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Lebenslauf von Stefan Wolfgang Pickl




Präsidiumsmitglied VOICE
Bundesverband der IT-Anwender e.V.


Leitmann Lecture - Berkeley


Advisory Board University of Central Florida
  “Healthcare System Engineering Program”


Beirat und Koordinator des deutschen Expertennetzes
 „Prozessmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung“


Projektbeirat des Deutschen Komitees für
Katastrophenvorsorge DKKV innerhalb des EU-Projektes ESPRESSO
Enhancing Synergies for Disaster Prevention in the European Union


Chair CAO2015 - Garmisch-Partenkirchen
16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization


Verbundkoordinator des deutsch-französischen Forschungsprojektes REHSTRAIN
Resilience of the Franco-German High Speed Train Network


Vorstandsmitglied des Deutschen Komitees für
Katastrophenvorsorge DKKV


Wissenschaftlicher Hauptherausgeber OR NEWS


Advisory Board des EU-Projektes CARONTE
Creating an Agenda for Research on Transportation Security


Chair First SINO-GER Symposium on Operations Research
Munich - Spitzingsee - Garmisch-Partenkirchen


MOU NATO School Oberammergau - Operations Research


Acquisition Research Symposium Award of NPS Monterey on
„Strategic Planning“ for research group COMTESSA


Verbundkoordinator des deutschen Forschungsprojektes RIKOV
Risiken und Kosten der terroristischen Bedrohungen des schienengebundenen ÖPV


Bayerisches Hochschulzentrum für China BayCHINA
(offizielle Förderung bis 2016)
Kooperation Nanjing University


Chair CTW2012- Munich
Cologne Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization


Chair OR2010 - Munich
International Operations Research Symposium Munich


Beiratsvorsitzender der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Operations Research GOR


Gründungs-Mitglied NITIM
The International Graduate School on Networks,
Information Technology & Innovation Management
Kooperation „Universiteit Leiden“ in memoriam Bernhard Katzy


Mitglied Task Force „Energy Research“  
Koordination NPS Monterey (USA)


Kooperation COE Center for Excellence der Deutschen Marine


Mitglied Exzellenzprogramm Energy RWTH Aachen

August 2007

Best Paper Award at CASYS2007 – Eigtht Int. Conference, Liège

Juni 2007

Visiting Professor University of California at Berkeley

Januar 2007

Advisory Board of Center of the Advanced Studies of Algorithms (CASA)
University of Nevada Las Vegas (U.S.A.)

Oktober 2006

Beginn des Hochbegabtenfrühförderungprogramms an der
Uni BW  München

September 2006

Invited Talk "Emissions Trading and Operations Research,
ÖGOR - IHS Workshop
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Operations Research
Institut für Höhere Studien Wien
"Mathematische Ökonomie und Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft"
Festakt "30 Jahre Operations Research in Österreich"
Visiting Scientists Karl-Franzens Universität Graz

Juli 2006

Semi-Plenary Talk, EURO XXI, Reykjavik,
"Emission Trading Markets"

August 2005

Best Paper Award "Belgium Crystal" at CASYS 2005 -
Seventh Int. Conference, Liège

August 2005

Geburt von Damian Elias Amadé

Juli 2005

Ernennung zum Universitätsprofessor für Operations Research an der
Uni BW München

Sommersemester 2005

Visiting Professor an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Frühjahrstrimester 2005

Vertretungsprofessur für Operations Research an der Uni BW München

März 2005

Habilitation (Venia Legendi für Mathematik) an der Universität zu Köln

Dezember 2004

Ruf auf eine Professur für Operations Research (C4) an die Uni BW München

Juli 2004

Eröffnung des Habilitationsverfahrens an der Universität zu Köln

Frühjahrssemester 2004

Visiting Professor – Department of Computer Science
University of New Mexico (U.S.A.)

Mai 2004

Visiting Scientist MIT


The Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR)

Mai 2004

Research Fellow SANDIA National Laboratories

April 2004

Research Fellow Los Alamos National Laboratory

April 2004

Visiting Scientist Santa Fe Institute

Oktober 2003

Leiter und Mitinitiator der neugegründeten GOR-Arbeitsgruppe
„Optimierung von Biosystemen“

August 2003

Best Paper Award “Belgium Cristal” CASYS 2003, Liège

Oktober 2002 -
Oktober 2001

Mitglied der Forschungsgruppe
A Procedural Approach to Conflict Resolution
Designing Analytical Support for Group Decision Making
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung ZiF Universität Bielefeld

Oktober 2001

Geburt von Talita Jacqueline

September 2000

Verleihung des Dissertationspreises 1998/99
der Gesellschaft für Operations Research GOR

Juli 2000

Ernennung zum wissenschaftlichen Assistenten am Mathematischen
Institut der Universität zu Köln

April 2000

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am ZAIK
Zentrum für angewandte Informatik Köln
Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. U. Faigle, Prof. Dr. R. Schrader

April 1997-
April 2000

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Fachbereich Mathematik der TUD
als Vertreter des Fachbereichskoordinators

Dezember 1998

Promotion am Fachbereich Mathematik der TUD, Note: sehr gut
Der τ - value als Kontrollparameter -
Modellierung und Analyse eines Joint-Implementation Programmes
mithilfe der dynamischen kooperativen Spieltheorie
und der diskreten Optimierung

Oktober 1994 -
April 2000

Projektleiter in der IANUS Gruppe im Bereich
Modellierung, Simulation und Optimierung
von Emissionsminderungsaktivitäten
Analyse komplexer Systeme und Entwicklung eines
prozeduralen nachhaltigen Umweltmanagements -
Verantwortbare Energieversorgung für die Zukunft

Dezember 1993

Beendigung des Studiums (Dipl.-Ing.) mit sehr gutem Abschluss

Dezember 1993

Studium und Diplomarbeit an der EPFL Lausanne

August 1993-

im Rahmen eines ERASMUS-Stipendiums (Prof. Dr. M. Hasler):
Stability of nonlinear dynamic systems by
automatically generated Lyapunov-functions

Juli 1993

Studienarbeit an der TH Darmstadt:

Januar 1993-

Fachgebiet Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder
(Prof. Dr. T. Weiland)
Das SOR-Verfahren bei der iterativen Lösung großer
schwachbesetzter Gleichungssysteme im Komplexen

Oktober 1992

Beginn des Zweitstudiums Philosophie und Pädagogik

Oktober 1989-

Erfolgreicher Abschluss des Vordiploms und Beginn des Hauptstudiums
Vertiefung: Theoretische Elektrotechnik, Digitale Regelsysteme
Wahlfach: Distributionsmanagement,
Volkswirtschaftslehre (Prof. Dr. B. Rürup)

Oktober 1987

Beginn des Studiums der Theoretischen Elektrotechnik und Mathematik

1988 - 1992

Firmkatechet Pfarrgemeinde Heilig Kreuz Griesheim

1986 - 1987

15 Monate Grundwehrdienst (Rendsburg, Lorch im Rheingau)

Mai 1986

Abitur (Durchschnittsnote 1.2)

29.09. 1967

geboren in Darmstadt


Praktika und berufliche Tätigkeiten



Grundpraktikum bei der Firma Merck in Darmstadt


Werkstudent und Fachpraktikum bei der Firma
Telenorma in München



Werkstudent und Fachpraktikum bei der Gesellschaft für
Schwerionenforschung GSI in Darmstadt


Tätigkeit als Programmierer im Fachgebiet
Theorie Elektromagnetischer Felder
Theoretische Elektrotechnik (Prof. Dr. T. Weiland), TUD
(u.a. Parser-Programmierung, Elektronenstrahldiagnostik)


Elektromagnetisches CAD-Praktikum
Thema: Hyperthermie (Finite Elemente - Antennenoptimierung, Strahldiagnostik, Quantenphysikalische Aspekte)


Veröffentlichungen (Stand 15.05.2019)
Stefan Pickl


Bücher - Examensarbeiten (A)

Buchbeiträge (B)

Artikel (referiert) (C)

Artikel in referierten Proceedings-Bänden (D)

Posterpräsentationen (E)

Preprints - Working Papers (F)


Bücher - Examensarbeiten


Dehmer, M.; Emmert-Streib, F.; Pickl, S.; Holzinger, A. (Eds.) (2016)
Big Data of Complex Networks
CRS Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 320 pages

Dehmer, M.; Emmert-Streib, F.; Pickl, S. (Eds.) (2015)
Computational Network Theory
Theoretical Foundations and Applications
Wiley, 280 Seiten


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Optimization of Stochastic Discrete Systems and Control on Complex Networks - Computational networks
Springer Verlag, 400 pages


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Dynamical systems
Stability, Controllability and Chaotic Behavior
Springer Verlag, 245 pages


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Optimization and Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems
Dynamic networks and multilayered structures
Springer Verlag, 300 pages


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Modelling, Analysis and Optimization of Biosystems
Springer Verlag, 215 pages


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Analysis, Controllability and Optimization of  Time-Discrete Systems and Dynamical Games,
Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems Theory No. 529
Springer Verlag, 200 pages


Pickl, S. (1998)
Der τ-value als Kontrollparameter - Modellierung und Analyse eines Joint-Implementation Programmes mithilfe der dynamischen kooperativen Spieltheorie und der diskreten Optimierung
Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 193 Seiten


Pickl, S. (1993)
Stability of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems by Automatically Generated Lyapunov F unctions
Part 1 – the theory; Part 2 – the program;
Diplomarbeit an der Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
im Rahmen des ERASMUS-Programmes bei Prof. Dr. M. Hasler, 120 Seiten


Pickl, S. (1993)
Das SOR-Verfahren bei der iterativen Lösung großer schwachbesetzter Gleichungssysteme im Komplexen
Studienarbeit an der TH Darmstadt bei Prof. Dr. T. Weiland,
Fachgebiet Theorie elektromagnetischer Felder, 240 Seiten



Dehmer, M.; Kraus, V.; Emmert-Streib, F.; Pickl, S. (2016)
What is quantitative graph theory?
Quantitative Graph Theory, Mathematical Foundations and Applications
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 1 - 34


Canzani, E.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Cyber epidemics: Modelling attacker-defender dynamics in critical infrastructure systems
In: Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity, 377 - 389
Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 15 Pages


Kwong, F.W.; Subramaniam, A.; Uli, J.; Balakrishnan, K.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Transfer of technology in the procuremement of armoured vehicles:
An empirical approach

In: Innovations in Humanities and Social Sciences: Opportunities and Challenges
UPNM PRESS, Malaysia,


Lehmann, A.; Siegle, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Das kombinierte Ausbildungskonzept für Operations Research,
Modellbildung und Simulation in der Bw

In: Fernausbildung schärft Perspektiven
Ziel-Verlag, 431 - 448


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2015)
IT-Based Complex Decision Support with System Dynamics -
Strategic Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

In: Security and Defence Economics, Carolus Magnus University Press, 159 – 187


Dehmer, M.; Kraus, V.; Emmert-Streib F.; Pickl, S. (2015)
What is Quantitative Graph Theory?
In: Quantitative Graph Theory, CRC Press, 1 – 33


Lozovanu D.; Pickl, S. (2015)
On Nash Equilibria for Stochastic Games and Determining the Optimal Strategies of the Players
In: Contributions to Game Theory and Management, Vol.VIII,
Saint Petersburg State University, 187 - 198


Nistor, M., S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Visual Analytics of Complex Networks: A Review from the Computational Perspective
In: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Modelling,
Simulation & Visualization Methods
CSREA Press, 10 - 15


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Brauner, F.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Assessing Passenger Flows and Security Measure Implementations in
Public Transportation Systems

Proceedings of the Security Research Conference 10th Future Security,
Fraunhofer Verlag, 425 -432


Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Aspects of Network Complexity, An Information-Theoretic Approach
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC’15), The 6th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT2015), Eigenverlag, Orlando, Florida, 27 – 31


Nistor, M., S.; Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Network Exploratory Analysis on Subway Transportation Systems against Complex
Threats including a Human Factors Perspective

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors (AHFE2015), Elsevier, 2453 – 2458


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Designing a Risk Management Framework for Forecasting National Security Issues
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Safety and Security Engineering (SAFE15), WIT Press, Southampton, 39 - 48


Leitmann, G.; Pickl, S.; Wang, Z. (2014)
Multi-Agent Optimal Control Problems and Variational Inequality Based Reformulations
In: Haunschmied, J. (Eds.) Dynamics Games in Economics,
Springer, 205 - 218


Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Managing Humanitarian Supply Chains, Strategies, Practices and Research
In: Hellingrath, B.; Link, D.; Widera, A. (Eds)
Operations Research for Crisis and Disaster Relief Operations -
A Testbed for Teaching and Research
Schriftenreihe Wirtschaft und Logistik, DVV Media Group GmbH, Hamburg, 281 - 297


Görgülü, Z.-K.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Adaptive Business Intelligence: The Integration of Data Mining and Systems Engineering into an Advanced Decision Support as an Integral Part of the Business Strategy
In: Rausch, P.; Sheta, A. F.; Ayesh, A.  (Eds.) Business Intelligence and Performance Management Theory, Systems, and Industrial Applications, Springer Verlag, 43 -58


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Transition Towards Renewable Energy Supply-A System Dynamics Approach
In: Cuaresma, J.C.; Palokangas, T.; Tarasyev, A. (Eds)
Green Growth and Sustainable Development, Springer Verlag, 217 - 226


Hu, B.; Pickl, S. (2011)
International Emissions Trading: A Pricing Model Based on System Dynamical Simulations,
in: Antes, R.; Hansjürgens, B.; Letmathe, P.; Pickl, S.
(Eds.) Emission Trading - Institutional Design,
Decision Making and Corporate Strategies, 33 - 44


Pickl, S. (2011)
Operations Research Modelle für eine effizientere humanitäre Logistik,
in: Baumgarten, H.; Schwarz, J.; Keßler, M. (Eds.)
Humanitäre Logistik, Schriftenreihe Wirtschaft & Logistik, 172 - 191


Pickl, S.; Kropat, E.; Hahn, H. (2011)
The Impact of Uncertain Emission Trading Markets on Interactive
Resource Planning Processes and International Emission Trading Experiments,

in: White, Th.; Jonas, M.; Nahorski, Z.; Nilsson, S. (Eds.)
Greenhouse Gas Inventories - Dealing with Uncertainty;
Reprinted from Journal Climate Change (Vol 103: 1-2) 1st Edition 2011, 327 - 338


Konert, H.-G.; Pickl, S. (2010)
OR/Simulationsunterstützung für das Supply Chain Management der Bundeswehr
in:  Krupp, Th.; Paffrath, R; Wolf, J. (Eds.)
Von der Speditionssoftware bis zur integrierten Supply Chain Planung
DVV Media Groups, Deutscher Verkehrsverlag, 239 - 249


Pickl, S.; Dupuy, A. (2010)
Advanced Risk Management Solutions: Perspectives and Challenges for the Future of
OR-Techniques and Service Orientated Architectures

in: R. Custer, C. Sutter, W.J. Amann (Eds.) 
Proceedings of the International Disaster and Risk Conference, IDRC Davos
Extended Abstract, Global Risk Forum Davos, Switzerland, 573 - 574


Pickl, S. (2008)       
Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Risk: Realizing a Financial Fonds
within the TEM Model as an Economic and Business Opportunity,

in: B. Hansjürgens, R. Antes, (Eds.), "Climate Change, Sustainable Development and
Risk: an Economic and Business View", Physica Publishers, 145 - 156


Pickl, S. (2008)
Intelligent Networks and Security Studies (INESS) -
Strategic Management and Process Optimization within International Resource Conflicts,

in: Advances in Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics:
Theory and Practice, Volume II, 47 - 52


Schütze, J., Pickl, S., Riesslegger, H. (2007)
Keyuserqualität mittels ePeerReview,
in: D. Mandl, J. Schütze, H. Riesslegger, M. Rumpf, (Eds.),
“Multigap-Accounting mit der Oracle E-Business Suite", Edition ORACLE,
Addison-Wesley, München, San Francisco, 285 - 295


Grimm, B.; Pickl, S.; Reed, A. (2006)
Management and Optimization of Environmental Data
within Emission Trading Markets, VEREGISTER AND TEMPI

in: R. Antes, B. Hansjürgens, P. Letmathe (Hrsg.)
“Emissions Trading and Business”, Physica Verlag, 165 - 176


Pickl, S. (2005)
Optimal Control and Time-Minimal Heating
in: E. Hofer, E. Reithmeier (Eds.)
Modeling and Control of Autonomous Decision Support Based Systems
anl. 13th International Workshop on Dynamics and Control
Shaker Verlag,  247 - 254


Gebert, J.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2005)
Inference of Gene Expression Patterns by Using a Hybrid System Formulation:
An Algorithmic Approach to Local State Transition Matrices

in: G.E. Lasker, D. Dubois (Eds.)
Anticipative and Predictive Models in Systems Science, Vol. 1
IIAS, Windsor, Ontario, 63 - 66.


Pickl, S. (2005)
Management, Forecasting and Optimization of Environmental Data within
Emission Trading Markets

in: J. Geldermann, M. Treitz, H. Schollenberger, O. Rentz (Eds.)
Challenges for Industrial Production - Workshop of the PepOn Project:
Integrated Process Design for Inter-Enterprise Layout Planning of
Dynamic Mass Flow Networks, 89 - 94


Pickl, S. (2003)
Polytopes-Symmetries and Order of Extremal Points for
Detecting Stability Regions of Time-Discrete Systems

in: W. Habenicht, B. Scheubrein, R. Scheubrein (Hrsg.)
Multicriteria  und Fuzzy-Systeme in Theorie und Praxis
Gabler Verlag Edition Wissenschaft, Wiesbaden 2003, 19 - 36


Meyer-Nieberg S.; Pickl, S. (2003)
TEMPI und das Äquivalenzprinzip
in: D. Beschoner, C. Stehr (Hrsg.) - zus. mit der Japanischen Burse -
Umweltschutz und Krisenmanagement, Selbstverlag, Ulm 2003, 73 - 94


Pickl, S. (2002)
Investitionsoptimierung mithilfe von TEMPI    
in:  W. Fichtner, J. Geldermann (Hrsg.)
Einsatz von OR-Verfahren zur techno-ökonomischen Analyse von
Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main, 95 - 109


Pickl, S. (2001)
in: Rektor der Universität zu Köln T. Küpper (Hrsg.)
Kooperative Informationsverarbeitung an der Universität zu Köln
Universität zu Köln, Selbstverlag , 89 - 92


Krabs,W.; Pickl, S.; Scheffran, J. (2000)
Optimization of an n-person game under linear side conditions.
in: E.J. Dockner, R.F. Hartl, M. Luptacik, G. Sorger (eds.)
Optimization, Dynamics and Economic Analysis
Essays in Honor of Gustav Feichtinger
Berlin - Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 76 - 85


Artikel (referiert)


Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S.; Shi, Y.;Yu, G. (2019)
New Inequalities for Network Distance Measures by Using Graph Spectra
Discrete Applied Mathematics 252: 17 - 27

C.78 Nistor S.; Pickl, S.; Raap, M.; Zsifkovits, M. (2019)
Network Efficiency and Vulnerability Analysis using the Flow-Weighted Efficiency Measure
International Transcations in Operational Research
ITOR 26(2): 577 - 588
C. 77 Dehmer, M.; Shi, Y.; Yu, G.; Pickl, S. (2019)
New Inequalities for Network Distance Measures by Using Graph Spectra
Discrete Applied Mathematics 252, Elsevier, 17 - 27
C.76 Izhutkin, V.; Kocheshkov, I.; Pickl, S. (2018)
Computer model of colony of microorganisms causing community acquired pneumonia for solving the problem of optimization of the concentration of antibiotic
International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, no.6

Azhmyakov V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez J.P.; Pickl S. (2017)
A separation method for maximal covering location problems with fuzzy parameters
Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, no. 38, 2017, pp. 638 - 670


Raap, M.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Trajectory optimization under kinematical constraints for moving target search
Computers & OR 88: 324 - 331


Raap, M.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Aerial Vehicle Search-Path-Optimization: A Novel Method for Emergency Operations
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, Vol 172, issue 3, no. 12, 965-983

C. 72

Izhutkin, V.; Zonov, A.; Konyrev, D.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Dynamic Computer Model of Influence Enviromental Factors on the Spread of Asthma
International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research, no. 3


Pickl, S. (2016)
Tutorial: Computation and Visualization of Complex Networks
IFORS News, Vol. 10, No 1, 2016, 14 - 16


Nistor, M.S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Passenger Pattern Recognition in Railway Stations using Quantitative Network Analysis
Journal of Information Assurance & Security, 2016, Vol. 11 issue 1, 11 - 20


Zsifkovits, M.; Zsifkovits, J.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Simulating Healthcare quality Innovation based on a Novel Medical Treatment:
The Case of Hepatitis-C in Europe

Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol II 3, Part B: 454 - 459


Izhutkin, V.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Virtual Electronic Practical Work on Elements of Mathematical Logic
International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research,
Academy of Natural History, No. 2 2016, 4 p.


Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Gadi, S.K.; Pickl, S. (2016)
A Novel Numerical Approach to the MCLP based Resilient Supply Chain Optimization
IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 49, 2016, pp. 137 - 142


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Determining the Optimal Strategies for Zero-Sum Average Stochastic Positional Games
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics
Elsevier, 155 - 159


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015)
On Nash Equilibria in Stochastic Positional Games with Average Payoffs
Springer, Heidelberg, 171 - 186


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Operations Research for Risk Management in Strategic Foresight
Planet@Risk, Global Risk Forum Davos, Vol 3 Nr. 2, 281 – 288


Dehmer, M.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Mihelcic, G.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Collaborative Risk Management for National Security and Strategic Foresight
EURO Journal on Decision Processes, Vol.3, Springer-Verlag, 305 – 337


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Concept and Prototype of a Web Tool for Public - Private Project Contracting
based on a Systems Dynamic Model

CEJOR Central European Journal of Operations Research 23(2), Springer-Verlag, 407 - 419


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Determining the optimal strategies for discrete control problems on
stochastic networks with discounted costs,

Discrete Applied Mathematics, 169 - 180


Azhmyakov, V.; Juarez, R.; Pickl, S. (2015)
On the local convexity of singular optimal control problems associated with the
switched-mode dynamic systems
IFAC-PapersOnLine, vol. 48, 2015, pp. 271 - 276


Izhutkin V.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Interactive Electronic Practical Work with Methods of the Dynamic Programming
International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research
Publishing House "Academy of Natural History", no. 2


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2014)
Nash Equilibria Conditions for Stochastic Positional Games
Contributions to Game Theory and Management GTM 2013
, Collected Papers
Edited by Leon A. Petrosyan and Nikolay A. Zenkevich, 201 - 213


Preuß, M.; Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S.; Holzinger, A. (2014)
On terrain coverage optimization by using an network approach for
universal graph-based data mining and knowledge discovery

Brain Informatcis and Health 2014: 564 - 573


Preda, A.; Rönkkö, M.; Pickl, S.; Kolehmainen, M. (2013)
Gis-based route planning for HAZMAT transportation
ISESS 2013: 357 - 366


Al-Khudhairy, D.; Axhausen, K.;  Bishop, S.;  Herrmann, H.; Hu, B.;
Kröger, W.; Lewis, T.; MacIntosh, J. ; Nowak, A.; Pickl, S. (2012) 
Towards integrative risk management and more resilient societies
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 214, 571  -595


Pickl, S.; Leopold, A.; Hu, B. (2012) 
Web-based Participatory System Dynamics Modelling -
Concept and Prototype Development,

International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 30, 37 - 46


Pickl, S.; Leopold, A.; Hu, B. (2012)
Why Do We Hesitate to Take Action Towards Implementation of Sustainable Technology?
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 30, 69 - 80


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Saddle Point Conditions for Antagonistic Positional Games in
Complex Markov Decision Processes,

International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 30, 105 - 116


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
A Dynamic Programming Approach for Finite Markov Processes and
Polynomial Time Algorithms
, Optimization,
Vol. 60 No 10-11, 1339 - 1358


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Algorithms for Determining the State-Time Probabilities and the
Limit Matrix in Markov Chains
Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova.
Matematica 2011, Issue No 1, 66 - 82


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
An Extension of a Polynomial Time Algorithm for the Calculation of the
Limit State Matrix in a Random Graph

International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vo. 25, 92 - 97


Pickl, S.; Kropat, E.; Hahn, H. (2010)
The impact of uncertain emission trading markets on interactive resource planning processes and international emission trading experiments
Climate Change, Springer Verlag, Vol. 103, Nr. 1-2, 327 - 338


Martynyuk, A.A.; Pickl, S.; Freedman, H.I. (2010)
Professor G. Leitmann
Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory
An International Journal of  Research and Surveys, Volume 10, Number 3, 203 - 210


Brandl, B.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Mietek, A.; Pickl, S.  (2010)
How do comission rates influence a firm's success?
Statistical analysis of a corporate strategy simulation experiment

Central European Journal of Operations Research, Volume 18, 553 - 566


Krabs W.; Pickl S. (2010)
An optimal control problem in cancer chemotherapy
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217(3): 1117 - 1124


Lewis, T.G.; Pickl S.; Peek, B.; Xu, G. (2010)
Network science (guest editorial)
IEEE Network 24(6): 4 - 5


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Optimal stationary control of discrete processes and an
polynomial time algorithm for stochastic control problem on networks

ICCS 2010: 1417 - 1426


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Discrete Control Problems.
International Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Moldova, Number 2 (60), 73 - 90


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for solving discrete optimal control problems with infinite time horizon and determining minimal mean cost cycles in a directed graph as decision support tool
Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol 17, Issue 3, 255 - 264


Hahn, H.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Electric Load Forecasting Methods: Tools for Decision Making
European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 199, Issue 3, 902 -907


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Discrete Control and Algorithms for Solving Antagonistic
Dynamic Games on Networks

Optimization, Vol. 58, Issue 6, 665 - 683


Brandl, B.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Increasing of the fitness of fundamental exchange rate forecast models.
International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 4, no 13-16, 779 - 798


Ugur, Ö.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2009)
An Algorithmic Approach to Analyze Genetic Networks and Biological Energy Production:
An Introduction and Contribution where
Operations Research meets Biology
, (METU Preprint No. 50),
Optimization, Vol. 58, Issue 1,  1 - 22


Grabner, C.; Hahn, H.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Analyzing the Sustainability of Harvesting Behaviour and the
Relationship to Personality Traits in a Simulated Lotka-Volterra Biotope

European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 193, Issue 3, 761  - 767


Dlouhy, M.; Pickl, S.; Rauner, M.S.; Leopold-Wildburger U. (2009)
Special Issue on "Innovative Approaches für Decision Analysis in Energy, Health and Life Sciences"
CEJOR 17(3): 229 - 231


Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2008)
A Constructive Algorithm for Max-Min Paths Problems on Energy Networks,
International Journal for Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 204(2), 602 - 608


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Intelligent Network Structures and Max-Min Paths Problems
International Journal for Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 20, 347 - 359


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Algorithms and the Calculation of Nash Equilibria for Multi-Objective Control of Time-Discrete Systems and Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Dynamic c-games on Networks
European Journal for Operations Research, Vol. 181, 1214 - 1232


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Algorithms for Solving Multiobjective Discrete Control Problems
and Dynamic c-games on Networks

International Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 155, Issue 14, 1846 - 1857


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2006)
An approach for an algorithmic solution of
discrete optimal control problems and their game-theoretical extension

Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 14, Issue 4, 357 - 375


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2006)
Nash Equilibria Conditions for Cyclic Games with p Players
Electronic Notes of Discrete Mathematics 25, 123 - 129


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2006)
An algorithm to analyze stability of gene-expression patterns
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(7): 1140 - 1156


Ergenc, T.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2005)
Generalized Semi-Infinite Optimization and Anticipatory Systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, Vol. 15, 3 - 30


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2005)
Nash Equilibria for Multiobjective Control of Time-Discrete Systems and
Polynomial-Time Algorithms for k-Partite Networks

Central European Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 13, Issue 2, 127 - 146


Akhmet, M.U.; Gebert, J.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2005)
An Improved Algorithm for Analytical Modeling and
Anticipation of Gene Expression Patterns

International Journal of Computational Technologies No 4, Vol. 10. , 3 - 20


Akhmet, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2005)
Multi-Stage Dynamic Games
(gemeinsame Spezialausgabe mit “The Bulletin of Kazakh National University” 42,3,
Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics Issue und)
International Journal of Computational Technologies, No 9, 18 - 21


Akhmet, M.U.; Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. and Wünschiers, R. (2005)
Algorithmic Computational Biology: Stability Analysis of Gene-Expression Patterns
(gemeinsame Spezialausgabe mit “The Bulletin of Kazakh National University” 42,3,
Mathematics, Mechanics and Informatics Issue und)
International Journal of Computational Technologies, No 9 , 10 - 17


Pickl, S. (2004)
Optimization under linear side conditions using inverse monotone matrices
Annales d’economie et de statistique, 75-76, 273 - 283


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2004)
Discrete optimal control problems on networks and dynamic games with p players
International Bulletin of the Academy of Science of Moldova, ser. Math. 2 (45), 67 - 87


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2004)
A special dynamic programming technique for multi-objective discrete control and
for dynamic games on graph-based networks

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 17


Branzei, R.; Dimitrov, D.; Pickl, S.; Tijs, S.  (2004)
How to cope with division problems under interval uncertainty of claims?
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
Vol 12, No 2, 191 - 200


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2004)
A game-theoretic treatment of a time-discrete emission reduction model
International Game Theory Review, Vol. 6, No 1, 21 - 34


Pickl, S. (2004)
Solving the semi-smooth equivalence problem
European Journal of Operations Research 157, 68 - 73


Faigle, U.; Pickl, S.; Broersma, H.; Hurink, J. (2004)
Preface: The 1st Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
Discrete Applied Mathematics 136(2-3): 159 - 160


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Controllability of a time-discrete dynamical system with the aid
of the solution of an approximation problem

International Journal of Control Theory and Cybernetics, Vol. 32, No. 1, 57 - 74


Gebert, J.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003)
Mathematical modeling and approximation in observing and
predacting of expression patterns

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 13


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003)
Mathematical modeling and discrete approximation in evaluation and forecasting of expression-data
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 52 - 56


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Polynomial time algorithms for detecting optimal strategies
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Vol.13

C.11 Broersma, H.; Faigle, U.; Hurink, J.; Pickl, S.; Woeginger, G.J. (2003)
Preface: Volume 13
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 128


Pickl, S. (2002)
On norm - minimal local controllability of time-discrete dynamical systems applying the
Kalman condition - an algorithmic approach

Journal of Computational Technologies, Vol. 7, Special Issue, 68 - 77


Kropat, E.; Pickl, S.; Rössler, A.; Weber, G.-W. (2002)
On theoretical and practical relations between
discrete optimization and nonlinear optimization

Journal of Computational Technologies Vol. 7, Special Issue, 27 - 62


Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2002)
A note on a time-discrete dynamical system and transversal structures
Journal of Computational Technologies, Vol. 7, Special Issue, 78 - 86


Pickl, S. (2001)
Convex games and feasible sets in control theory
Mathematical Methods of Operations Research Vol. 53, Issue 1, 51 - 66


Broersma, H., Faigle, U., Hurink, J., Pickl, S. (2001)
Preface: Volume 8
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 8: 1


Pickl, S. (2001)
Combinatorial structures of max-type functions characterizing the
optimal solution of the equivalence problem

Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 8: 72 - 75


Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2001)
Optimization of a time-discrete nonlinear dynamical system from a problem of ecology -
an analytical and numerical approach

Journal of Computational Technologies Vol. 6, No. 1, 43 - 51


Pickl, S.; Scheffran, J. (2000)
Control and game theoretic assessment of climate change -
options for Joint-Implementation

International Conference on Transition to Advanced Market Institutions and Economies
IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control
Annals of Operations Research 97, 203 - 212


Kropat, E.; Pickl, S.; Rössler, A.; Weber, G.-W. (2000)
A new algorithm from semi-infinite optimization for a problem of time-minimal control
Journal of Computational Technologies No. 5, Vol. 4, 67 - 81


Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2000)
An algorithmic approach by linear programming problems in generalized semi-infinite optimization
Journal of Computational Technologies No. 3, Vol. 5, 62 - 82


Artikel in referierten Proceedings-Bänden


Jahnen, S.; Pickl, S. (2019)
Information Exchange Diagrams for Information Systems and Artificial Intellegence in the Context of Decision Support Systems
MESAS 2018, 393 - 401


Barbeito, G.; Moll, M.; Pickl, S.; Zsifkovits, M. (2018)
A macroscopic system dynamics model for a generic airport
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2016: 561 - 566

D. 121 Azhmyakov, V.; Verriest; Guzman Trujillo, L.A.; Pickl, S. (2018)
On the optimal control of multidimensíonal dynamic
systems evolving with state suprema
Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
CDC 2017, Miami, USA, pp. 61 - 66

Raap, M.; Pickl, S.; Moll, M.; Bordetsky, A. (2018)
Decision support for wide area search in a radiological threat scenario -
for intelligent reachback using complex DSS architectures
Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems
MESAS 2017: Conference Proceedings 303 - 313


Barbeito, G.; Kluge, U.; Urban, M.; Moll, M.; Zsifkovits, M.; Plötner, K.; Pickl, S. (2018)
The european air transport system: A methodological perspective on system dynamics modeling
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2017: 609 - 615


Wang Z.; Pickl, S. (2018)
A Galerkin method for the dynamic Nash equilibrium problem with shared constraint
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2017: 609 - 615

D. 117

Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Determining Nash Equilibria for stochastic positional games with discounted payoffs
Algorithmic Decision Theory
ADT 2017: Conference proceedings 339 - 343

D. 116

Nistor, S.; Bein, D.; Bein, W.; Dehmer, M.; Pickl, S. (2017)
Time-based estimation of vulnerable points in the Munich subway network
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research


Nistor, M.S.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2017)
A Visual Analytics Technique for Identifying Heat Spots in Transportation Networks
The 7th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics:
IMCIC 2016, Orlando, FL, USA, Proceedings of IMCIC, 145-150 (2016) and
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 14 (6), 72 - 77


Nussbaum, D.A.; Dupuy, A.C.; Nistor, M.S.; Pickl, S. (2016)
The Nexus Between Cyber Security and Energy  Security
15th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, Munich, Germany
ECCWS 2016, 228 - 236


Zsifkovits, M.; Barbeito, G.; Pauli, G.; Pickl, S. (2016)
System Dynamics Modeling for Analyzing Business Model Innovation
1st International Conference on Business Management of Technology, Kumamoto, Japan
IIAI-AAI2016: 749 - 754


Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Strategic Risk Management in Counter-Terrorism for the Railbound Public Transport
In: 2016 International Conference on Security & Management, Las Vegas, USA 77-82


Raap, M.; Moll, M.; Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Utilizing Dual Information for Moving Target Search Trajectory Optimization
Student Conform on Operational Research
SCOR 2016: 1:1-1:10


Zsivkovits, M.; Wang, Z.; Nistor, M.S.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Complex System Analysis using Graph Theory -
Identifying Criticality in Transportation Networks

11th Future Security - Security Research Conference, Berlin, Germany 2016, 509 - 511


Zsifkovits, M.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Agent Based Modelling for Critical Infrastructure Protection -
Modelling Attack Scenarios in the Public Transport

In: 11th Future Security - Security Research Conference, Berlin, Germany, 2016, 509-512


Azhmyakov, V.; Bonilla, M.; Trujillo, L.A.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Constructive Approximations of the Zeno-Dynamics in Affine Switched Systems:
The Projection Based Approach
In: Proceedings 2016 American Control Conference (ACC)
Boston, AACC, 5175 - 5180


Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Gadi, S.K.; Pickl, S. (2016)
A Novel Numerical Approach to the MCLP Based Resilient Supply Chain Optimization
In: Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Wien, IFAC, 145 - 150


Teodorescu, H.-N.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Properties and Use of a Resilience Index in Desaster Preparation and Response
In: Proceedings Technologies for Homeland Security (HST) 2016 IEEE
Int. Symp. Technologies for Homeland Security, HST USA, 1 - 6


Azhmyakov, V.; Bonilla, M.E.; Guzman Trujillo, L.A.; Pickl S. (2016)
Constructive approximations of the Zeno dynamics in affine switched systems:
the projection based approach
in Proceedings of the 2016 American Control Conference, Boston, USA, 2016,
pp. 5175 - 5180


Azhmyakov, V.; Fernandez-Gutierrez, J.P.; Gadi, S.K.; Pickl S. (2016)
A novel numerical approach to the MCLP based resilient supply chain optimization
in: Proceedings of the 12th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems,
Austin, USA, 2016, pp. 145 - 150


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2016)
Determining the optimal strategies for zerso-sum average stochastic positional games
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 55: 155 - 159


Dehmer, M.; Wang, Z.; Pickl, S. (2015)
A Short Survey on Statistical Network Analysis
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (FCS)
San Diego, CA, CSREA Press, 110 - 112


Azhmyakov, V.; Juarez, R.; Pickl, S. (2015)
On the local convexity of the singular optimal control problems associated with the
switched-mode dynamic systems
Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Workshop on Control Applications in Optimization,
Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2015, pp. 271 - 276


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2015)
Determining Nash equilibria for dynamic positional games on networks
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2015: 153 - 156


Block, J.; Pickl, S. (2014)
A Human Resource Model for Performance Optimization to Gain Competition Advantage
In: Huisman, D. et. al. (Eds.)
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2013 (Selected Papers), Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 43 - 48


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2014)
IT-based decision support for turning on germany's energy transition
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2012: 449 - 454


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2014)
Determining Nash Equilibria for Stochastic Positional Games with Average Payoffs
In: Academy of Science Moldowa (Eds.) Proceedings IMCS-50
The Third Conference of Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldowa, 378 - 381


Wiens, M.; Hu, B.; Schmitz, W.; Meng, S.; Pickl, S. and Schultmann, F. (2014)
Optimizing Security vis-à-vis Terrorist Attacks: 
An Application for Public Rail Transport Systems

Proceedings of the 9th Future Security, Security Research Conference,
Thoma, K. et. al. (Eds.), 254 - 262


Preuss, M.; Dehmer, M. and Pickl, S. (2014)
An Improved Graph-Based Decision Support Approach Employing Graph Measures
In: Proceedings of the 2014 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2014, 81 - 84


Nistor, S.; Pickl, S. and Dehmer, M. (2014)
From Visual Analytics for Complex Networks: 
A Concise Review on Information Overload Problem in Crisis Situations

In: Proceedings of the 2014 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2014, 170 - 177


Hu, B.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S. (2014)
IT-Based Decision Support for Turning on Germany's Energy Transition
The Impact of the Nord.Link: Complex Decision Support with System Dynamics;

Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2012 (Selected Papers), Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer Verlag, 449 - 455


Block, J.; Pickl, S. (2014)
A human resource model for performance optimization to gain competitive advantage
Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research
OR 2013: 43 - 48


Preda, A.; Rönnkö, M.; Pickl, S. and Kolehmainen, M. (2013)
GIS-Based Route Planning for HAZMAT Transportation
In: Hrebicek, J. et. al. (Eds.)
Environmental Software Systems - Fostering Information Shareing
10th IFIP International Symposium, ISESS 2013, Proceedings, 357 - 366


Pickl, S.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Kropat, E.; Görgülü, K.; Thu Ha, V.T.; Weber, I. (2013)
RIKOV - Strategic Planning and Intelligent Scenario Development for the
Security of Public Transport - Risk Analysis of Terrorist Threats to
Rail-Bound Public Transportation with Efficient Measures

In: Lauster, M. (Ed)
Proceedings of the 8th Future Security - Security Research Conference 2013, 384 - 392


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Optimal Paths in Networks with Rated Transition Their Costs
In: Cornelissen, K. et al. (Eds)
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimzation
CTW 2013, 165  - 168


Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2013)
Stochastic Positional Games and Their Applications for Studying Shapley Stochastic Games
Proceedings of the 2013 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2013, 101 - 104


de Cosmis, S.; de Leone, R.; Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Electric Load Forecasting using Support Vector Machines for Robust Regression
Proceedings of the 2013 Spring Simulation Multiconference Symposium 2013
EAIA 2013 Simulation Series, 72 - 79


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Kropat, E.; Pickl, S. (2013)
Evolutionary particle filters: Model-free object tracking-combining
evolution strategies and particle filters

Proceedings of ICORES 2013,
2nd International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 96 - 102


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Kropat, E.; Pickl, S.; Bordetsky, A. (2013)
Intercepting a target with sensor swarms
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS 2013, 1222 - 1230


Bordetsky, A.; Pickl, S.; Reynolds, B. (2013)
Introduction to network DSS:
Decision support in the collaborative environment of mobile social and sensor networks minitrack
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS 2013: 1211


de Cosmis, S.; de Leone, R.; Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S.; Rosati, J. (2012)
Electric load forecasting: an experimental comparison
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2012: 100 - 103


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Special Saddle Point Conditions for Max-Min Discrete Control Problems and
Algorithms for Determining the Optimal Strategies,

Control Applications of Optimization, Volume 15, Part 1, 12 - 13


Hu, B.; Kuhn, T.; Leopold, A.; Pickl, S.; Wellbrink, J. (2012)
Operation Contracting for Training Facilities: A System Dynamics Modeling Approach
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Acquisition Research Symposium (NPS), 381 - 389


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Determining the Optimal Strategies for Atagonistic Positional Games in
Markov Decision Processes

Proceedings of the International Conference of Operations Research
OR 2011: Selected Papers, 229 - 234


Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl S. (2012)
Adapting Sensor Networks for Surveillance and Tracking
Proceedings of the 2012 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2012, 6 - 9


Bordetsky, A.; Kropat, E.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Target-Lost: An Interception Game on Graphs
Proceedings of the 2012 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2012, 170 - 173


Pickl, S. (2012)
Simulation and Optimization of Cascading Effects - Strategic Multilayered Risk Management
"Integrative Risk Management in a Changing World - Pathways to a Resilient Society"
Extended Abstracts, 574 - 577


Cayirci, E.; Nabil, A.;  Pickl, S.; Shumaker, R.; Sullivan, J.; Tolk, A.; Wait, W.; (2012)
Defense and Security Applications of Modeling and Simulation -
Grand Challenges and Current Efforts

Proceedings of the 2012 Winter Simulation Conference, 210:1-210:15


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Nash Equilibria Conditions for Stochastic Cyclic Games on Networks,
Proceedings of the 11th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2012, Proceedings 185 - 189


Barth, R. Meyer-Nieberg, S., Pickl, S., Wellbrink, J. (2012)
A Toolbox for Operational Analysis,
Proceedings of the 2012 Spring Simulation Multiconference,
Emerging M&S Applications in Industry and Academia,

Symposium 2012-EAIA 2012,
Simulation Series Volume 44 Number 5, 102 - 109


Mihelcic, G.; Hu, Bo; Pickl, S. (2012)
A Service-Oriented Approach to Efficient Decision Support
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on
Operations Research and Enterprise Systems,

Posterpresentation at ICORES 2012,
Vilamocera, Algarve, Portugal, 215 - 218


Nuhn, E.; Kropat, E.; Reinhardt, W.; Pickl, S. (2012)
Preparation of Complex Landslide Simulation Results with
Clustering Approaches for Decision Support and Early Warning

Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS, 2012, January, 4-7, Maui, Hawaii 2012, 1089 - 1096


Löchel, A.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2012)
An Open Source Approach for a Military Situational Awareness System
Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
HICSS, 2012, January, 4-7, Maui, Hawaii 2012, 1462 - 1471


Tolk, A., Cayirci, E., Shumaker, R., Adam, N., Pickl, S., Sullivan, J.,, Waite, W. (2012)
Defense and security applications of modeling and simulation -
grand challenges and current efforts

Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference 2012: 210:1-2010:15


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Optimal Control of Discrete Processes and Dynamic Games with Discounted Costs,
Advances in Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics, Volume V,  

Proceedings of the Jochen Pfalzgraf Memorial Symposium (5th Symposium on Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics), the 23rd International Conference on Systems Research,  
Informatics and Cybernetics, InterSymp-2011, Baden-Baden, Germany, 39 - 44


Pickl, S.; Lozovanu, D. (2011)
A Linear Programming Approach for Solving the Discounted Stochastic Optimal Control Problem on Certain Networks
Proceedings of the Network and Electronic Commerce Research Conference NAEC 2011,
Riva del Garda, 20 - 22


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S.; Kropat, E. (2011)
Markov Decision Processes and Determining Equilibria for Stochastic Positional Games,
Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress 2011,
Volume #18, 13398 - 13403


Dupuy, A.; Izshutkin, V.; Pickl, S. and Tschiedel, R. (2011)
Judgment Based Analysis via an Interactive Learning Software
for Modern Operations Research Education and Training

Proceedings of the International Conference for Operations Research (Selected Papers),
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 623 - 628


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Discounted markov decision processes and algorithms for solving
stochastic control problems on networks,

Proceedings of the 10th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization CTW 2011, Villa Mondragone, 194 - 197


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2011)
Determining the optimal strategies for antagonistic positional games in markov decision processes
Proceddings of the International Conference of Operations Research
OR 2011: 229 - 234


Hu, B.; Leopold, A. Pickl, S.; Vetter, H.-R. (2010)
Is Flexibility in a Professional Career Being Rewarded?
An Agent-Based Simulation Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiagent Systems,
Robotics and Cybernetics;

The 22nd International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics
InterSymp-2010, Baden-Baden, 13 - 18


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Optimal Stationary Control of  Discrete Processes and a
Polynominal Time Algorithm for Stochastic Control Problems on Networks

International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2010.


Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Service-Oriented Architectures and Project Optimization for a Special Cost Management Problem Creating Synergies for Informed Change between Qualitative and Quantitative Strategic Management Processes
Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Volume II, 476 - 485


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S.; Schuler, M. (2010)
An Extension of a Polynominal Time Algorithm for the Calculation
of the Limit State Matrix in a Random Graph

International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems, IJCAS, Volume 25


Hu, B.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Analysis and Design of International Emission Trading Markets
Applying System Dynamic Techniques

AIP Conference Proceedings on Computing Anticipatory Systems, Volume 1303, 408 - 415


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Determining the optimal stationary strategies for discounted Stochastic
optimal control problems on networks

Proceedings of the 9th CTW 2010 Cologne Twente Workshops on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Cologne
CTW 115 - 118


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
Determining the optimal stationary strategies of players for stochastic positional games
Proceedings of the 2010 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2010, Riva del Garda, 71 - 73


Bordetsky, A.; Pickl, S., Stanikov, R.; Stanikov, A. (2010)
Decision Support for Tactical Man-Machine Networking: A Multiple Criteria Approach
Proceedings of the 2010 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2010, Riva del Garda, 66 - 71


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2010)
A Linear Programming Approach for Solving the Discounted Stochastic Optimal Control Problem on Certain Networks
Proceedings of the 2010 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2010, Riva del Garda, 1 - 3


Lewis, T., Pickl, S., Peek, B., Xu, G. (2010)
Network science (guest editorial)
IEEE Network 24/6: 4 - 5


Arto, K.; Hu, B.; Pickl, S.; Yüksel, E. (2009)
Does international emissions trading help all participants reduce income loss?
A system dynamics and agent-based simulation
Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics;
The 21st International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics
InterSymp-2009, Baden-Baden, 49 - 56


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
An Algorithm for Solving Discrete Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Time Horizon-Determining the Minimal Mean Cost Cycles in a Directed Graph.
Proceedings of CAO’09 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization.
Control Applications of Optimization, Volume 7, Part 1


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Discrete Control Problems with Finite Time Horizon.
Proceedings of CAO’09 IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization.
Control Applications of Optimization, Volume 7, Part 1


Gebert, J.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2009)
Inference of Gene Expression Patterns by Using a Hybrid System Formulation:
An Algorithmic Approach to Local State Transition Matrices.

Anticipative and Predictive Models in Science, Vol. I, 63-66


Statnikov, R.; Pickl, S.; Bordetsky, A. (2009)
Search for Compromise Solutions in Problems with Contradictory Criteria:
PSI Method and MOVI Software System

Proceedings of the 2009 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2009, Riva del Garda, 222 - 227


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Discrete Control Problems with
Finite Time Horizon-The Time Expanded Network Method

Proceedings of the 2009 Networking and Electronic Commerce Research Conference
NAEC 2009, Riva del Garda, 27 - 30


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithmic Solutions of Discrete Control Problems on Stochastic Networks
Proceedings of the Cologne Twente Workshop CTW 2009 on Graphs and
Combinatorial Optimization, Paris, 221 - 224


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2009)
Algorithms for Solving Discrete Optimal Control Problems with Infinite Time Horizon via Minimal Cost Cycles and a Game-Theoretical Approach
Operations Research Proceedings 2008 (Selected Papers),
Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 513 - 518


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Algorithmic Decision Theory within Discrete Complex Networks,
in:   Annales du Lamsade, Proceedings of the Dimacs-Lamsade Workshop
on Algorithmic Decision Theory No 9, 165 - 170


Bugheanu, R.; Dumitrascu, M.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Monitoring and Controlling an International Experiment:
Optimization of Sensor Allocation and Operations in MIO Scenarios.

Proceedings of the 2008 Networking and Electronic Commerce
Research Conference NAEC 2008, Riva del Garda, 362 - 371


Pickl, S. (2008)
Control of Biosystems
Modelling, Analysis and Optimization in
Biology and Medicine
International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technological Innovation,

Florida (USA), Short Abstract, Proceedings, 220


Dupuy, A.; Mihelcic, G.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Decision Support Management within the Analysis of Critical Infrastructures
(CRISYS- Critical Infrastructures and System Analysis):
An IT-based Integral Management of Critical Infrastructures

International Disaster and Risk Conference, IDRC Davos 2008,
Editor W. Ammann, Short Abstract, 381 - 382


Feyer, R.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S., (2008)
The Influence of Social Values in Cooperation
Operations Research Proceedings 2007 (Selected Papers),
OR 2007: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, 205 - 210


Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Interactive resource planning - an anticipative concept in
the simulation based decision support system EXPOSIM

AIP Conference Proceedings on Computing Anticipatory Systems, 255 - 265


Bayer, R.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Programm für Schülerinnen und Schüler
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2008: 1004 - 1005


Janßen, R.; Keller, W.; Matthes, F.; Pickl, S. (2008)
Anwendungslandschaften in Banken und Versicherungen
GI Jahrestagung (2) 2008: 994 - 996

D. 37

Feyer, R.; Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Pickl, S. (2008)
The influence of social values in cooperation
Proceedings of the International Conference of Operations Research
OR 2007: 205 - 210


Pickl, S. (2007)
Intelligent Networks and Security Structures (INESS) -
Strategic Management and Process Optimization within International Resource Conflicts

Advances in Multiagent Systems, Robotics and Cybernetics, 47 - 52


Hahn, H.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Interactive Resource Planning Processes and International Experiments within
Uncertain Emission Trading Markets,

Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Uncertainty in Greenhouse Gas
Inventories, International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA, Laxenburg)-
System Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 85 - 96


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2007)
Multiobjective hierarchical control of time-discrete systems and
determining Stackelberg strategies

Proceedings of the 6th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs
and Combinatorial Optimization (Twente)
CTW 111 - 114


Leopold-Wildburger, U.; Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S.; Schütze, J. (2007)
A Simulation Application for Predator Prey Systems
Operations Research Proceedings 2006 (Selected Papers), 233 - 238
OR 2006: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2006)
Multilayered decision problems
Annales du Lamsade, Proceedings of the Dimacs

Lamsade Workshop on Voting Theory and Preferrence Modelling (Paris),
No. 6, 273 - 278


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S., (2006)
Nash equilibria conditions for cyclic games with p players
Proceedings of the 5th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial
Optimization (Lambrecht)
CTW 96 - 101


Lozovanu, D.;Pickl, S. (2006)
Nash equilibria conditions for cyclic games with p players
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 25: 123 - 129


Tastan, M.; Pickl S.; Weber, G.-W. (2006)
Challenges in the optimization of biosystems II:
Mathematical modeling and stability analysis of gene-expression
patterns in an extended space and with runge-kutta discretization

Operations Research Proceedings 2005 (Selected Papers),
OR 2005: Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer Verlag, 443 - 450


Mues, C.; Pickl, S. (2005)
Transhipment and time-windows in vehicle routing
Proceedings of International Symposium of Parallel Architectures,
Algorithms and Networks I-SPAN2005, Las Vegas Nevada, 113 - 118


Tastan, M.; Ergenc T. E.; Pickl S.; Weber G.-W. (2005)
Stability analysis of gene expression patterns by dynamical systems and
a combinatorial algorithm, HIBIT

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Health Informatics and
Bioinformatics, Turkey 2005, Antalya, 67 -75


Marat, A.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2005)
An anticipatory extension of malthusian models
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computing
Anticipatory Systems - CASYS2005 Conference, Liège, 260-264


Pickl, S. (2005)
Algorithmic design and experimental evaluation of emission trading markets
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Decision Support Systems,
Experimental  Economics & e-Participation, Graz 2005, 130


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2005)
Algorithmic solutions for discrete optimal control problems on networks and
its game-theoretic extension

Proceedings of the Cologne Twente Workshop CTW2005
on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization, Cologne
CTW 84 - 89


Pickl, S. (2004)
An Algorithmic Solution for an Optimal Decision Making Process
within Emission Trading Markets

Annales du Lamsade No.3, Laboratoire d’Analyse et Modélisation de Systèmes
pour l’Aide à la Décision, Proceedings of the DIMACS-LAMSADE
Workshop on Computer Science and Decision Theory, 267-278


Deissenberg, C.; Pickl, S. (2004)
An Algorithmic Solution to the Kyoto Game
In: Yu.L. Sachkov, Ed., Generalized Solutions in Control Problems
IFAC, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 343-351


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. and  Weber, G.-W. (2004)
Optimization, monotonicity and the determination of Nash-equilibria
An algorithmic analysis Computing Anticipatory Systems:
CASYS 2003 – Sixth Int. Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, 351-361


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. and Wünschiers, R. (2004)
Genetic networks and anticipation of gene expression patterns
Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2003 - Sixth Int. Conference
AIP Conference Proceedings 718, 474-485


Ergenc. T. E.; Pickl, S.; Radde, N.; Weber, G.-W. (2004)
On the topology of generalized semi-infinite optimisation and anticipatory systems
International Journal of Computing Anticipatory Systems Vol. 15, 3 - 30


Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2004)
A special dynamic programming technique for mutliobjective discrete control and
for dynamic games on graph-based networks

Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 17: 209 - 214


Krabs, W., Pickl, S. (2004)
A game-theoretic treatment of a time-discrete emission reduction model
International Game Theory Review
IGTR 6(1): 21 - 34


Lozovanu, D., Pickl, S. (2004)
A special dynamic programming technique for multiobjective discrete control and for dynamic games on graph-based networks
Proceedings of the 12th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2004: 184 - 188


Gebert, J.; Pickl, S.; Shokina, N.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R.  (2003)
Towards DNA-Chip Analysis and discrete tomography by
inverse problems  and optimization

Proceedings of the 4th MATHMOD, Vienna. Eds.
I. Troch & F. Breitenecker. AGRESIM-Verlag, 1298 - 1302


Meyer-Nieberg, S.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Simulation eines CO2-Zertifikatenhandels und
algorithmische Optimierung von Investitionen

Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (Selected Papers) 471 - 474
OR 2012: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Gebert, J., Lätsch, M., Pickl, S., Weber, G., Wünschiers, R. (2003)
Mathematical modeling and discrete approximation in evaluation and forecasting of expression-data
Elektronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 13: 52 - 56 (2003)


Lozovanu., D., Pickl, S. (2003)
Polynomial time algorithms for determining optimal strategies
Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 13: 64 - 68


Gebert, J.; Pickl, S.; Shokina, N.; Weber, G.-W. and Wünschiers, R. (2002)
Algorithmic analysis of expression data with polyhedral structures
5 th Workshop of Similarity Methods, Proceedings, 79 - 88


Pickl, S. (2002)
An iterative solution to the nonlinear time-discrete TEM-model -
the occurrence of chaos and a control theoretic approach

Computing Anticipatory Systems: CASYS 2001-Fifth Int. Conference
AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 627, 196 - 205


Mues, C.; Pickl, S. (2002)
Pickup- and Delivery Probleme mit Umlademöglichkeit -
ein Tourenplanungsproblem aus der Automobilzulieferindustrie

Operations Research Proceedings 2001 (Selected Papers) 33 - 40
OR 2001: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.


Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (2002)
Optimal control of heating processes with special emphasis on earth warming
Operations Research Proceedings 2001 (Selected Papers) 247 - 254
OR 2001: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.


Pickl, S. (2002)   
Process-identification and optimization of technical investments with TEMPI
Operations Research Proceedings 2001 (Selected Papers) 321 - 328
OR 2001: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag


Meyer-Nieberg, S.;Pickl, S. (2001)
Simulation eines CO 2-Zertifikatenhandels und algorithmische Optinmierung von Investitionen
Operations Research Proceedings 2002 (Selected Papers)
OR 2002: 471 - 473


Pickl, S. (2001)
Optimization of the TEM Model - co-funding and joint international emissions trading
Operations Research Proceedings 2000 (Selected Papers)
OR 2000: 113- 118 Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag


Pickl, S. (2001)
Cominatorial structures of max-type functions characterizing the
optimal solution of the equivalence problem

Electronic notes in discrete mathematics 8: 72 - 75 (2001)


Pickl, S. (2000)
Controllability via an approximation problem.
Proceedings of the 3rd MATHMOD VIENNA 2000, 799 - 802


Pickl, S. (1998)
Implementation and verification of a Joint-Implementation program
62. Physikertagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft
Regensburg 1998, DPG - Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, Proceedings, 168 - 174


Pickl, S.; Scheffran, J. (1998)
A dynamic-game model of cooperation in energy and climate change 
International Conference on Supplementary Ways for  Improving International Stability.
Bucharest 1998, IFAC - International Federation of Automatic Control,  Proceedings, 38 - 41




Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Veroff, B.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2004)
Stability analysis of gene expression data with polyhedra
International Conference on Research in Computational
Molecular Biology, RECOMB 2004, San Diego,  27.3.-31.3.2004


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M., Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003)
Stability analysis of time series gene expression data
European Conference on Computational Biology
ECCB 2003, Paris, 27.-30.9.2003



Lozovanu, D.; Pickl, S. (2003)
Nash equilibria for the multi-objective control of discrete systems
First EMS – SMAI – SMF joint conference AMAM 2003
Applied Mathematics and Applications of Mathematics
Nice, 10.-13.2.2003


Preprints - Working Papers


Akhmet, M.U.; Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2004)
Algorithmic Computational Biology: Stability Analysis of Gene Expression Patterns
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Institute of Applied Mathematics -METU- Preprint No. 24


Gebert, J.; Lätsch, M.; Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W.; Wünschiers, R. (2003)
An algorithm to analyze stability of gene expression patterns
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Institute of Applied Mathematics -METU- Preprint No. 8


Akhmet, M.U.; Gebert, J.; Öktem, H.; Pickl, S. and Weber, G.-W. (2003)
An improved method for analytical modelling and anticipation of gene  expression patterns
Middle East Technical University, Ankara
Institute of Applied Mathematics -METU- Preprint No. 6


Branzei, R.; Dimitrov, D.; Pickl, S. and Tijs, S. (2002)
How to cope with division problems under interval uncertainty of claims?
Working Paper IMW Universität Bielefeld
Institut für mathematische Wirtschaftsforschung, WP No. 339
CentER Discussion Paper 2002-96


Pickl, S. (1999)
The TEM-model and its mathematical analysis - some new results.
Technical Report No. 8, IANUS TU Darmstadt
Herausgegeben anl. der 5. Vertragsstaatenkonferenz der Klimarahmenkonvention in Bonn


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (1999)
Controllability of a time-discrete  dynamical system
with the aid of the solution of an approximation problem.

Preprint Nr. 2040 des Fachbereichs Mathematik der TU Darmstadt.


Krabs, W.; Pickl, S. (1998)
Time-discrete dynamical games.
Technical Report No. 1, IANUS TU Darmstadt.


Pickl, S.; Weber, G.-W. (1997)
Generalized semi-infinite optimization: 
an iterative approach based on approximative linear
programming problems.

Preprint Nr.1884 des Fachbereichs Mathematik der TU Darmstadt.






Dynamische Systeme

I.    DGL.
II.   Transformationen

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten an: Stefan.pickl@unibw.de


Vorlesungen und Seminare (Stand 01.10.2024)

Frühjahrstrimester 2024

Data Science and Analytics
Einführung in die BI
Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR
Data Analytics and Optimization


Wintertrimester 2024

Geschichte des OR
Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR


Herbsttrimester 2023

Aviation Management
Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR



Frühjahrstrimester 2023

Data Science and Analytics

Einführung in die BI

KI und datenbasierte Optimierung

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR

Data Analytics and Optimization






Wintertrimester 2023


Data Mining und IT-basierte

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR



Herbsttrimester 2022


Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik

Aviation Management

System Dynamics

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR






Frühjahrstrimester 2022

Data Science and Analytics

Einführung in die BI

KI und datenbasierte Optimierung

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR





Wintertrimester 2022


Data Mining und IT-basierte Entscheidungsunterstützung

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR



Herbsttrimester 2021


Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik

Aviation Management

System Dynamics

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR






Frühjahrstrimester 2021

Einführung in die Business Intelligence

Data Analytics and Optimization

Data Science and Analytics

Ausgewählte des Kapitel des OR:
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung





Wintertrimester 2021

Data Mining

Geschichte des OR

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR





Herbsttrimester 2020


System Dynamics - Ausgewählte Kaptitel des OR

Aviation Management

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR





Frühjahrstrimester 2020

Einführung in die Business Intelligence

Data Science and Optimization MISS

Data Science Analytcis MISS

Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research:
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung





Wintertrimester 2020


Operations Research

Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research


Herbsttrimester 2019

Intelligence Analysis

Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research



Frühjahrstrimester 2019


Einführung in die Business Intelligence

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR



Wintertrimester 2019

Operations Research

Geschichte des OR

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR




Herbsttrimester 2018

Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik und Grundlagen des IKT

System Dynamics - Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR




Frühjahrstrimester 2018

Einführung in die Business Intelligence

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR



Wintertrimester 2018

Operations Research

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR



Herbsttrimester 2017

Aviation Management: Safety and Security

Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR


 S 2

Frühjahrstrimester 2017 Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research  S 3
Wintertrimester 2017 Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research  S 3
Herbsttrimester 2016 Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research  S 3
Frühjahrstrimester 2016 Einführung in die Business Intelligence  V 2+1
  Geschichte des Operations Research V 2
  Praktikum "OR-Entscheidungsunterstützung" RP 4
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR: Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung S 3
  Studienprojekt "Decision Support Systeme" SP 3
Wintertrimester 2016 Praktikum "OR-Entscheidungsunterstützung" RP 4
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR: Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung S 3
  Studienprojekt "Decision Support Systeme" SP 3
Herbsttrimester 2015 Aviation Management: Safety & Security  V 2
  Praktikum "OR-Entscheidungsunterstützung" RP 4
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR: Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung S 3
Frühjahrstrimester 2015 Einführung in die Business Intelligence  V 2+1
  Praktikum "OR-Entscheidungsunterstützung" RP 4
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR: Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung S 2
Wintertrimester 2015

Operations Research

Praktikum "OR- Entscheidungsunterstützung"

Seminar "Ausgewählte Kapitel der OR"

V 5

RP 4


S 2

Herbsttrimester 2014 Einführung Wirtschaftsinformatik und Grundlagen der IKT  V 3+2
  Praktikum "OR-Entscheidungsunterstützung" RP 4
  Seminar "Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung" S 2
  Studienprojekt "Soft-Computing"  SP 3
Frühjahrstrimester 2014 Einführung in die Business Intelligence V 3
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR: Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung S 2
  Soft-Computing P 1
Wintertrimester 2014 Operations Research V 3+2
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR S 2
  Soft-Computing P 1
Herbsttrimester 2013

Aviation Management "Safety & Security" V 2
  Einführung Wirtschaftsinformatik und Grundlagen der IKT V 3+2
  Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung S 2
Frühjahrstrimester 2013 Einführung in die Business Intelligence V 2+1
  Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie (gemeinsam mit Prof. Brucker,
Prof. Krüger)
V 1
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR S 2
  studiumPlus Seminar "Starnberger Studien" S 2
  Spieltheorie: Einführung in die mathematische Theorie strategischer Spiele V 3
Wintertrimester 2013 Operations Research V 3+2
  Diskrete Optimierung
(gemeinsam mit Brucker)
V 1
  Experimental Design and Analysis V 1
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR S 2
  Geschichte des OR S 2
Herbsttrimester 2012 Aviation Management
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Brucker, Dr. Wellbrink)
V 1
  System Dynamics V 2
  Adaptive Decision Support Systems: Aviation Management P 4
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR S 2
  Geschichte des OR V 2
  Algorithmic Engineering V 2
  Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik V 3+2
Frühjahrstrimester 2012 Einführung in die Business Intelligence V 2+1
  Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie (gemeinsam mit Prof. Brucker,
Prof. Krüger)
V 1
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR S 2
  System Analysis and Strategic Planning RP 4
Wintertrimester 2012 Operations Research V 3+2
  Diskrete Optimierung
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Brucker)
V 1
  Experimental Design and Analysis V 1
  Ausgewählte Kapitel der OR S 2
  OR und Entscheidungsunterstützung RP 4
Herbsttrimester 2011 Aviation Management: Safety & Security (gemeinsam mit Prof. Brucker,
Dr. Wellbrink)
V 1
  System Dynamics
(gemeinsam mit Dr. Pratsini)
V 2
  WINF: Soft Computing P 4
  Ausgewählte Kapitel des OR:
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung
S 2
  Geschichte und Ethik des OR V 2
Frühjahrstrimester 2011 Optimierung
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Gerdts)
V 2+2


Wirtschaftsinformatik 4:
Einführung in die Business Intelligence

V 2+1  


Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie (gem. mit Prof. Brucker, Prof. Krüger)



Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research:
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung

S 2


Praktikum Operations Research - Entscheidungsunterstützung


Wintertrimester 2011 Operations Research

V 3+2


Data Mining und Entscheidungsunterstützung

V 3+2  


Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research -
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung

S 2


Praktikum Operations Research - Entscheidungsunterstützung

P 4


Geschichte des Operations Research -
Informatik trifft Literaturwissenschaft

V 2

Herbsttrimester 2010 Algorithm Engineering (ORIII)
(gem. mit Dr. Pratsini)

V 2+1


“Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research-
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung”

S 2


Geschichte und Ethik des Operations Research

V 2


Masterprojekt Wirtschaftsinformatik "Soft Computing"


Frühjahrstrimester 2010 Optimierung

V 3+2


Wirtschaftsinformatik 4:
Einführung in die Business Intelligence

V 2+1


Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie
(gem. mit Prof. Brucker, Prof. Krüger)

V 1


Praktische Philosophie und Operations Research - Studium Plus Seminar

S 2


Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research:
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung

S 2


Praktikum Operations Research - Entscheidungsunterstützung

P 4


Studienprojekt IT-basierte Entscheidungsunterstützung

SP 2


Masterprojekt Wirtschaftsinformatik "Soft Computing"


Wintertrimester 2010 Data Mining und Entscheidungsunterstützung

V 3+2


Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research -
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung

S 2


Praktikum Operations Research - Entscheidungsunterstützung

P 4


Geschichte und Ethik des Operations Research -
Welche Verantwortung hat die moderne Wissenschaft - Studium Plus

V 2

Herbsttrimester 2009 Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research -
Aspekte der modernen Entscheidungsunterstützung

S 2


Praktikum Operations Research - Entscheidungsunterstützung

P 4


Geschichte und Ethik des Operations Research

V 2

Frühjahrstrimester 2009 Einführung in die Business Intelligence



Seminar "Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research"

S 2


Studienprojekt "Experimentelle Ökonomie"
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Morasch)

SP 2

Wintertrimester 2009 Geschichte und Wissenschaftstheorie des Operations Research

V 2


Seminar "Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research:
System Dynamics Business Intelligence"

S 2


Praktikum "Smart Decision Support Systems"

P 4


Studienprojekt "Experimentelle Ökonomie"
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Morasch)

SP 2

Herbstrimester 2008 Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik

V 2+1


Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research -
Experimental Design and Exploratory Analysis

V 3+2


Computational Intelligence

S 2

Frühjahrstrimester 2008 Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie



Organisation und Informatik bei Finanzdientsleistern:
Decision Support Systems and Architectures

S 2

Wintertrimester 2008 Operations Research und Mathematische Programmierung OPERA

V 3+2


Geschichte des Operations Research



Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research:
Organisation und Informatik bei Finanzdienstleistern -
Business Process Engineering and Optimization
zus. mit Dr. R. Schmidt

S 2

Herbsttrimester 2007

Einführung in die Wirtschaftsinformatik

V 2+1



V 3+1


Ausgewählte Kapitel des Operations Research: Spieltheorie ACERS

V 3+1


Frühjahrstrimester 2007

Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie SYZE

V 2+2


Computational Intelligence CAIZO

P 4

Wintertrimester 2007

Operations Research und
Mathematische Programmierung OPERA

V 3+2


Seminar zu ausgewählten Kapiteln des OR:
Organisation und Informatik bei Finanzdienstleistern -
Financial Engineering and Business Intelligence
zus. mit Dr. R. Schmidt

S 2

Herbstrimester 2006

Tourenoptimierung und Netzwerkoptimierung

V 3+1


Seminar zu ausgewählten Kapiteln der militärischen Systemanalyse
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. R Huber)

S 2




Sommersemester 2006
Karl-Franzens-Uni Graz

Experimentelle Prozess Optimierung  (EXPO)
im Rahmen des Doktorandenkollegs
Gastvorlesung an der Karl-Franzens Universität Graz

V 1




Frühjahrstrimester 2006

Systemplanung und Netzwerktheorie (SYZE)

V 2+2


Computational Intelligence and Optimization (CAIZO)



Datenstrukturen und Datenorganisation

V 2+1


"Wissens- und modellbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung in
sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen"
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. R. Huber,  Prof. Dr. A. Karcher)

V 2

Wintertrimester 2006

Operations Research und Mathematische Programmierung (OPERA)

V 3+2


Seminar zur Vorlesung OPERA

S 2


Operational Analysis Seminar im Rahmen des
Postgraduate Programms
"Information Operations-Competitive Intelligence", Lisbon (gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. R. Huber)

V 1

Herbsttrimester 2005

Ausgewählte Kapitel der diskreten Optimierung



Seminar zu ausgewählten Kapiteln der diskreten Optimierung



Seminar zu ausgewählten Kapiteln der militärischen Systemanalyse
(gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. R. Huber)





Sommersemester 2005
Karl-Franzens-Uni Graz

Betriebswirtschaftliche Optimierung



Frühjahrssemester 2005
Uni Bw München

Unternehmensforschung II



Vorlesungen und Seminare an der Universität zu Köln


SS 2005

Ausgewählte Aspekte der Optimierung (Scheduling-Probleme)


WS 2004/2005

Optimierung und Auktionen II



Optimierung und Auktionen II


SS 2004

Algorithmen zur Verkehrsoptimierung und Verkehrslenkung


Springsemester 2004
University of New Mexico

Algorithms and Data Structures II


WS 2003/2004

Optimierung und Auktionen



Informatische Probleme im Management spurgeführter Verkehrsmittel


SS 2003

Mathematische Grundlagen einer ökonomischen
Spiel- und Investitionstheorie



Optimierung in der Touren- und Standortplanung


WS 2002/2003

Optimierungsverfahren und Algorithmen der Datenanalyse -
Clusterverfahren, Kernel Methoden und Support Vector Maschinen


SS 2002

Optimierung von Biosystemen


WS 2001/2002

Mathematische Methoden der Bioinformatik, zus. mit Faigle, Schrader



Mathematische Methoden der Biologie, zus. mit Müller (Uni Tübingen)


SS 2001

Ausgewählte Kapitel der kombinatorischen Optimierung in der Bioinformatik


WS 2000/2001

Diskrete Strukturen und Algorithmen der Bioinformatik




WS 2001/2002

Lineare Algebra I, Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Faigle

SS 2002

Lineare Algebra II, Dozent: Prof. Dr. U. Faigle


Hochbegabtenkurse auf Schloss Wesseling


Thema: Diskrete Optimierung und Graphentheorie
mit Prof. Dr. U. Faigle, Prof. Dr. R. Schrader


Thema: Kodierungstheorie und Kryptographie
mit Prof. Dr. U. Faigle, Prof. Dr. R. Schrader


Vorlesungen und Seminare an der TU Darmstadt

WS 1994/1995


Interdiziplinäres Modellierungsseminar, mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, IANUS

WS 1995/1996


Interdiziplinäres Modellierungsseminar, mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, IANUS

WS 1996/1997


Interdiziplinäres Modellierungsseminar, mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, IANUS

WS 1997/1998


Interdiziplinäres Modellierungsseminar, mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, IANUS

SS 1997


Werkstattgespräch Analysis, mit Prof. Dr. G.-W. Weber

SS 1998


Projekt "Diskrete Mathematik und Topologie",
mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, Dr. G.-W. Weber

SS 1999


Projekt "Diskrete Mathematik und Topologie",
mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, Dr. G.-W. Weber

WS 1999/2000


Seminar "Diskrete Mathematik und Optimierung"
Seminar "Höhere Funktionentheorie und angewandte Analysis"
mit Prof. Dr. W. Krabs, Dr. G.-W. Weber

WS 1998/1999


Didaktische Tutorenschulung für Übungsgruppenleiter im Fachbereich Mathematik



Didaktische Vorbereitung auf die Vordiplomsprüfungen - E


Teilnahme an Konferenzen - Organisationstätigkeit



Pickl, S.
Internationales Kolloquium über Anwendung der Mathematik zum Gedächtnis an  L. Collatz
The   τ-value as a Control Parameter in a Joint-Implementation Model
Hamburg, 4.7. - 5.7.1997


Pickl, S. and Scheffran, J.
IFAC - Conference "Transition to advanced Market Institutions and Economies"
Control and Game-Theoretic Assessment of Climate Change - Options for Joint-Implementations
Warschau, 18.7. - 21.7.1997





Operations Research
Systemtheorie und Systemanalyse
Analyse und IT/Service-orientierte Prozessoptimierung
Diskrete Strukturen und Optimierung
Algorithmische Verfahren
Entscheidungs- und Spieltheorie
Strategisches Management



Intelligent Reachback Information System (IRIS)
Smart Analytics Resilience Architecture (SARA)
Experimentelle Prozess Optimierung (EXPO)
Critical Infrastructures and System Analysis (CRISYS)
Multilayered Games on Networks (MILAN)
Intelligent Networks and Security Structures (INESS)
Joint International Emmisions Trading (JET)
Technology Emmisions Means Process Indentification (TEMPI)



Herausgeberschaft - Gasteditor / Coeditor


Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Editorial for the Proceedings IHSED 2019 (Munich)
2nd International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trend and Applications (Springer Verlag)
zus. mit Ahram, T., Karwowski, W., Taiar, R.


Business Infromation Systems Engineering 61 (3) 2019
"Data Analytics and Optimization for Decision Support"
zus. mit Bein, W., Tao, F.


Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,
Volume 10, 2019
"Intelligent Computing and System towards Smart Manufacturing"
zus. mit Bo, T., Liao, T.W., Tao, F.


Central European Journal of Operations Research,
Volume 15, Issue 3 anl. EURO XXI Conference 2006 (Iceland) “Operations Research for a Better Management of Sustainable Development”
zus. mit Weber, G.-W., Zachariasen, M.


International Journal for Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Volume 155, Issue 14 anl. 3rd Cologne-Twente Workshop 2004 (Lago di Como)
on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
zus. mit Faigle, U., Liberti, L., Maffioli, F.


International Journal for Discrete Optimization
anl. 3rd Cologne-Twente Workshop 2004 (Lago di Como)
on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
zus. mit Faigle, U., Liberti, L., Maffioli, F.


International Journal for Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Volume 154, Issue 9 anl. 2nd Cologne-Twente Workshop 2003 (Twente) on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
zus. mit Faigle, U., Hurink, J.


International Journal for Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Volume 136, Issue 2-3 anl. 1st Cologne-Twente Workshop 2001 (Cologne) on
Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
zus. mit Faigle, U., Broersma, H., Hurink, J.


Reader "Modell und Verfahren des Operations Research"
anl. der Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. W. Krabs






Bundesverband für Emmisionshandel und Klimaschutz


Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung


Gesellschaft für Operations Research


österreichische Gesellschaft für Operations Research


Verein für Socialpolitik


Sozialwissenschaftlicher Ausschuss der Vereins für Socialpolitik

Mitglied der DMV-Arbeitsgruppe  „Diskrete Mathematik und Optimierung“  

Mitglied der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe „Entscheidungstheorie und -praxis“

Leiter der GOR-Arbeitsgruppe  „Optimierung von Biosystemen“



1999 - 2001

Ernst-Schröder-Zentrum für Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung









Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. George Leitmann
University of  California at Berkeley

Inaugural George Leitmann Lecture


Dipl.-Phys. Nicole Radde
Universität zu Köln

Hierarchical Bayerian Conference
of Gene Regulatory Networks


Dr. Christian Forst
Los Alamos National Laboratory

A Dynamic Model of
Mycrobacteria Tuberculosis
DNA repair


Dipl.-Math. Jutta Gebert
Universität zu Köln

Modelling biochemical networks
with piecewise linear differential


Justitiarin Juliane Koch
Universität Bonn
Deutscher Hochschulverband

Einführung von Bachelor und Masterstudiengängen im Rahmen des  Bolognaprozesses
Rechtliche Voraussetzungen und Rahmenbedingungen - Risiken und Entwicklungspotentiale


Dr. Eva Stumpf
Universität Würzburg

Hochbegabtenfrühförderung in
Bayern / Deutschland
Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung
"Universität der Ideen"


Staatssekretär Andreas Storm
Jahreskolloquium der Fakultät für Informatik

"Excellenz in Forschung und Lehre -
die Universitäten als Ideen- und
Talentschmiede für den
Innovationsstandort Deutschland"


Dr. Jörg Fliege

The University of Birmingham

Multicriteria Optimization -
The State of the Art


Dipl.-Math. Solveig Mimler
Universität Karlsruhe
EIfER - European Institute for Energy Research

CLIMAGY - Climate & Energy
Adaptive Strategies for Recent Climate Trends


Dr. Benno Rothstein
 Universität Karlsruhe
EIfER - European Institute for Energy Research

ANKE Anpassung an Klimawandel
Mathematische Analyse von Lastenkurven


Prof. Dr. Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Experimentelle Untersuchungen von Lotka-Volterra-Systemen


Dr. Hans-Georg Zimmermann
Corporate Technology Siemens AG

Vorhersage von Energiepreisen und
 Analyse von Märkten


Prof. Dr. Gustav Feichtinger
TU Wien, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften

Optimale Kontrolle von Populationsdynamiken


Dipl.-Math. Christopher Mues

Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg

Die Bedeutung der Tourenoptimierung in der Werkslogistik bei VW Wolfsburg


Dr. Hans-Georg Zimmermann
Corporate Technology Siemens AG

Neuronale Netze


Dr. Ulrich Halbritter
Mathematisches Institut
 Universität zu Köln

Hochbegabtenförderung in Deutschland


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bein
University of Nevada Las Vegas,
CASA-Center for the Advanced Study of Algorithms

Greedy Algorithmen:
Ein aktuelles Problem der Optimierung?


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bein
University of Nevada Las Vegas,
CASA-Center for the Advanced Study of Algorithms

Online-Algorithmen und das K-Server Problem


Dr. Silja Meyer-Nieberg
Universität Dortmund

Genetische Algorithmen


Dipl.-Math. Christopher Mues
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg

Pickup- and Delivery Systeme

