I., M. J. Elejabarrieta and A. Lion [2015]: Fractional derivative model for magnetorheological elastomers, Proceedings of the 9th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 9, 639-645
  • Herzig A., M. Johlitz, and A. Lion [2015]: Experimental Investigation on the Consumption of Oxygen and its Diffusion into Elastomers During the Process of Ageing, Proceedings of the 9th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 9, 23-28
  • Herzig, A., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2015]: An experimental set-up to analyse the oxygen consumption of elastomers during ageing by using a differential oxygen analyser, Continuum Mech. Therm., Volume 27, Issue 6, 1009-1017, DOI 10.1007/s00161-014-0396-z (online 2014)
  • Johlitz, M., B. Dippel and A. Lion [2015]: Dissipative heating of elastomers: A new modelling approach based on finite and coupled thermomechanics, Continuum Mech. Therm., DOI 10.1007/s00161-015-0469-7
  • Landgraf, R., J. Ihlemann, S. Kolmeder, A. Lion, H. Lebsack and C. Kober [2015]: Modelling and simulation of acrylic bone cement injection and curing within the framework of vertebroplasty, ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech., DOI: 10.1002/zamm.201400064
  • Lion, A. and M. Johlitz [2015]: A thermodynamic approach to model the caloric properties of semicrystalline polymers, Continuum Mech. Therm., DOI 10.1007/s00161-015-0415-8
  • Lion, A. and M. Johlitz [2015]: On the constitutive representation of polymer crystallisation in continuum mechanics, Proceedings of the 9th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 9, 537-543
  • Mittermeier C., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2015]: A thermodynamically based approach to model physical ageing of amorphous polymers, Arch. Appl. Mech., Volume 85 Number 8, 1025-1034, DOI 10.1007/s00419-014-0961-8
  • Musil, B., M. Johlitz, and A. Lion [2015]: Chemical ageing of polymers - experiments and modelling, Proceedings of the 9th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 9, 75-79
  • Neuhaus, C., A. Lion and M. Johlitz [2015]: Influence of thermo-oxidative ageing on fatigue-lifetime of NR, Proceedings of the 9th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 9, 429-432
  • Rabanizada, N., F. Lupberger, M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2015]: Experimental Investigation of the Dynamic-Mechanical Behaviour of Chemically Aged Elastomers, Arch. Appl. Mech., Volume 85 Number 8, 1011-1023, DOI 10.1007/s00419-014-0971-6

Publikationen 2014

  • Dippel, B., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2014]: Ageing of polymer bonds: A coupled chemomechanical modelling approach, Continuum Mech. Therm., Volume 26, 247-257
  • Dippel B., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2014]: Thermo-mechanical couplings in elastomers - experiments and modelling, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., DOI 10.1002/zamm.201400110
  • Johlitz, M., N. Diercks and A. Lion [2014]: Thermo-Oxidative Aging of Elastomers: A Modelling Approach Based on a Finite Strain Theory, Int. J. Plasticity, accepted
  • Lion, A., B. Dippel and C. Liebl [2014]: Thermomechanical material modelling based on a hybrid free energy density depending on pressure, isochoric deformation and temperature, Int. J. Solids. Struct., Volume 51, Issues 3–4, 729–739
  • Lion, A. und M. Johlitz [2014]: On the constitutive representation of the thermochemical ageing behaviour of elastomers, Tagungsband der Konferenz "PolyMerTec 2014", Merseburg
  • Mittermeier, C.,  M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2014]: A thermodynamically based approach to model physical ageing of amorphous polymers, Arch. Appl. Mech., DOI 10.1007/s00419-014-0961-8
  • Rabanizada, N., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2014]: Investigation Of Chemically Aged Elastomers Based On Analytical Methods, Proceedings of the International Conference "ANTEC", Las Vegas (USA).
  • Rabanizada, N., M. Johlitz und A. Lion [2014]: Untersuchung chemisch gealterter Elastomere anhand analytischer Verfahren, Tagungsband der Konferenz "PolyMerTec 2014", Merseburg

Publikationen 2013

  • Diercks, N. and Lion, A. [2013]: Modelling deformation-induced anisotropy using 1D-laws for Mullins-Effect, Proceedings of the 8th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 8, 419-424.
  • Dippel, B., Johlitz, M. and Lion, A. [2013]: Finite thermoviscoelastic behaviour of elastomers - Experiments, modelling and FE simulation, Proceedings of the 8th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 8, 117-122.
  • Engelhard, M. and Lion, A. [2013]: Modelling the hydrothermomechanical properties of polymers close to glass transition, ZAMM, Volume 93,  Issues 2-3, 102-112
  • Johlitz, M. and A. Lion [2013]: Chemo-thermomechanical ageing of elastomers based on multiphase continuum mechanics, Continuum Mech. Therm., Volume 25, Issue 5, 605-624

  • Johlitz, M., N. Rabanizada und A. Lion [2013]: Mechanical behaviour of aged elastomers, Proceedings of the International Conference "Plasticity 2013", Nassau.
  • Johlitz, M., B. Dippel and A. Lion [2013]: "Chemo-mechanical ageing of elastomers", Proceedings of the 550th colloquium EUROMECH - Multi-physical couplings in solid polymers: experiments and modeling, Poirtiers (France)
  • Lion, A., N. Diercks, J. Caillard [2013]: On the directional approach in constitutive modelling: A general thermomechanical framework and exact solutions for Mooney–Rivlin type elasticity in each direction, Int. J. Solids Struct., Volume 50, Issues 14-15, 2518-2526.

  • Mittermeier, C., M. Johlitz, A. Lion [2013]: Konstitutive Modellierung der physikalischen Alterung von Polymerschichten, Tagungsband 6. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium, 111-115

  • C. Mittermeier, A. Lion [2013]: Physikalische Alterung von Polymerschichten, lightweightdesign, Vol. 6, 48-51

  • Rabanizada, N., M. Johlitz and A. Lion [2013]: Chemical aging of elastomers under different environmental conditions, Proceedings of the International Conference "ANTEC", Cincinnati (Ohio).

  • Wollscheid, D., A. Lion [2013]: Predeformation- and frequency-dependent material behaviour of filler-reinforced rubber: Experiments, constitutive modelling and parameter identification, Int. J. Solids Struct., Volume 50, 1217-1225.

  • Wollscheid, D. and Lion, A. [2013]: On the dynamic material behaviour of filled rubber with respect to preload and frequency, Proceedings of the 8th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 8, 87-93.

  • Wollscheid, D. and Lion, A. [2013]: The benefit of fractional derivatives in modelling the dynamics of filler-reinforced rubber under large strains: a comparison with the Maxwell-element approach, Comput Mech, online veröffentlicht, DOI 10.1007/s00466-013-0946-4

Publikationen 2012

  • Johlitz, M. [2012]: On the representation of ageing phenomena, J. Adhesion, Volume 88, Issue 7, 620-648.
  • Johlitz, M., S. Diebels und W. Possart [2012]: Investigation of the thermoviscoelastic material behaviour of adhesive bonds close to the glass transition temperature, Arch. Appl. Mech., Volume 82, Issue 8, 1089-1102, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-012-0640-6.

  • Johlitz, M. und A. Lion [2012]: Chemo-thermomechanical ageing of elastomers based on multiphase continuum mechanics, Continuum. Mech. Therm., published online, DOI: 10.1007/s00161-012-0255-8.
  • Johlitz, M., G. Schomandl und A. Lion [2012]: Chemical ageing of elastomers: experiments und modelling, Proceedings of the DKT-2012, Deutsche Kautschuk-Tagung 2012, Nürnberg.
  • Kolmeder, S., A. Lion, R. Landgraf, J. Ihlemann, H. Lebsack, C. Kober, T. R. Blattert [2012]: CFD-simulation of percutaneous vertebroplasty, ecm, Volume 23, Supplement 3, p. 26, Abstracts of the 22nd Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Biomaterials May 10th - 12th, 2012, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Landgraf, R., J. Ihlemann, S. Kolmeder, A. Lion, H. Lebsack, C. Kober, T. R. Blattert [2012]: Thermo-mechanical coupled FE-simulation of acrylic bone cement curing after vertebroplasty, eCM, Volume 23, Supplement 3, p. 43, Abstracts of the 22nd Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Biomaterials May 10th - 12th, 2012, Uppsala, Sweden.
  • Liebl, C., M. Johlitz, B. Yagimli und A. Lion [2012]: Three-dimensional chemo-thermomechnically coupled simulation of curing adhesives including viscoplasticity and chemical shrinkage, Comput. Mech., Volume 49, Issue 5, 603-615, DOI: 10.1007/s00466-011-0663-9.

  • Liebl, C., M. Johlitz, B. Yagimli und A. Lion [2012]: Simulation of curing-induced viscoplastic deformation: A new approach considering chemo-thermomechanical coupling, Arch. Appl. Mech., Volume 82, 1133-1144, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-012-0639-z.
  • Lion, A. und M. Johlitz [2012]: On the representation of chemical ageing of rubber in continuum mechanics, Int. J. Solids Struct., Volume 49, Issue 10, 1227-1240.
  • Lion, A., M. Engelhard und M. Johlitz [2012]: Thermomechanical and calorimetric behaviours of supported glass-forming films: A study based on thermodynamics with internal variables, Thin Solid Films, Volume 522, 441-451.


Publikationen 2011

  • Ende, S. v., A. Lion und R. Lammering [2011]: On the thermodynamically consistent fractional wave equation for viscoe-lastic solids, Acta Mech., Volume 221, 1–10.
  • Johlitz, M., J. Retka und A. Lion [2011]: Chemical ageing of elastomers: Experiments and modelling, Proceedings of the 7th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 7, 113-118.
  • Johlitz, M. und S. Diebels [2011]: Effective Mechanical Behavior of Filled Polymers, Mech. Adv. Mater. Struc., Volume 18 Issue 2, 106-114.
  • Kolmeder, S., A. Lion, R. Landgraf und J. Ihlemann [2011]: Thermophysical properties and material modelling of acrylic bone cements used in vertebroplasty, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim., Volume 105, 705–718.
  • Koprowski-Theiss N., M. Johlitz und S. Diebels [2011]: Characterizing the time dependence of filled EPDM, Rubber Chem. Technol., Volume 84 Issue 2, 147-168.
  • Koprowski-Theiss N., M. Johlitz und S. Diebels [2011]: Modelling of a Cellular Rubber with Nonlinear Viscosity Functions, Exp. Mech., Volume 51 Issue 5, 749-765.
  • Koprowski-Theiss N., M. Johlitz und S. Diebels [2011]: Pressure dependent properties of a compressible polymer, Exp. Mech., published online (DOI:10.1007/s11340-011-9489-9).
  • Koprowski-Theiss N., M. Johlitz und S. Diebels [2011]: Compressible rubber materials: Experiments and Simulations, Arch. Appl. Mech., accepted.
  • Liebl C. und A. Lion [2011]: A one-dimensional approach to the chemical and thermo-mechanical coupled modeling of curing adhesives including plasticity, PAMM, Volume 11 Issue 1, 405-406.
  • Lion, A., J. Peters und S. Kolmeder [2011]: Simulation of temperature history-dependent phenomena of glass-forming materials based on thermodynamics with internal state variables, Thermochim. Acta, Volume 522, 182-193.
  • Peters, J., O. v. Estorff und A. Lion [2011]: Description of History-Dependent Phenomena in PolymersThe Glass Transition in Modulus, Coefficient of Thermal Expansion and Heat Capacity, Kaut. Gummi Kunstst., Volume 5, 40-44.
  • Steinke, L., U.Weltin, M. Flamm, A. Lion und M. Celina [2011]: Numerical analysis of the heterogeneous ageing of rubber products, Proceedings of the 7th European conference on constitutive models for rubber (ECCMR), Volume 7, 227-231.
  • Yagimli, B. und A. Lion [2011]: Experimental investigations and material modelling of curing processes under small de-formations, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Volume 91, 342-359.

Publikationen 2010

  • Amin A.F.M.S., A. Lion und P. Höfer [2010]: Effect of temperature history on the mechanical behaviour of a filler-reinforced NR/NBR blend: literature review and critical experiments, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Volume 90, 347-369.
  • Johlitz M., D. Scharding, S. Diebels, J. Retka und A. Lion [2010]: Modelling of thermo-viscoelastic material behaviour of polyurethane close to the glass transition temperature, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Volume 90 Issue 5, 387-398.
  • Johlitz M. und S. Diebels [2010]: Characterisation of a polymer using biaxial tension tests. Part I: Hyperelasticity, Arch. Appl. Mech., published online (DOI: 10.1007/s00419-010-0480-1).
  • Kolmeder S. und A. Lion [2010]: On the thermomechanical-chemically coupled behavior of acrylic bone cements: Experi-mental characterization of material behavior and modeling approach. Proceedings of the 1st International Confer-ence on Material Modelling, Technische Mechanik, Volume 30, 195-202.
  • Liebl C. und A. Lion [2010]: Determination of the intrinsic permeability of aluminium foam - Measurements and analytical calculation, PAMM, Volume 10 Issue 1, 473-474.
  • Lion A., und J. Peters [2010]: Coupling effects in dynamic calorimetry: frequency-dependent relations for specific heat and thermomechanical responses - a one-dimensional approach based on thermodynamics with internal state variables, Thermochim. Acta, Volume 500, 76–87.
  • Lion A., C. Liebl, S. Kolmeder und J. Peters [2010]: Representation of the glass-transition in mechanical and thermal prop-erties of glass-forming materials: a three-dimensional theory based on thermodynamics with internal state variables, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Volume 58 Issue 9, 1338–1360.
  • Lion A. und M. Johlitz [2010]: Mechanics of Polymers: Experiments and Constitutive Modelling, ZAMM - Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Volume 90, 346ff, doi: 10.1002/zamm.201009055.
  • Rendek M. und A. Lion [2010]: Strain-induced transient effects of filler-reinforced elastomers with respect to the Payne-effect: experiments and constitutive modelling, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., Volume 90, 436-458.
  • Rendek M. und A. Lion [2010]: Amplitude dependence of filler-reinforced rubber: experiments, constitutive modelling and FEM-implementation, Int. J. Solids Struct., Volume 47, 2918–2936.

Publikationen 2009


  • Amin, A.F.M.S. und A. Lion [2009]: Temperature dependence of Mullins softening-healing phenomena: an outline for theoretical description based on experiments, Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, Heinrich et al. (eds), 497-503.
  • Heinrich G., M. Kaliske, A. Lion und S. Reese [2009]: Proceedings of the 6th ECCMR-Conference 2009 in Dresden, Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, 518 Seiten. CRC Press/Balkema Taylor and Francis Group, ISBN: 978-415-56327-7.
  • Höfer, P. und A. Lion [2009]: Modelling of frequency- and amplitude-dependent material properties of filler-reinforced rubber, J. Mech. Phys. Solids, Volume 57, 500-520.
  • Lion, A. und B. Yagimli [2009]: On the frequency-dependent specific heat and TMDSC: constitutive modelling based on thermodynamics with internal state variables, Thermochim. Acta, Volume 490, 64-74.
  • Lion, A., J. Retka und M. Rendek [2009]: On the calculation of predeformation-dependent dynamic modulus tensors in finite nonlinear viscoelasticity, Mech. Res. Commun., Volume 36 Issue 6, 653–658.
  • Rendek, M. und A. Lion [2009]: Modelling and finite element simulation of filler-reinforced elastomers under dynamic deformations, Kaut. Gummi Kunstst., 28-35.
  • Rendek, M. und A. Lion [2009]: Filler-reinforced rubber under transient and cyclic loadings: constitutive modelling and FEM - implementation for time domain simulations, Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, Heinrich et al. (eds), 39-45.
  • Rendek, M. und A. Lion [2009]: Finite-Elemente-Berechnung dynamischer Eigenschaften von Elastomeren, DVM – Bericht 676 - Elastomerbauteile, 161-170.
  • Retka, J. und A. Lion [2009]: Modelling and simulation of dynamically-loaded elastomer mounts under predeformation, Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, Heinrich et al. (eds), 149-497.


Publikationen 2008

  • Lion A., B. Yagimli, G. Baroud und U. Goerke [2008]: Constitutive modelling of PMMA-based bone cement: a functional model of viscoelasticity and its approximation for time domain investigations, Arch. Mech., Volume 60, 197-218.
  • Lion A. und B. Yagimli [2008]: Differential scanning calorimetry - continuum mechanical considerations with focus to the polymerisation of adhesives, Z. angew. Math. Mech., Volume 88, 388-402.
  • Pracny, V., M. Meywerk und A. Lion [2008]: Full vehicle simulation using thermomechanically coupled hybrid neural network shock absorber mode, Vehicle Syst. Dyn., Volume 46, 229-238.

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge bis 2024

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2024

Konferenzbeiträge 2024:

10./11. April 2024, Herrsching am Ammersee

Projekttagung „Additive Fertigung“ der UniBw M im Rahmen von FLAB3d

  • Johannes Rottler: "Materialverhalten von Ti-6AI-4V im LPBF-Prozess: Thermische Analyse und Mikrostruktur"
  • Dominik Hahne: "Materialmodellierung von selektiv lasergesintertem Polyamid 12"
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Untersuchung des Intlayer-Bonding Verhaltens im FFF-Druck an dünnwandigen Strukturen"

20. bis 24. Mai 2024, Porto (Portugal)

The 2024 Postgraduate Seminar - ADVANCED STRUCTURED MATERIALS

  • Michael Johlitz: “Viscoelastic materials: from experimental characterisation to continuum mechanical modelling, implementation and simulation”
  • Dominik Hahne: “Material modelling of selective laser sintered Polyamid 12 for the deviatoric stress state”
  • Johannes Rottler: “Temperature history in laser powder bed fusion: analyzing the effect of inhomogeneous heat removal on the microstructural state of Ti-6Al-4V”
  • Caroline Treib: “Influence of antiozonants on the evolution of crack depth in natural rubber”
  • Ondrej Farkas: “Using continuous relaxation and intermittent uniaxial tests to calibrate a model for thermal ageing of elastomers”
  • Tomas Gejgus: “Elastomeric engine mounts - numerical studies for e-mobility applications”
  • Yvonne Breitmoser: “Sorption mechanisms of oils and fuels in thermoplastic Polyurethanes”
  • Stefan Brenner: “Experimental and numerical study on the temperature-dependent tensile properties of AlSi10Mg fabricated by laser-based powder bed fusion”
  • Steffen Seitz: “Analysis of the diffusion behavior of pyrolysis oil from used tires in Nitrile Butadiene rubber”
  • Philip-Marc Barnewitz: “Debonding on demand of adhesive joints for the automotive industry”
  • Julian Klingenbeck: “Mechanical properties and interlayer bonding of thin-walled structures in the fused filament fabrication process”
  • Sameer Kulkarni: “On the visco-elastic properties of PA6-COC Polymer blends: experimental and modelling”
  • Philippe du Maire: “Recycling of old binding twine from agriculture”

10. bis 13. Juni 2024, San Francisco (USA)

5th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering

  • Michael Johlitz: " Experimental and Modeling Challenges in the Computer-Aided Engeneering of Polymers", eingeladener Vortrag

26. bis 28. Juni 2024, Istanbul (Türkei)

ECCMR 2024 - European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers

  • Klara Loos: "Frequency-domain analysis of elastomeric vibration isolators: experimental and numerical investigations under dynamic loading"
  • Caroline Treib: "Evolution of crack depth in natural rubber due to ozone loading"

1. bis 5. Juli 2024, Barcelona (Spanien)

ACEX 2024 - 17th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • J. Holtmannspötter: “Challenges and Experiences in the Use of Future Technology 3D-Printing in an Organization from the Perspective of a responsible Material Research Institution” (Hauptvortrag)
  • A. Lion: “On Finite Hyperelasticity using Stretch Tensors” (eingeladener Vortrag)
  • Y. Breitmoser, T. Förster, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Eibl: „TG-FTIR of TPUs”
  • S. Seitz, T. Förster, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Eibl: „Investigating the Diffusion Behavior of Pyrolysis Oil-Diesel Blends in Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber”
  • J. Rottler, T. K. Tetzlaff, C. Baumgart, A. Lion: „Material Properties and Microstructural Evolution of Ti-6Al-4V fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion dependent on Global Process Temperatures”
  • J. Klingenbeck, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: „Viscoelastic Properties of Thin-Walled Polyamide 6 Structures manufactured in the Fused Filament Fabrication Process”
  • D. Hahne, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: „Material Modelling of Selective Laser Sintered PA12”
  • M. Ascher, R. Späth: “Topology Optimization of Additively Manufactured Adherends for Increased Bond Strength”

8. bis 11. Juli 2024, Amsterdam (Niederlande)

ICSV30 - 30th International Congress on Sound and Vibration

  • T. Gejgus, O. Farkas, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Excitation characterisation of an e-drive using dynamic substructuring"

4. bis 6. September 2024 ,Oxford (England)

Adhesion 2024- 16th International Conference on the Science and Technology of Adhesion and Adhesives 

  • P. Barnewitz, J. Holtmannspötter, E. Arikan, D. Schmid, M. Schüssler, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "The influence of aluminium surface pretreatments on the electrical induced debonding of adhesive joints"

7. bis 8. Oktober 2024, London (UK)

9th European Congress on 3D Printing & Additive Manufacturing

  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Investigations into Polymer Bonding During the Fused Filament Fabrication Process and its Effect on Mechanical Properties"
  • Johannes Rottler: "Experimental Analysis of Thermal Properties and Microstructural Evolution of Ti-6Al-4V during LPBF Printing"

9. Oktober 2024, Technische Universität Clausthal

Workshop des GAMM Fachausschusses Experimentelle Mechanik

  • J. Klingenbeck, A. Lion: "Herausforderungen und Methoden der Charakterisierung 3D gedruckter Strukturen aus dem Fused Filament Fabrication Verfahren"
  • S. Kulkarni, A. Lion: "Crystallinity and temperature dependence of viscoelasticity in PA6: Experimental and modeling"

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2023

Konferenzbeiträge 2023:

20. bis 24. Februar 2023, Barcelona (Spanien)

The 2023 Postgraduate Seminar - ADVANCED STRUCTURED MATERIALS

  • Michael Johlitz: "From Viscoelasticity to Dissipative Heating in Elastomers: Experiments, Modelling and Simulations"

  • Yvonne Breitmoser: "About Sorption of Fuels in Thermoplastic Polyurethanes"

  • Dominik Hahne: "Selective Laser Sintered Pipe Specimen: Experimental Investigations and Material Modelling"
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Inverstigations on the Influence of Process Temperature on the Interlayer Bonding Strength in Fused Filament Fabrication"
  • Johannes Rottler: "The Importance of Heat Conduction and Global Temperature Fields in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process"
  • Michael Ascher: "Elastoplastic Characterization of a Tough-Modified 2C Epoxy Adhesive"

28. /29. März 2023, Herrsching am Ammersee

Projekttagung „Additive Fertigung“ der UniBw M im Rahmen von FLAB3d

  • Yvonne Breitmoser: „Verträglichkeit von additiv gefertigten Elastomeren mit Kraftstoffen“
  • Dominik Hahne: „Auslegung, Test und Materialmodellierung einer selektiv lasergesinterten PA12-Rohrprobe“
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Einfluss von Prozesstemperaturen auf die interlayer Bonding Strength im Fused Filament Fabrication Prozess"
  • Johannes Rottler: "Globale Temperaturfelder im LPBF Prozess von Ti-6Al-4V: Bedeutung und experimentelle Ergebnisse"

10./11. Mai 2023, Linz (Österreich)

ECS Simulation Conference 2023

  • Tomas Gejgus: "Critical changes in the response of elastomeric engine mounts in the region of structural resonance"

09. bis 11. Mai 2023, Edinburgh (Schottland)

RubberCon 2023

  • Ondrej Farkas: "Frequency domain viscoelasticity – on the experimental and numerical investigation of elastomeric vibration isolators under dynamic loading"

30. Mai bis 02. Juni 2023, Dresden

GAMM 2023 - International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik)

  • Sameer Kulkarni: "Thermal and mechanical characterization of PA6 with a focus on simulating thermoforming process"

15. Juni 2023, Hochschule Esslingen, Fakultät Maschinen und Systeme

Doktorandenseminar - SS2023

  • Tomas Gejgus: "Elastomerlager für E-Fahrzeuge - Experimentelle Untersuchung und Modelierung des Strukturverhaltens"
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Mechanische Prüfungn und Modellierung von Polymer-Interfaces im FFF 3D Druck"
  • Johannes Rottler: "Über die thermischen Eigenschaften von Ti-6Al-4V in globalen Temperaturfeldern des LPBF Prozesses"

20./21. Juni 2023, Neubiberg, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Institut für Mechanik

Doktorandenseminar 2023

  • Caroline Treib: "Entwicklung eines Schadensparameters für Ozonalterung in Naturkautschuk"
  • Yvonne Breitmoser: "Diffusion von Betriebsstoffen in konventionell und additiv gefertigte thermoplastische Elastomere"
  • Steffen Seitz: "Beschleunigte und konventionelle Verträglichkeitsuntersuchung von Elastomeren mit Kraftstoffen sowie Pyrolyseölen"
  • Ondrej Farkas: "Development of master curves in frequency domain"
  • Gyula Csaki: "Messdatenerfassung und mathematische Aufbereitung der Daten für die Entwicklung in der Fahrzeugtechnik"
  • Christoph Plusczyk: "Modellierung von Schweißnähten für die Betriebsfestigkeitsanalyse an Fahrwerksbauteilen"
  • Tomas Gejgus: "Lösungsansatz zur Charakterisierung von durch Synchronmaschinen hochfrequent angeregten Elastomerlagern
  • Michael Ascher: "Klebgerechte Konstruktion additiv gefertigter Bauteile"
  • Philip-Marc Barnewitz: "Debonding on Demand für Klebverbindungen von HV-Batterien"
  • Stefan Brenner: "Weiterentwicklung des AlSi10Mg Materialmodells für die PBF-LB Prozesssimulation"
  • Johannes Rottler: "Über die Bedeutung der Wärmewirkung im Laser Powder Bed Fusion Prozess mit Ti-6Al-4V"
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Charakterisierung von Polyamid 6 mittels Rheologie und Dynamisch Mechanischer Analyse von der Schmelze bis Raumtemperatur"
  • Philippe du Maire: "Änderungen der mechanischen Eigenschaften von PA12 bei Verwendung  von TiO2 als antibakterielles Additiv"
  • Sameer Kulkarni: "Thermal and mechanical characterization of PA6"

3. bis 7. Juli 2023, Heraklion, Kreta (Griechenland)

ACEX 2023 - 16th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

Chair Persons:

  • Michael Johlitz, Lucien Laiarinandrasana, Yann Marco: "Experimental investigations and modelling in polymer mechanics: state of the art and future trends (ss7)"

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge:

  • Alexander Lion (Invited talk, VIP037): "A constitutive Approach to represent the Influence of Ageing on the dynamic mechanical Properties of Polymers"
  • Caroline Treib, M. Johlitz (ACEX105): "Evolution of a Damage Parameter for natural Rubber aged by Ozone under Strain"
  • Yvonne Breitmoser, T. Förster, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Eibl (ACEX104): "About the Compatibility of thermoplastic Polyurethanes with Oils and Fuels"
  • Julian Klingenbeck, A. Lion, M. Johlitz (ACEX113): "Mechanical Characterization of Inter-Layers in Polyamide 6 Structures fabricated by fused Filament Fabrication dependent on Process Temperatures"
  • Sameer Ravindra Kulkarni, M.C. Reuvers, A. Lion, M. Johlitz (ACEX111): "Modeling of non-isothermal Crystallization Kinetics during melt Cooling and crystallinitydependent Thermoviscoelasticity in PA6"
  • Johannes Rottler, T. K. Tetzlaff, A. Lion, K. Paetzold-Byhain, (ACEX118): "The Influence of Components Geometry and Support Structure on global Temperature Fields in the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Process by Ti-6Al-4V"


  • Michaela Lochbihler, Y. Breitmoser, A. Lion, M. Johlitz (ACEX109): "The Mullins-Effect in Soft TPUs"
  • Steffen Seitz, T. Förster, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Eibl (ACEX122): "Compatibility of Nitrile Butadiene Rubber Elastomers with Fuels in an Autoclave"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2022

Konferenzbeiträge 2022:

28. Februar bis 4. März 2022, Malta

ACEX - The 2022 Postgraduate Seminar

  • Vivianne Bruère: "An Investigation of the Influence of Printing Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed TPU-Based Elastomers"
  • Benedikt Demmel: "Acrylonitrile Content in NBR – Impact on Aging and Swelling Phenomena"
  • Philippe du Maire: "Thermal Ageing Effects of Polyamide 12 Powder in Selective Laser Sintering"
  • Dominik Hahne: "Design of a Room-in-Room Laboratory Environment for SLS-Printing-Process"
  • Yvonne Ilmberger: "Chemical-Analytical Characterisation of Additively Manufactured Elastomers"
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "How to Manufacture Tensile Specimen for 3D Printing the Right Way - On the Influence of Perimeter, Infill-Direction and -Geometry on the Tensile Properties of Test Specimen Manufactured by Fused Filament Fabrication"
  • Sameer Kulkarni: "Modelling of Thermoforming Process: Preliminary Simulations and Experiments"
  • Klara Loos: "Semi-Crystalline Polymers: Constitutive Modelling of Crystallisation Kinetics"
  • Johannes Rottler: "A Strategy to Extend the Limits of Unsupported Printing in Laser Powder Bed Fusion by Optimized Process Parameters Selection"
  • Caroline Treib: "IR-Microscopic Analysis of Depth Dependent Molecular Change After Ozone Ageing of Natural Rubber"

21. und 22. Juni 2022, Bad Alexandersbad im Fichtelgebirge

Polymerseminar 2022

  • Yvonne Breitmoser: "Verträglichkeit von 3D-gedruckten Elastomeren mit Kraftstoffen"
  • Benedikt Demmel: "Ortsaufgelöste und komponenten-selektive Diffusion von synthetischen Kraftstoffen in gealterten NBR"
  • Silke Golob: "Alterung von Aluminiumklebungen – Einfluss von Umweltparametern"
  • Dominik Hahne: "Betriebsfestigkeit lasergesinterter Polyamide"
  • Julian Klingenbeck: "Orientation of Short Carbon Fibre Reinforcement in FFF Printing"
  • Caroline Treib: "Ozonbedingte Alterung in Naturkautschuk FT-IR Spektroskopie"

3. bis 7. Juli 2022, Florenz (Italien)

ACEX2022 - 15th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting








  • Dominik Hahne, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "DESIGN OF A ROOM-IN-ROOM LABORATORY ENVIRONMENT FOR THE SLS PRINTING PROCESS", Auszeichnung: Best Poster Award (ACEX312)
  • Johannes RottlerC. Petroll, A. Lion, K. Paetzold, M. Johlitz: "ON THE QUALITY AND THE PROCESSING LIMITS OF UNSUPPORTED SINGLE MELT TRACKS IN LASER POWDER BED FUSION", Auszeichnung: Best Poster Award (ACEX313)

7. bis 9. September 2022, Mailand (Italien)

ECCMR 2022 - XII European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers

Session Chairman Komitee:

  • Michael Johlitz


  • Tomaš Gejgus: "Experimental and numerical investigations of NVH behaviour of NR-BR blend used for engine mounts of EVs"
  • Caroline Treib: "Ozone ageing of PDMS coated natural rubber"
  • Klara Loos: "Constitutive Equations for strain-induced crystallisation in elastomers: simulation of cyclic loadings"
  • Benedikt Demmel: "Spatially resolved diffusion characteristics of synthetic fuels in aged NBR"

17. bis 19. Oktober 2022, Los Angeles (USA)

POLYMERS-2022 - First International Conference on Polymer Science and Engineering

Eingeladener Vortrag:

  • Michael Johlitz and Alexander Lion: "Challenges in the experimental characterization and modelling of polymers in industrial applications"

29. November bis 1. Dezember,  Kapstadt (Südafrika)

ICMM7 - 7th International Conference on Material Modelling

  • Michael Johlitz, Alexander Lion and Bruno Musil: "On the interaction of dissipative heating and chemical ageing"

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2021

Konferenzbeiträge 2021:

16. bis 18. November 2021, online

MBS Tech Days 2021

  • Robert Buchmann, R. Krivachy, D. Blagus and A. Lion: "Virtual Proving Ground Testing of Commercial Vehicles for Durability Analysis at MAN with Validation and Identification of Dominating Mode Shapes for Structural Optimization"

6. Oktober 2021, online

Workshop des GAMM Fachausschusses Experimentelle Festkörpermechanik

  • Alexander Lion: "Kontinuumsmechanische Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Dynamischen Differenzkalorimetrie"
  • Klara Loos: "Die HotDisk Methode – ein transientes Flächenquellverfahren zur Bestimmung der Wärme- und Temperaturleitfähigkeit"
  • Thomas Rehbein: "Photo-DSC zur experimentellen Charakterisierung der Aushärtung von Photopolymerharzen in der additiven Fertigung"

4. bis 8. Juli 2021, Malta (face to face / virtual)

ACEX 2021 - 14th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • Benedikt Demmel, S. Eibl, T. Förster, M. Johlitz and A. Lion: "GC/MS assisted investigation of diffusion processes of synthetic fuel components in aged nitrile rubber" (virtual)
  • Tomas Gejgus, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Vibro-acoustic behaviour of elastomeric mounts of electric vehicles" (virtual)
  • Klara Loos, A. B. Aydogdu, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, J. Calipel: "Modelling the strain-induced crystallisation phenomenon in elastomers: parallel and serial connection in multi-phase approach" (face to face)
  • Ahmet Burak Aydogdu, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Modeling and simulations of the strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber with the thermodynamically consistent directionalisation approach" (virtual)
  • Vivianne Marie Bruère, A. Lion, J. Holtmannspötter, M. Johlitz: "Additive manufacturing of elastomers: under-extrusion challenges for elastic filaments" (face to face)


  • Caroline Treib, M. Johlitz: "Experimental detection of ozone ageing in natural rubber" (face to face)

9. bis 11. Juni 2021, online

PolyMerTec 2021 - Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung Polymerwerkstoffe

  • Benedikt Demmel, S. Eibl, T. Förster, M. Johlitz and A. Lion: "Diffusion characteristics of fuel like substances in aged nitrile rubber investigated by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry"

18. bis 21. Mai 2021, online

ECS Simulation Conference 2021

  • Alexander Lion: "Elastodynamic modelling of engine bearings for electric cars"
  • Robert Buchmann, S. Schober, R. Krivachy and A. Lion: "Durability assessment of weld seams in virtual proving ground testing of commercial vehicles"

30. März 2021, KIT (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology), Online-Seminar

Internationales Graduiertenkolleg 2078 der DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)

  • Alexander Lion: "On the representation of polymerphysical phenomena in continuum mechanics"

15. bis 19. März 2021, Kassel, Web-Konferenz

GAMM 2021 - 91th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

  • Thomas Rehbein: „Experimental investigation and modelling of photopolymers for additive manufacturing processes"

24. und 25. Februar 2021, online

10. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium

  • Robert Buchmann, S. Schober, R. Krivachy und A. Lion: "Bewertung von Schweißnahtverbindungen in der virtuellen Schlechtwegeerprobung mit Validierung am Gesamtfahrzeug"

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2020

Konferenzbeiträge 2020:

13. bis 15. Mai 2020, Web-Konferenz

DGM-Fachtagung „Werkstoffe und additive Fertigung“

  • Thomas Rehbein: „Photopolymere im additiven Fertigungsprozess: experimentelle Charakterisierung, Materialmodellierung und Simulation"

23. bis 24. Juni 2020, Web-Konferenz, München plus 2020

  • Robert Buchmann: "Virtual operational strength analysis for commercial vehicles"

19. bis 24. Juli 2020, Paris (Frankreich)

WCCM 2020 – 14th World Congress in Computational Mechanics and ECCOMAS Congress 2020

  • Klara Loos: "Strain-induced crystallisation in elastomers: a constitutive model based on thermodynamical consistency"
  • Ahmet B. Aydogdu, K. Loos, M. Johlitz, A. Lion, J. Calipel: "A thermodynamically consistent multi-phase affine and non-affine micro-sphere approach for the strain-induced crystallisation phenomenon for natural rubber"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2019

20. bis 21. Februar 2019, Braunschweig

HEV 2019 - Hybrid and Electric Vehicle

Jürgen Kneissl, Alexander Lion, Philipp Wagner (MAN Truck & Bus AG): "Simulation methodology for the development of new power train concepts and operation strategies"

18. bis 22.Februar 2019, Wien (Österreich)

GAMM 2019 - 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

  • Rebecca Jennrich, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz (Institut für Mechanik, UniBwM) und Sarah Ernst, Elisabeth Stammen (Institut für Füge- und Schweißtechnik, TU-Braunschweig): "Modeling the curing process of a polyurethane structural adhesive with regard to the mechanical properties of the cured material"

  • Bruno Musil, Michael Johlitz and Alexander Lion: "Experimental investigation, modelling and simulation of the DLO-effect using the example of thermo-oxidatively aged nitrile rubber"

 13./14. Juni 2019, Berlin

Arbeitskreis Stoffgesetze 2019

  • Bruno Musil: "Experimentelle Untersuchung, Modellierung und Simulation des DLO-Effekts", eingeladener Vortrag
  • Jonas Schröder: "Ein Konzept zur Berechnung der dissipativen Eigenerwärmung von Elastomerbauteilen", eingeladener Vortrag

22. bis 24. Juli 2019, Osaka (Japan)

WCAM-2019 - 8th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials-Japan 2019

  • Michael Johlitz et al.: "Innovative approaches in the field of modeling and testing of elastomers"

25. bis 27. Juni 2019, Nantes (Frankreich)

ECCMR 2019 - 11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers

  • Alexander Herzig: "Thermal ageing of peroxide-cured NBR, Part II: Diffusion-limited oxidation and constitutive modelling", & Co-Author: "Thermal ageing of peroxide‐cured NBR, Part I: Effect on bulk properties"
  • Rebecca Jennrich: "Characterizing the viscoelastic behavior of an elastomer adhesive while considering the influence of the curing process"
  • Klara Loos: "Constitutive modelling of strain-induced crystalisation in rubber"
  • Jonas Schröder: "Thermoviscoelastic modelling of elastomer components in industrial applications"

1. bis 5. Juli 2019, Athen (Griechenland)

ACEX 2019 - 13th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • K. Loos, M. Johlitz, A. Lion & J. Calipel: "New investigations in constitutive modelling of strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber"
  • J. Schröder, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "On the implementation of a finite strain thermo-viscoelastic material model for industrial applications"
  • A. Blivernitz, S. Eibl, T. Förster, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Prediction of fuel induced elastomer swelling using chemometric methods based on mass spectrometry"


  • B. Demmel, S. Eibl, T. Förster, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Swelling behavior of NBR in fuels after thermo-oxidative ageing", ausgezeichnet mit dem "ACEX2019 BEST POSTER AWARD"

28. bis 30. August 2019, Kassel

GACM 2019 - 8th Colloquium on Computational Mechanics

  • Thomas Rehbein: "Modelling and simulation approaches for the numerical analysis of UV
    curing polymers used in additive manufacturing"

2. bis 4. September 2019, Kapstadt (Südafrika)


  • Klara Loos, A. Lion, M. Johlitz , J. Calipel: "A multiphase material model considering strain-induced crystallisation in polymers"

3. bis 5. September 2019, Kia Oval, London

IRC 2019 - International Rubber Conference

  • Michael Johlitz et al.: "Challenges in Material Modelling and Testing of Elastomers", eingeladener Vortrag

11. bis 13. September 2019, Pavia (Italien)

Sim-AM 2019 - II International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing

  • Thomas Rehbein: "Material modelling of UV curing polymers for additive manufacturing

15. bis 18. September 2019, Dubrovnik (Kroatien)

IWCMM29 - 29th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials 

  • Ahmet B. Aydogdu, K. Loos, A. Lion, M. Johlitz and J. Calipel: "A thermodynamically consistent constitutive model for the Strain Induced Crystallisation (SIC) phenomenon for the natural rubber “

23. bis 25. September 2019, Pilsen (Tschechien)


  • Tomas Gejgus: "Zur Hyperelastizität von EPDM: Experimentell gestützte Modellierung und Validierung mittels FEM"

7. November 2019, Gothenburg (Schweden)

Chalmers University of Technology

  • Michael Johlitz et al.: "Current Research Activities in the Field of Elastomer Materials", eingeladener Vortrag


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2018

3. bis 9. Januar 2018, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA

Plasticity 2018


19. bis 23. März 2018, München
GAMM 2018 - 89rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
  • Alexander Lion: "On the continuum mechanical modelling of polymerphysical phenomena", Eingeladener Hauptvortrag
  • Michael Johlitz:  "Minisymposium on Experimental Mechanics: Recent experimental methods to characterise polymer ageing"
  • Rebecca Jennrich: "Thermo-hygro-mechanical Characterization and Modeling of fast-curing Polyurethane Adhesives"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Constitutive modeling of the thermal induced crystallization in semicrystalline polymers"
  • Vladimir Zatko: "An anisotropic model for fiber-reinforced elastomers at finite strains"

10./11. April 2018, Steyr, Österreich
5th International Conference: Dynamic Simulation in Vehicle Engineering
  •  Alexander Lion: "Modelling and model-based outcomes in vehicle engineering - pneumatic components, cars with trailers and lateral drift during braking", Eröffnungsvortrag

13. bis 15. Juni 2018, Merseburg
PolyMerTec18: Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen
  • Bruno Musil: "On the inhomogeneous chemo-mechanical ageing behaviour of NBR: Experimental investigations and modelling"

1. bis 5. Juli 2018, Amsterdam, Niederlande

ACE-X 2018 - 12th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • Alexander Lion, M. Johlitz: "Modelling the influence of diffusing liquids to the properties of elastomers", Eingeladener Vortrag
  • Rebecca Jennrich, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, S. Ernst, E. Stammen: "Describing an elastomeric adhesive in consideration of its dual curing mechanisms in continuum mechanics"
  • L. Palgen, J. Calipel, A. Lion, M. Johlitz, Klara Loos: "Strain-Induced Crystallisation in Natural Rubber: A new Modelling Approach"
  • Jonas Schröder, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Modeling of thermo-viscoelastic behavior of elastomers"

22. bis 27. Juli 2018, New York City, USA

WCCM 2018 - World Congress in Computational Mechanics

  • Michael Johlitz, B. Musil and A. Lion: " On the modelling of technical rubber regarding multiphysical environmental conditions", Eingeladener Vortrag

 4. bis 7. September 2018, Mailand (Italien)

MTDM 2018 - Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials Conference

  • Alexander Herzig, M. Johlitz, A. Lion: "Heterogeneous ageing of elastomers: experimental investigations and constitutive modelling by means of a modified reactiondiffusion
  • Stefan Jorik, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "Characterisation and modelling of nonlinear long‐term creep behaviour of polycarbonate"
  • Alexander Lion, M. Johlitz: "On the consideration of environmental media to the properties of polymers in nonlinear continuum mechanics: balance equations, modelling and simulations"
  • Vladimir Zatko, A. Lion, M. Johlitz: "A homogenized anisotropic model for fibre‐reinforced elastomers at finite strains"



Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2017

30. November 2017, Universität Stuttgart
  • Michael Johlitz und Team:" Wie untersucht man die Alterung technischer Gummiwerkstoffe? Ein steiniger Weg von Versuchen über Modelle hin zu belastbaren Aussagen". Eingeladener Vortrag

23. November 2017, Zlin (Tschechien)

Gumference 2017 – seminar of joint Czech-Bavarian research project no. 8E15B007

  • Alexander Lion: "A model to describe the crytallisation of rubber under strain and temperature". Eingeladener Hauptvortrag
  • Michael Johlitz: "How to determine ageing of polymers? Basiscs, experimental methods and modelling approaches". Eingeladener Vortrag

10. und 11. Oktober 2017, Nürtingen bei Stuttgart

VDI-Fachtagung - Schwingungen 2017: Berechnung, Überwachung, Anwendung

  • Christina Braun, Alexander Lion, J. Fleischhacker: "Drehschwingungssimulation am Antriebsstrang, Variantenbeherrschung im Nutzfahrzeug". VDI-Berichte Nr. 2295

28. bis 31. August 2017, München

ECCMR 2017 - 10th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers

  • Christoph Neuhaus, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz, P. Heuler, M. Barkhoff, F. Duisen: "INFLUENCE OF DISCONTINUOUS THERMO-OXIDATIVE AGEING ON THE FATIGUE LIFE OF NATURAL RUBBER"
  • Klara Loos, Michael Johlitz und Alexander Lion, L. Palgen und J. Calipel: "CONSTITUTIVE EQUATIONS FOR CRYSTALLIZABLE RUBBERS"


  • Artur Blivernitz, Tobias Förster, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz, Sebastian Eibl: "SORPTION EXPERIMENTS ON ELASTOMERS ASSISTED BY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS SPECTROMETRY (GC/MS)"
  • Jonas Schröder, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz: "MODELING THERMOMECHANICAL COUPLINGS OF ELASTOMERS"
  • Ludmila Vozarova, Michael Johlitz und Alexander Lion, Mathias Köberl: "NITRILE RUBBER - THE INFLUENCE OF ACRYLONITRILE CONTENT ON THE THERMO-OXIDATIVE AGING"

23. bis 25. August 2017, Bad Tölz

10. Workshop Kontinuumsmechanik

  • Klara Loos: „Material model for strain induced crystallization in natural rubber"
  • Jonas Schröder: „Numerische Simulation Finite Thermohyperelastizität“
  • Vladimir Zatko: „Ein anisotropes Modell für faserverstärkte Polymere und seine Implementierung in die FEM“

14. - 18. August 2017, Central Queensland University (Australien)

IAVSD 2017 - 25th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics

  • Christina Braun, Alexander Lion, J. Fleischhacker: "Torsional Vibration Simulation in Commercial Vehicle Powertrains". Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD 2017), Paper ID 139

2. bis 5. April 2017, Dresden

EuroSimE 2017 - 18th International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems.

  • Bingbing Zhang, et al. "Modelling of thermal aging of Moulding Compound by using an equivalent layer assumption.", DOI: 10.1109/EuroSimE.2017.7926271, S. 1-6

21. und 22. März 2017, Heidelberg

DVM - Arbeitskreis Elastomerbauteile

  • Michael Johlitz: "Alterung technischer Gummiwerkstoffe: Ein steiniger Weg von Versuchen über Modelle hin zu belastbaren Aussagen"
  • Christoph Neuhaus, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz, P. Heuler, M. Barkhoff, F. Duisen: "Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Bestimmung
    der thermo-mechanischen Schädigung von Naturkautschuk"
  • Jonas Schröder, Alexander Lion, Michael Johlitz, T. Kroth: "Modellierung thermo-mechanischer Kopplungen von Elastomeren"

3. bis 9. Januar 2017, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Plasticity 2017

  • Michael Johlitz, Christoph Neuhaus, Alexander Lion:"ON THE INFLUENCE OF AGEING WITH RESPECT TO THE DURABILITY BEHAVIOUR OF ELASTOMERS.". Eingeladener Vortrag (Keynote)

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2016

01. März 2016, Haus der Technik, München

Triebstränge in Fahrzeugen

  • Christina Braun: "Drehschwingungssimulation am LKW-Antriebsstrang, Variantenvielfalt Gelenkwelle"

18. bis 20. April 2016, Montpellier, (Frankreich)

EuroSimE 2016 - 17th IEEE International Conference on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems

  • Bingbing Zhang, Michael Johlitz, Alexander Lion, Leo Ernst, K. M. B. Jansen, Duc-Khoi Vu, Laurens Weiss: "Aging of epoxy moulding compound - Thermomechanical properties during high temperature storage."

13. Mai 2016, Graz (Österreich)

Grazer Nutzfahrzeugworkshop

  • Christina Braun: "Simulation process of cardan shaft design - Driveshaft diversity."

17. bis 20. Mai 2016, Paris (Frankreich)

MTDM 2016 - The 10th International conference on Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials

  • Alexander Lion: "Material modelling of thermoplastics: thermomechanical and caloric phenomena." Eingeladener Hauptvortrag
  • Michael Johlitz, Christoph Neuhaus, Frank Neff, Alexander Lion: " About dissipative heating of elastomers and its relevance for technical applications."

15. bis 17. Juni 2016, Merseburg

PolyMerTec 2016 - Internationale wissenschaftliche Tagung Polymerwerkstoffe

  • Michael Johlitz, Christoph Neuhaus, Bruno Musil und Alexander Lion: "Zum Alterungsverhalten von Elastomeren: Experimentelle Methoden und Modellierungsansätze."
  • Alexander Lion: "Zur Modellierung des Kristallisationsverhaltens von Elastomeren."
  • Frank Neff: "Phänomenologische Modellierung der Quellung von Naturkautschuk in organischer Flüssigkeit."

3. bis 6. Juli 2016, Split (Kroatien)

ACE-X 2016 - 10th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • Alexander Lion, Christoph Mittermeier, Michael Johlitz: "Modelling and simulation of the thermomechanical and calorimetric properties of supported polymer films."
  • Alexander Herzig, Michael Johlitz, Alexander Lion: "Heterogeneous Oxidation of Elastomers."
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Does rejuvenation depend on the loading mode? A Comparison of uniaxial and torsional viscoelastic experiments below the glass transition."

14. bis 19. August 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA

ICTAC 2016 - International Confederation for Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Congress

  • Alexander Herzig, Michael Johlitz, Alexander Lion: "Thermochemical Ageing of Polymers: New Challenges in Experimental Testing and Modelling"

7. bis 9. September 2016, Brüssel, Belgien

European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC15)

  • Christoph Neuhaus: "A concept for damage accumulation of natural rubber subjected to ageing and elevated temperatures."
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Are the second order relaxation phenomena of amorphous polymers correlated? A thermodynamically interpretation of experimental data."

12. bis 14. Oktober, München


  • Frank Neff, Thomas Miquel, Michael Johlitz: "Simulation of Thermomechanical Couplings of Viscoelastic Materials". Vortrag und Posterbeitrag
  • Bruno Musil, Michael Johlitz: "Simulation of Chemo-Thermomechanical Aging of Rubber."

8. bis 11. November 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies Conference 2016 (AMPT 2016) 

  • Michael Johlitz, Ludmila Sekerakova, Bruno Musil, Alexander Herzig, Alexander Lion:"AGEING OF POLYMERS IN INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS", Keynote Presentation, eingeladener Vortrag

16. November 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
University of Malaya
  • Michael Johlitz, Ludmila Sekerakova, Bruno Musil, Alexander Herzig, Alexander Lion: "AGEING OF TECHNICAL RUBBER: EXPERIMENTAL METHODS, MODELLING APPROACHES AND FUTURE TRENDS"; eingeladener Vortrag

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2015

4. bis 9. Januar 2015, Montego Bay (Jamaica)

Plasticity 2015

  • Michael Johlitz, Benedikt Dippel and Alexander Lion: "Dissipative heating of elastomers: A new modelling approach based on finite strains and coupled thermomechanics." Eingeladener Vortrag

11. März 2015, Darmstadt
Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt 400ZN/1

  • Benedikt Dippel, Thomas Kroth: "Modellierung und Simulation der temperaturabhängigen mechanischen Eigenschaften von Elastomeren unter Berücksichtigung von Eigenerwärmungseffekten."

24. bis 25. März 2015, Hannover
3. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises "Elastomerbauteile"

  • Alexander Lion: "Dynamische Eigenschaften von Elastomeren." Eingeladener Hauptvortrag
  • Benedikt Dippel: "Modellierung des thermoviskoelastischen Verhaltens von Elastomeren als Grundlage für Betriebsfestigkeitsberechnungen."

16. und 17. Juni 2015, München

6. Internationales Münchner Fahrwerk-Symposium

  • P. Wagner, T. Ille, C. Kohrs, F. Bauer: "Echtzeitsimulation von Bremseingriffen im schweren Nutzfahrzeug"

29. Juni bis 2. Juli 2015, München

ACEX 2015 - 9th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • Alexander Lion: "New trends and aspects in polymer mechanics." Eingeladener Hauptvortrag
  • I. Agirre-Olabide, M. J. Elejabarrieta and A. Lion: Fractional derivative model for magnetorheological elastomers
  • Alexander Herzig: "Consumption and diffusion of oxygen during the thermoxidative ageing process of elastomers"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "A comparison of experimental results in and below the glass transition range of amorphous polymers and its consequences for constitutive model." Auszeichnung mit dem „ACEX2015 - YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD

17. bis 21. August 2015, Graz (Österreich)

IAVSD - 24th International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks

  • Florian Bauer: "Hardware-in-the-loop system for electro-pneumatic brake systems of commercial vehicles"
  • Michael Siegert, Alexander Lion, Yu Du: "Contributions to Experimental Testing and Modeling of Damping Mechanisms in Flexible Structures" (Posterbeitrag mit Kurzvorstellung und Veröffentlichung des Abstracts)

1. bis 4. September 2015, Prag (Tschechien)

ECCMR 2015 – 9th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber

  • Iker Agirre-Olabide, Maria Jesus Elejabarrieta, Alexander Lion: "Fractional derivative model for magnetorheological elastomers"
  • Alexander Herzig: "Experimental Investigation on the Consumption of Oxygen and its Diffusion into Elastomers During the Process of Ageing"
  • Alexander Lion: "On the constitutive representation of polymer crystallisation in continuum mechanics"
  • Bruno Musil: "Chemical ageing of polymers - experiments and modelling"
  • Christoph Neuhaus: "Influence of thermo-oxidative ageing on fatigue-lifetime of NR"

22. September 2015, Leonsberg

VDI Schwingungsdämpfung 2015

  • Michael Siegert, Alexander Lion, Yu Du: "Berechnung modaler Dämpfungen von flexiblen Körpern", Konferenzband VDI-Berichte 2261 (ISBN 978-3-18-092261-4)

6. bis 8. Oktober 2015, Rosemont (USA)

SAE 2015 COMVEC – Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress

  • Florian Bauer: "Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation for Electro-Pneumatic Brake Systems"

 VW-Doktorandentag PRO.MOTION 2015

  • Christina Braun: Posterbeitrag, Thema:"Drehschwingungssimulation"

Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2014

3. bis 8. Januar 2014, Freeport (Bahamas)

Plasticity 2014

  • Michael Johlitz, Nico Diercks and Alexander Lion: "Ageing phenomena in polymers: state of the art future trends." Eingeladener Vortrag
  • Nico Diercks: "Modeling the anisotropic Mullins effect and its Influence on Dynamic Moduli." Eingeladener Vortrag

26. bis 27. Februar 2014, München
Haus der Technik - Tagung "Alterung von Polymerwerkstoffen und Polymerbauteilen"

  • Benedikt Dippel: "Temperaturabhängige mechanische Eigenschaften und Eigenerwärmung von Elastomeren - Experimente und Berechnungen als Grundlage für Betriebsfestigkeitsuntersuchungen"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Konstitutive Modellierung der physikalischen Alterung von amorphen Polymerschichten"

4. März 2014, München
Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt 400ZN/1

  • Benedikt Dippel, Thomas Kroth: "Modellierung und Simulation der temperaturabhängigen mechanischen Eigenschaften von Elastomeren unter Berücksichtigung von Eigenerwärmungseffekten"

22. bis 25. April 2014, Alicante (Spanien)
European Adhesion Conference EURADH

  • Benedikt Dippel, Michael Johlitz: "Modelling of a bondings chemical ageing behaviour including a reactive adherent-adhesive interphase"

28. bis 30. April 2014, Las Vegas (USA)


  • Nabila Rabanizada: "Investigation Of Chemically Aged Elastomers Based On Analytical Methods"

23. Mai 2014, St. Valentin (Österreich)

3rd International Conference

Dynamic Simulation in Vehicle Engineering

  • Michael Siegert, Alexander Lion and Yu Du: "Methods of Modeling Damping in Flexible Structures"

30. Juni bis 3. Juli 2014, Paris (Frankreich)

ACEX 2014 - 8th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • Nico Diercks: "Modelling the Anisotropic Mullins Effect and its Influence on Dynamic Moduli", Auszeichnung mit dem „ACEX2014 - YOUNG SCIENTIST AWARD“
  • Michael Johlitz, Nico Diercks and Alexander Lion: "Modelling and simulation of thermo-oxidative ageing-processes in polymers" (1. Juli 2014)

25. bis 27. Juni 2014, Merseburg

PolyMerTec 2014

  • Alexander Lion: "On the constitutive representation of the thermochemical ageing behaviour of elastomers"
  • Nabila Rabanizada: "Untersuchung chemisch gealterter Elastomere anhand analytischer Verfahren"

27. bis 29. August 2014, Göteborg (Schweden)

14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC-14)

  • Benedikt Dippel: "Thermo-mechanical couplings in elastomers - experiments and modelling"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "In search of a proper variable for a thermodynamically based approach to model physical ageing of amorphous polymers"

3. bis 5. September 2014, Saarschleife

7. Workshop für Kontinuumsmechanik

  • Christina Braun, Stefan Litter (MAN Truck & Bus): "Prozesssichere Integration flexibler Strukturen in SIMPACK-Mehrkörpermodelle zur Simulation von LKW Fahrdynamikmanövern"
  • Christoph Neuhaus: "Optimierung der Applikation von DMS auf Fahrwerkskomponenten"
  • Michael Siegert, Alexander Lion, Yu Du: "Methoden zur Modellierung von Dämpfung in flexiblen Strukturen"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2013

31. Oktober 2013, Darmstadt

Sitzung des projektbegleidenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt 400ZN/1

  • Benedikt Dippel, Thomas Kroth: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur finiten Thermoviskoelastizität von Elastomeren 3"

30. September bis 2. Oktober 2013, Hamburg
5th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics

  • Nico Diercks: "Simulation of thermo-oxidative ageing-processes of polymers"
  • Benedikt Dippel: "Investigation and modelling of an elastomer including influences of the temperature"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Constitutive modelling of physical ageing of amorphous polymer layers"
  • Nabila Rabanizada: "Experimental investigation of the dynamic mechanical behavior during chemical aging of elastomers"
  • Daniel Wollscheid: "Vibroacoustic transfer behaviour of filler reinforced rubber - experiments and modelling"

28. bis 30. August 2013, Witzenhausen

6. Workshop für Kontinuumsmechanik

  • Florian Bauer: "Echtzeitfähige Simulation der Fahrdynamik von Nutzfahrzeugen"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung der physikalischen Alterung von Polymerschichten"
  • Nabila Rabanizada: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur thermochemischen Alterung von Elastomeren"

1. bis 5. Juli, Poitiers (Frankreich)

EUROMECH colloquium 550 - Multi-physical couplings in solid polymers: experiments and modeling

  • Michael Johlitz, Benedikt Dippel and Alexander Lion: "Chemo-mechanical ageing of elastomers"

1. bis 4. Juli, Madrid (Spanien)

ACE-X 2013 - 7th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

  • Marco Engelhard: "Simulation of the Thermomechanical Behaviour of Polyamide 6 close to Glass Transition in the Presence of Changing Air Moisture"
  • Christoph Mittermeier: "Physical ageing of amorphous polymers - experiments and modelling"

25. bis 28. Juni 2013, San Sebastian (Spanien)

ECCMR - 8th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubbers

  • Nico Diercks: "Modelling deformation-induced anisotropy using 1D-laws for Mullins-Effect"
  • Benedikt Dippel: "Finite thermoviscoelastic behaviour of elastomers - experiments and modelling"
  • Daniel Wollscheid: "On the dynamic material behaviour of filled rubber with respect to preload and frequency"

24. April 2013, Cincinnati (Ohio)


  • Nabila Rabanizada: "Chemical aging of elastomers under different environmental conditions"

19. April 2013, Universität des Saarlandes

  • Michael Johlitz: "Kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung der physikalischen und thermochemischen Alterungseigenschaften von Polymeren"

10. bis 11. April 2013, Berlin
2. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises "Elastomerbauteile"

  • Benedikt Dippel, Thomas Kroth: "Materialmodellierung und Untersuchung der Lebensdauer eines Elastomers (NR) unter Berücksichtigung von Temperatureinflüssen"
  • Nabila Rabanizada: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur thermochemischen Alterung von Elastomeren"
  • Daniel Wollscheid: "Frequenz- und vordeformationsabhängige dynamische Eigenschaften technischer Elastomere: Experimente und Modellbildung

1. März 2013, Neubiberg
Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt 400ZN/1

  • Benedikt Dippel, Thomas Kroth: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur finiten Thermoviskoelastizität von Elastomeren 2"

27. bis 28. Februar 2013, München, HAUS DER TECHNIK

Fachtagung: Alterung von Polymerwerkstoffen und Polymerbauteilen

  • Alexander, Lion: "Physikalische Alterung von Polymerbeschichtungen"
  • Michael, Johlitz: "Simulation der chemischen Alterung von Polymeren unter Berücksichtigung des Umgebungsmediums"

27. bis 28. Februar 2013, Landshut

6. Landshuter Leichtbau-Colloquium

  • Christoph, Mittermeier: "Konstitutive Modellierung der physikalischen Alterung von Polymerschichten"

03. bis 08. Januar 2013, Nassau

Plasticity 2013

  • Michael Johlitz: "Experimental testing and modelling of the mechanical behaviour of chemically-aged rubber"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2012

06. Dezember 2012, Paderborn

Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt P 878

  • Christoph Liebl: "Parameteridentifikation des viskoelastisch-viskoplastischen Teilmodells"

27. September 2012, Ingolstadt

Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt 400 ZN/1

  • Benedikt Dippel, Thomas Kroth: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur finiten Thermoviskoelastizität von Elastomeren"

24. September 2012, Paderborn

Sitzung der Kerngruppe zum AiF-Projekt P 878

  • Christoph Liebl: "Vorstellung der durchgeführten Arbeiten zum Projekt P878 - Parameteridentifikation"

16. bis 20. September 2012, Friedrichshafen


9th European Adhesion Conference

  • Alexander Lion: "Modelling and simulation of the temperature-dependent behaviour of supported polymer films"
  • Christoph Liebl: "Chemo-thermomechanical combination of viscoelastic and viscoplastic material models for the simulation of curing adhesives"
  • Michael Johlitz:  "Effective Thermomechanical Properties of Adhesive Bonds: A Modelling Approach", Co-Autoren waren S. Diebels und W. Possart von der Universität des Saarlandes

29. bis 31. August 2012, Bonn

Workshop Kontinuumsmechanik

  • Nico Diercks: "Modellierung von Entsteifungseffekten bei Elastomeren mithilfe des Konzeptes der repräsentativen Richtungen"

  • Benedikt Dippel: "Finite Thermoviskoelastizität von Elastomeren - Experimente und Modellbildung"
  • Daniel Wollscheid: "Vorlast- und frequenzabhängiges Materialverhalten gefüllter Elastomere"

  • Nabila Rabanizada/ Guido Schomandl: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen an chemisch gealterten Elastomeren in verschiedene Medien"

6. Juli 2012, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken

Sitzung des Arbeitskreises Stoffgesetze

  • Alexander Lion: "Ein Materialmodell zur Beschreibung des Glasübergangs von Polymerwerkstoffen"
  • Benedikt Dippel: "Finite Thermoviskoelastizität von Elastomeren - Experimente und Modellbildung"
  •  Programm 2012

2. - 5. Juli 2012, Nürnberg

Deutsche Kautschuk-Tagung 2012 - DKT 2012

  • Michael Johlitz: "Chemische Alterung von Elastomeren: Experimente und Modellierung"

12. Juni 2012, München

Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt P 878

  • Christoph Liebl: "Thermo-viskoelastisch-viskoplastisches Materialmodell für Klebstoffe während der Aushärtung - Experimente und Parameteridentifikation"

15. Mai 2012, Chemnitz

2. Workshop “Computersimulation in der Vertebroplastie”

  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "Modellierung und numerische Simulation der minimal invasiven Injektion innerhalb der Vertebroplastie"

10. – 11. Mai 2012, Engineering Center Steyr, St.Valentin

2nd International Conference, Dynamic Simulation in Vehicle Engineering

  • Daniel Wollscheid: "Modelling of predeformation- and frequency-dependent material behaviour of filled rubber"

10. - 12. Mai 2012, Uppsala/Schweden


The 22nd Interdisciplinary Research Conference on Injectable Biomaterials

  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "CFD-Simulation of Percutaneous Vertebroplasty"

9. - 10. Mai 2012, Erding

GFT Tagung 2012 - Strukturelles Kleben

  • Christoph Liebl: "Chemo-thermomechanisch gekoppelte Modellierung von Strukturklebstoff am Beispiel von Betamate 1496V"

20. April 2012, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Neubiberg

OpenFOAM Stammtisch

  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "Simulation of minimal-invasive injection within vertebroplasty using a modified interFoam solver"

26. - 30. März 2012, Darmstadt

83. GAMM Jahrestagung

83rd Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics

  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "Modelling and simulation of injecting acrylic bone cement into osteoportic vertebral bones within percutaneous vertebroplasty"
  • Daniel Wollscheid: "Modelling of predeformation- and frequency-dependent material behavior of filled rubber under large predeformations superimposed with harmonic deformations of small amplitudes"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2011

18. - 21. April 2011, Graz, Österreich

  • Michael Johlitz, "Chemical ageing of elastomers: Experimental investigations and modelling in continuum mechanics."
  • Christoph Liebl, "A onedimensional approach to the chemical and thermo-mechanical coupled modelling of curing adhesives including plasticity"

10. Mai 2011, Paderborn

Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt P 878

  • Christoph Liebl: "Thermo-viskoelastisch-viskoplastisches Materialmodell für Klebstoffe während der Aushärtung - eindimensionaler Ansatz"

24. - 26. August 2011, Königsdorf

4. Workshop Kontinuumsmechanik

Veranstaltet vom Institut für Mechanik, UniBwM und der ITIS GmbH

Vorträge (Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Mechanik):

  • Alexander Lion, "Chemische Alterung von Elastomeren"
  • Stefanie Fuß, "Numerische Modalanalyse strömender Fluide in unendlichen Gebieten"
  • Christoph Liebl, "Chemo-thermomechanisch gekoppelte Modellierung aushärtender Klebstoffe mit viskoplastischem Verhalten und chemischer Schrumpfung"
  • Marco Engelhard, "Zweiphasenmaterial unter mechanischer und thermischer Last: Ein Implementierungsproblem"

20. - 23. September 2011, Dublin

7th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber

  • Michael Johlitz: "Chemical ageing of elastomers: Experiments and modelling"

30. November 2011, Kassel

Sitzung des projektbegleitenden Ausschusses zum AiF-Projekt P 878

  • Christoph Liebl: "Thermo-viskoelastisch-viskoplastisches Materialmodell für Klebstoffe während der Aushärtung - Materialmodellierung und Experimente"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2010

30.01.2010, Neubiberg, UniBw München

38. Bayerisch-Tirolerisches Mechanik-Kolloquium

  • B. Yagimli: "Modellierung und Identifikation von Polymeren im Rahmen der Kontinuumsmechanik"

17. - 19. Februar 2010, Erding

 GFT Seminar 2010: Strukturelles Kleben: Sicher und Zuverlässig

Sebastian Kolmeder: "Modellierung von Aushärtevorgängen unter Berücksichtigung der Glasübergangstemperatur"

15. - 18. März 2010, Berlin

DAGA 2010, 36. Jahrestagung für Akustik

  • H. Fleischer am 18.03.2010 um 14.00 Uhr zum Thema "Stegadmittanz und Deckenschwingungen eines Cellos"

22. - 26. März 2010, Karlsruhe

GAMM 2010

81th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)

  • C. Liebl, A. Lion: "Zur Bestimmung der Intrinsischen Permeabilität von Aluminiumschaum - Messung und Analytische Berechnung"
  • A. Lion (UniBW München), C. Liebl (UniBW München), J. Peters (TU Hamburg-Harburg): "On the Representation of Thermomechanical Couplings in the Neighbourhood of the Glass Transition"
  • J. Retka, A. Lion: "Modelling and Simulation of the Vibroacoustic Transfer Behaviour of Elastomeric Structures under Finite Predeformation"

25.-27. März 2010,  Turin/Italien

Griboi Congress 2010


  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "Detailed experimental characterisation of the material behaviour of acrylic bone cement for a thermomechanical-chemically coupled material model."

30. März 2010, Neubiberg, UniBW München

Computersimulation in der Vertebroplastie

Workshop: Computersimulation in der Vertebroplastie

  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "Experimentelle Analyse von akrylischem Knochenzement und Materialmodellierung"

16. - 21. Mai 2010, Paris/Frankreich

ECCM 2010

IV European Condference on Computational Mechanics

  • Sebastian Kolmeder, R. Landgraf, A. Lion, J. Ihlemann: "Constitutive modelling of curing phenomena of acrylic bone cements and experimental identification"

22. - 27. August 2010, Rotterdam/Niederlande


10th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry

  • Sebastian Kolmeder, A. Lion, R. Landgraf, J. Ihlemann: "Thermophysical properties of acrylic bone cements used in vertebroplasty"


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2009

23. - 26. März 2009, Rotterdamm/Niederlande

DAGA 2009

35th German Annual Conference on Acoustics

  • Helmut Fleischer:"Characteristic Tones and Modes of a Church Bell"

15. - 17. September 2009, Dortmund


First International Conference on Material Modelling

  • Sebastian Kolmeder: "On the thermomechanical-chemically coupled behavior of acrylic bone cements: Experimental characterization of material behavior and modeling approach."


Wissenschaftliche Vorträge 2025

2025 ist die Teilnahme des Instituts für Mechanik an folgenden Konferenzen geplant:

06. Februar 2025, Zlin (Tschechien), ONLINE

GUMFERENCE - Platform for meeting and cooperation between companies, universities, institutions working in this field, as well as people interested in the rubber industry.

  • Klara Loos: "Experimental investigation and modelling of strain-induced crystallisation in natural rubber under different ageing conditions"

07. bis 11. April 2025, Poznan (Polen)

GAMM 2025 - International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik)

30. Juni bis 4. Juli 2025, Neapel (Italien)

ACEX 2025 - 18th International Conference on Advanced Computational Engineering and Experimenting

09. bis 11. September 2025, Stockholm (Schweden)

RubberCon 2025

21. bis 24. September 2025, (Braunschweig)

11th GACM- Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry

01. bis 03. Dezember 2025, Bangkok (Thailand)

IRC 2025 - International Rubber Conference 2025

Forschungsserver "Athene Forschung"