The software package OCPID-DAE1 is designed to solve optimal control problems and parameter identification problems subject to ordinary differential equations and differential algebraic equations, control and state constraints, and boundary conditions. It implements a direct multiple shooting method and uses the sqpfiltertoolbox to solve the discretized optimal control problems. It is written in Fortran 90. It can handle implicit differential equations (DAEs) and piecewise defined dynamics. It offers an adjoint estimation and allows to perform a parametric sensitivity analysis.
OCPIDlight is a lean version of OCPPID-DAE1 with less options. It is available in C++ and Fortran 90.
The software package nsn4ocp implements a semi-smooth Newton method for nonlinear optimal control problems in C++. It uses a full discretization method and exploits the sparsity of the resulting discretized optimal control problem.
The software package nsn4lqocp implements a semi-smooth Newton method for linear-quadratic optimal control problems in C++. It uses a full discretization method and exploits the sparsity of the resulting discretized optimal control problem. It is well-suited for linear model-predictive control applications.
The code OCPBasic was developped by Dr. Andreas Huber and is available under this link. It is written in C++ and implements a full discretization method for nonlinear optimal control problems using the interior-point method IPBasic for the solution of the discretized problems.