43rd Session of the International Seminars on Planetary Emergencies and Associated Meetings - Information Security Permanent Monitoring Panel

Erice, August 2010

Cyber Conflicts and Cyber Stability - Finding a Path to the Cyber Peace


Dr. Henning Wegener
Ambassador of Germany (ret.), Information Security Permanent Monitoring, Panel Madrid, Spain
Science as a Prime Mover in the Construction of a Safe and Stable Order of Cyberspace

Dr. Jody Westby
Global Cyber Risk LLC, Washington DC, USA   and
Dr. Andrey V. Krutskikh
Security and Disarmament Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moskow, Russia
Bridging Law and Science in the Realm of Cyberspace

Professor Zenonas Rudzikas
Lithuanian National Academy of Science, Vilnius, Lithuania
A New Challenge to Interdisciplinary Research: The "Internet of Things" as the Next Wave of Global Communication

Dr. Jacques Bus
Information Society and Media; European Union (former), Brussels, Belgium
The Evolution of Web Science (presentation, paper)

Dr. Hamadoun Touré
Secretary Genera, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland
Ensuring Cyberpeace in a New World Order (presentation, paper)

Dr. Udo Helmbrecht
Executive Director, European Network & Information Security Agency (ENISA), Crete, Greece
Economics of Security